Author's Note

Well, that's it, the end of my story – I hope you liked it. I want to thank you for reading it and especially for reviewing! And if you, after unwrapping your presents and eating Christmas-cookies, have some minutes to spare, I'd really like an overall review: What do you think about the whole story? Which parts/characters did you like? Where do you see room for improvement? Please tell me what you think and brighten my holiday!

You might have noticed that there are some loose ends in this story: What did Sirius smell? Did Lily or Tara notice Sirius' (unintended) allusions to Remus' 'furry little problem'? Did you? And what will happen when Tara learns about it?

If you're interested in the answers to this questions, look out for the upcoming sequel Sirius-ly In Love (not very inventive, I know, but I like it): James, Lily and Sirius (and maybe Remus and Tara as well, I've not yet decided …) go to the Potter-mansion over Christmas … more Marauder's fun is granted!

Lastly, you might also have noticed that my story has not been beta-ed, and, as I'm no English native-speaker, there certainly are a lot of mistakes (only recently I realized the difference between sight and sigh – but you have to admit that's a tricky one!  ). So if you are interested in beta-ing my next story, please contact me!

But the most important thing: Please review! Thanks.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you