Yeah, yeah, I know it doesn't all rhyme, but just go with it, baby.

WARNING: COULD BE (and probably will be) INTERPRETED AS YAOI GOODNESS (so non-followers should probably back away…unless you want to happify your het-centered minds)

Disclaimer: Nope, I'm right-handed.

I think I really love you.

I wish you loved me, too.

It's wonderful feeling this happy

It's all so new and sweet.

You make me feel so excited and ecstatic

Although you'd never know it

Since I try my hardest not to show it.

I get so psyched up

That it's hard to go to sleep

And easy to wake up

Because I know it's you

I'll get to see and fight with later.

I am happy, finally.

Even if it's only for a little while, I am happy.

In spite of all that has happened

I have the ability to be happy still.

You make me happy, Yuki.

I know the Cat should hate the Rat

But I love you

I can't help that.

So from this newfound fountain

I will drink my fill

Because in spite of all that has happened

I have the ability to be happy still.

(A/N: I cried while I was writing this. That's how fricken mushy I am. Pathetic, I know.)

You don't have to review, but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside when you do…