Wait a minute guys, don't put my story off story alert yet. There's still more in this story I hadn't finished yet or there would be on the top "complete", but you don't see it huh? Here's the Epilogue and my work here is now done. Review please!!

A few years had passed since that day. My dad is now saving the Earth more often and I had the whole state of Indiana and Ohio have a new amendment that stated that all ghosts are now equally our citizens and had more states to go. Mom also gave birth to a son named Donny, who is by the way a pest. I even have a new boyfriend and you won't believe who he is. Ben Foley. I guess we've grown too close I guess. Although, something happened this day that was non I could imagine in the Ghost Zone.

"Great, we're lost again," complained Ben.

"Come on Ben, I have the map right here. We just pass through this swirling place and we're . . . oh wait, that's a thumb print," I said looking at my dad's map.


"Would you please stop shouting, you're sounding like your mother?" I glared as I sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry, I guess I'm just frustrated that this isn't getting us anywhere," sighed Ben.

"I know," I smiled.

"You need any help?" Asked a woman.

She was older, maybe around late thirties or mid. She had long white hair down her back, some white pants, a green blouse exposing her belly, yellow eyes, and tanish skin. She looked so familiar.

"Oh, hello Miss. Do you know where my dad's ghost portal is? I got lost and . . ." I asked.

"You just go to your right and keep going," told the ghost woman.

"Thanks, who are you?" I asked.

"An old friend of your father's. When you see your mother, tell her that I do forgive her," smiled the woman as she gave a wink and disappeared.

"Who was that?" Asked Ben.

"I don't know, but she looked so familiar," I said as we both left, "but what did she mean by telling Mom that she forgives her?"

You see the ghostly woman smiling at the two kids as she floats to a forest realm. She keeps her smile and then makes the tree branch give her a step and brings her up the tree.

"She has grown so much and Danny is moving on finally. I'm still waiting for him, but then again, he's already happy with his new wife, but I'll always be his first," smiled the woman.

Later on I found out she was my real mother.