Hi there, all you Labyrinth lovers! This is my first Labyrinth fic
(I typically write for Sailor Moon...) but I love this movie so
very much that I decided to give it a shot. Enjoy and don't forget
to review! And all you Coville fans and 80's children, see if you can
catch the refrences!

Disclaimer: Insert hilarious and witty disclaimer here. Lyra is too
tired to think one up.

Between Dreams and Reality
by Lyra Matsuoka
Rated PG-13

Chapter 1: How She Sparkles

The King of the Goblins had draped himself rather artistically
over his throne. He was expecting a visit from a very important guest,
and he wanted to be certain that he made the right impression. To
amuse himself, Jareth whipped out a crystal and practiced twirling
it in his fingers and around his hands. He didn't understand it, but
that trick always impressed those who attempted his Labyrinth, and
it was fun to see them follow his crystal with their eyes. A gentle
chime reached his ears, and Jareth stopped twirling the glassy orb.
His eyes shifted toward the door as he waited for his visitor to make
her enterance. He was not disappointed.

The double portals opened slowly, silently, and magestically. A
silver mist billowed through them, brightening everything it touched.
Through the mist, a distant sillohette could be seen walking gracefully
toward the King of the Goblins. Jareth waited, shielding himself from
the rather annoying mist. He watched closely, unimpressed.

From the mist came a being with four delicate legs, a flowing
silver mane, and a sweeping tail. A mortal would have called this creature
a horse, for few mortals would see the luminous sheen of the coat, and
fewer would catch a glimpse of the silver horn which spiraled from the
creature's forehead. The unicorn stood regally in Jareth's throne room,
staring at him. Jareth stared back. The unicorn regarded him calmly, and
finally tossed its head and reared back on two legs, letting out a
delicate whinny as it did so. The mist which had been cleaning Jareth's
throne room flew back to its origin, spiraling around the unicorn until
the magnificent creature was hidden from sight. Jareth watched, a slight
smirk on his sculpted mouth.

With a puff, the mist vanished. Where the unicorn had stood mere
moments before, there now stood a woman of indeterminate age. Calf length
silver hair hung loosly around her body, and royal blue eyes regarded
Jareth with sparkling humor. A faerie garment of sapphire silk wrapped
around her body in the style of the ancient Greeks, silver stars were
embroidered on the fine fabric. On her forehead, a nine pointed star
shape shone like the full moon.

"Skydreamer," Jareth inclined his head respectfully. The unicorn
smiled regally and gestured. The mist returned, forming a comfortable
armchair. The woman gazed at it, and flopped down, dangling both legs
over one arm. Her silver hair spilled over the other arm, creating a
waterfall of magic.

"My, my. The Goblin King and The Unicorn. What *will* people say?"

Jareth shrugged and the unicorn trilled a laugh.

"Your Majesty," the unicorn filled her tone with sarcasam, disdaining
his title, "I confess to a bit of curiosity. In all the centuries since the
Guardian of Magic created the faerie folk, none have ever dared call upon the
Unicorns. What could possibly drive you to such a descision? What can a
unicorn do that the Goblin King cannot?"

Jareth smirked at the unicorn, whose lips were curved upward. Both knew
very well that since the dawn of time, the unicorns had possessed a powerful
magic that remained unsurpassed by any other force. Purity and light were the
basis of a unicorn's power, and it had always been so. Where a unicorn stepped,
flowers grew and birds sang. It was always spring where they lived, and their
calming influence and wise words were sought by all the faerie folk.

Jareth bowed slightly, and the unicorn's smile became genuine.

"I've missed you, Luster."

"And I you, Jareth. You don't come around Summerhaven very often. Why
is that, I wonder?"

"I'm not sure my strength of will holds up to your grandmother's. Every
time I'm there, Amalthea Cloudsculptor manages to get hold of me and lecture
me about my kingdom, my subjects, and the weather."

"The weather?"

"I don't understand it myself. I have no control over the weather."

"I believe you. Well, now that you have me here what are you going
to do with me?"

"I need a favor."

"Why does that sentence strike fear into my heart?"

Looking perfectly innocent, Luster smiled again and crooked her finger.
Jareth's crystal flew towards her with deadly speed, and landed with a light
smack in her lovely hand. Long fingers balanced the crystal as Luster stared
into its depths. When she looked up, her eyes were alight with mischief.

"I believe I shall make a note of this. Perhaps I will lobby to have it
declared a holiday. The mighty Jareth, King of the Goblins and inventor of the
impenetrable Labyrinth, has fallen in love."

Jareth twisted his fingers and a bolt of lightning shot in the window,
nearly singing Luster's hair. Luster didn't even stop looking into the crystal
at the disterbance.

"Stop that. I'll turn you into a snail, I swear to the Guardian I will.
Title and kingdom be damned."

Several moments passed while Luster observed the crystal in silence. Jareth
waited for her to finish, knowing what she was witnessing. Finally, she looked
away from the crystal, her eyes thoughtful. Jareth searched them carefully. No
pity, just reflection and a hint of admiration

Luster stood up and glided toward Jareth. He rose and met her halfway.
Luster looked up at him and cupped his cheek. The sigil on her forehead was
glowing slightly.

"She wouldn't have you?"

Jareth glanced away.

"Well, you never were one for subtlety. A piece of advice. When trying
to capture a woman's attention, do not kidnap a member of her family and subject
her to thirteen hours of torture. Just a thought."

Luster offered Jareth his crystal and he accepted with a snarl. Luster only
laughed, undaunted by the expression on his handsome face.

"Save that expression for someone who bows and scrapes to you. It is
utterly wasted on me."

"More's the pity," Jareth grumbled.

"What part do I play in this melodrama? You must be desperate to be
calling on unicorn magic to assist you. I thought our morals and ethics
made you ill."

"They do. So does your relatives annoying habit of talking in rhyme.
But you aren't most unicorns, Luster."

"It is horrid of you to remind me of that fact. My relatives can
manage that end of my affairs quite nicely. I don't need it from my friends,
thank you very much!"

Luster walked to the window and gazed out on the Labyrinth. Goblins
scampered in the city, and she could see the twisting paths of the mighty
maze. Jareth walked over to her and stood behind his friend. She didn't
look back at him.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to offend you."

Luster shook her head, silver hair gleaming. "Trivial, really. I chose
this path. I will simple have to walk it without complaint. The road less
traveled, to quote a mortal poet, is not nearly as alluring is it may
first seem. Remember that."

"I do. I learned the hard way, as you will recall."

Luster nodded, and the two friends gazed on the Labyrinth in
silence. Goblins ran screaming through the streets, throwing rocks and
various other objects at each other. Jareth waited patiently, aware that
his friend was turning matters over in her mind, evaluating consequences.
Finally she spoke.

"Are you certain, Jareth?"


"It will be difficult. And there will be no going back."


"Are you always so damned calm?"


Luster turned and reached for Jareth's hands. She smiled brightly.

"Well, no time to waste. Let's get to work!"

Four hours, a meal, and a bit of arguing later, Jareth and Luster had
devised a plan. Luster wasn't entirely comfortable with it, but that didn't
matter much. She had offered to help, and Jareth knew that she would assist
him, no matter the cost.

Luster extended her hands, and a silver light grew between them. Jareth
called a crystal into being. Smiling at each other, the two immortals tossed
their magics into the air with precision. When they met, a popping and
hissing could be heard from the air. Silver and crystal vanished completely,
and a new object fell from the air. Luster caught it and examined it
critically. A silver crescent moon with the runes of binding and love on
one side, and a sideways eight on the other was suspended on a chain. It
was a match for Jareth's in every way save the runes. His runes were for
magic and power. Jareth toyed with his pendant, watching as Luster examined
the magically created object.

She said nothing. As he watched, Luster threw the object into the air.
It vanished in a shower of glitter which dusted Luster's hair and clothing.

"Aboveground it goes. And I go with it."

Jareth nodded slowly. His plan was in motion, and now that he had
acted on his impulse, he found himself wondering if it was really the wisest
thing to do. Luster seemed to sense his turmoil, and winked at him.

"Things are rarely permenant, and not always as they seem. If events
don't go as you have planned them, think of them as a passing dream."

Jareth rolled his eyes. "Rhymes?"

Luster grinned at him, and vanished. Blue, gold and silver glitter
sprayed out from where she had once stood. Jareth walked over to observe
the pattern, and was little surprised to note that the glitter had settled
in the shape of a spiral alicorn. Shaking his head at his Luster's sense
of humor and her dry wit, Jareth swept out of his throne room. All he
could do was wait. For now.


Well, yeah. Not the most dramatic beginning of all time, but I'll see what
I can do for the next couple chapters. Review, please! And if you really
want to, you can email me at

[email protected]

Peace, Love and All That Jazz,