Till the end of time

A/N: This is dedicated to talkingCinematic who is an AWESOME friend!  Woohoo! Well, it's probably going to be a two or three shoter.  So, hope you like it:D


Nick's POV

I laid down on my bed, picking up my song book with my rough ideas. I opened the small book to a page I had been working on for a few days, it was taking so long to work on. I knew how I felt about Miley, I always had… It's just, for once, writing the words down into music and song was harder than telling her and screaming my feelings out to the world.

I read over what I had written so far, this is how it went:

'There she goes again…

The girl I'm in love with

It's cool we're just friends

We walk the halls at school

We know it's casual

It's cool we're just friends…'

It meant so much to me to write this… God, so much. I just wish it was easier, you know?

I thought about today's events, thinking that they might help me write this song.


Miley walked towards me after school while I was leaning against the brick wall of the school, thinking of the exact girl that approached me.

"Nick?" she asked, sounding nervous. I turned my face towards her beautiful self, and thought about how honored I was to even be in her presence. She looked as stunning as ever today.

"Yea, Miles?" I said, using her old nickname.

"I need to talk to you about something, I just need the truth" she said, looking scared and serious.

"It's all I'll ever tell you, Mile" I said, smiling. How wrong was I?

"Well… you see, there's this rumor going around, and people are saying t-that-t…' she said, fidgeting with her thumbs and looking at her feet. Oh my Jonas, she was so cute when she was nervous-wait! I always think she's cute! I'm loosing it!

"Well… people are saying that… you love me-as more than a friend" she stuttered. WHAT?! PEOPLE FOUND OUT?! I wanted to scream 'YES, MILEY RAE STEWART! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING, AND SOMEDAY I WANT TO MARRY YOU!'

But, my mind didn't follow my heart, and self-consciously I said "No, of course not, Miles…As a friend" I smiled at her. It was all fake. Every time I denied that my feelings for her were more than platonic.

Miley actually looked a little putdown, but said "Kay, thanks, Nick… I just wanted to hear the truth," she said. Yea, right-hear the truth straight from me. "I know I can always count on you for that," she smiled sadly, or maybe I was just imagining it. "You're an awesome friend," she said before hugging me.

That one word hit me like daggers in my heart. 'Friend.' Yea, some friend I was, lying to the girl that I'm hopelessly in love with. I felt sparks when she hugged me, I knew she didn't feel the same way, but whatever. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, and picked her up and spun her around.

Miley laughed, and I wanted to cry right there. Why? Why did I have to be such a wimp? Why did she have to be so perfectly perfect?

End Flashback

'I don't wanna lead you on…

But the truth is I've grown fond…'

I wrote, smiling like the idiot I was. I decided I'd use that as the pre-chorus, now all I had to do was write a few more verses and the chorus, and I'd be done!

'Everyone knows it's meant to be…'

I wrote again before sitting up and sitting on my computer chair and logging onto MSN.




I frowned as Lilly and Oliver started harassing me about lying to Miley.

OOO: hey

Oliver went on to add Lilly to the conversation.

Lilay: hey dudez

MrJ: hey guiz...

OOO: so…whats up?

Lilay: ntm, hbu, nick?

MrJ: nothn… why..?

OOO: Oh, no reason…


OOO: its tru, dude

I laughed to myself as I grabbed my song book, getting more ideas as I spoke to Lilly and Oliver.

'Everyone knows it's meant to be,'

I wrote, grinning as I did. The chorus for Miley's song was beginning.

MrJ: but she doesn't love me!

I typed, making up excuses.

OOO: srry guyz, gtg… mom's doing man voice. lilz, talk some sense into nicky 4 me.

MrJ: lol, bye oliver.

Lilay: u kno i will… bye

OOO appears to be offline.

Lilay: nick, how do u kno she doesnt feel the same way..?

Crap. How was I supposed to answer this?

MrJ: she sure doesnt act like it!

Lilay: ur point? u dont act like u luv her, so why should she act like she really luvs u? u 2 are meant for each other!!!

Oh my Jonas! Lilly was plain genius! I continued writing in my song book:

'Falling in love, just you and me

Till the end of time…'

This was going perfectly! In no time I'd have my song finished. I beamed at the messy handwriting in the small booklet.

MrJ: i cant get her off my mind, lilly.

Lilay: maybe she cant get u off hers, either

'Till the end of time

Till I'm on her mind...'

I think this is the way to show Miley my feelings… I think this is the best song I've ever written. Right there, I promised myself that I would make sure that I'd make it so Miley wouldn't be able to get me off her mind, whatever it took. I'd do anything to know she loved me half as much as I love her.

'It'll happen…

I've been making lot's of plans

Like a picket fence and a rose garden'

MrJ: Lilly?

Lilay: mhm..?

MrJ: iv been dreaming about her.. and it scares me how much i care about her.

Lilay: ull get 2gether if u keep working on it i bet

'I just keep on dreaming…

But it's cool

Cause we're

Just friends'

Right then, I finished the chorus for Miley's song… But I couldn't call it that… Just friends, maybe? Not sure… While I was thinking about this, a popup went on my computer screen. It read

Miles has signed on.

Of course, Lilly added her to our conversation, and left.

Lilay: oh! oops! srry, gtg! have fun ;)

Miles: Oh! Bye, Lilz!

MrJ: ya…bye

Miles: hey, nick

MrJ: hi, Mile

Miles: whtz up?

MrJ: ntm..u?

Miles: ntm.

'Small talk on IM…

Just one word sentences…'

I wrote. After about a half hour of random conversations, Miley had to go.

'If I had my way,

We'd talk and talk all day'

I finished writing the second verse, and decided to leave it there for the night, since it was coming up on midnight… I decided to also put the chorus there, but to write one more verse.


A/N: Hey, guys!  So, there will probably be one or two more chapters… Will Niley ever be?

Also, I need some extra couples for a certain chapter…





Oliver&Oliver (the author! lol)

Oliver&OC (If you want this to be you: describe your appearance, age, personality and all that jazz)


Rowan&Kevin (you know who you are!)


Mikayla&Jake (they deserve each other!)

Thanks for reading! 