Midnight Swim

She jerked awake with a strangled sob, her sweat covered body tangled in her bed sheets. Running a trembling hand through her long raven tresses as she sat up, the woman turned her dark azure eyes to the digital clock at her nightstand.

With a groan, Kamiya Kaoru untangled her creamy legs from the silk sheets and swung them over to land on the summer warm wooden floor.

The red numbers on the nightstand informed her it was nearly midnight, and past experience told her she would not be able to sleep for a few hours.

Walking out of the room, she grabbed the fluffy pink bathrobe lying near the door and pulled it on over her 'Cant sleep...the clowns are out to get me!' green T-shirt.

She went on autopilot through the living room and into the kitchen. Her whole apartment consisted of a bathroom, a bedroom, a combined living room and kitchen, a tiny storeroom, and a balcony.

It was small, but for Kaoru it was perfect. She never liked big empty houses anyway.

Fishing a glass from the cabinets above the kitchen unit, she turned on the sink and let the water run until it was cold enough to satisfy her.

Turning of the sink once the glass was full, she let her bare feet guide her out onto the balcony overlooking the small pool area that was shared between three apartment buildings.

Welcoming the cool breeze caressing her face, she leaned against the railing and took a sip of the water in her hand.

Chugging down the rest of the water in a hurry, Kaoru though it was the perfect weather for a late night swim. The sky was bright with stars and a fat full moon, there was barely any wind, and the temperature was surprisingly hot for the lack of sun.

Setting the empty glass in the sink, Kaoru went back into her room and stripped off her bathrobe, t-shirt and thong. Replacing them with a blue bikini and a camouflage mini skirt.

Grabbing a fluffy red towel from the cabinets beneath the sink in the bathroom and throwing the dirty clothes in the laundry basket, she headed out the door and stopped to wait for the elevator.

The building contained five floors, Kaoru lived on the fourth. She never bothered with the stairs if it could be helped.

Three minutes later found Kaoru sitting on the edge of the pool, her towel and skirt thrown carelessly onto one of the sun beds.

She lowered herself navel deep into the water before letting go of the edge and plunging under the water. Surfacing for oxygen, she dully noted that the water reached her just above her breast, leaving the rest of her body under the lit water.

After swimming a few laps back and forth, she rested her arms on the pool edge and let her lower body float around as it wished underneath her.

Kaoru released a content sigh and rested her head in her hands, closing her eyes and enjoying the peace and quiet.

She wasn't aware of how much time passed as she dozed off and on. She didn't register the quiet feet padding toward her. Didn't hear the sound of a light thud as something hit neighbor sun-bed to the one with her skirt and towel.

But she did, however, feel the featherlike fingers on her forearm.

Feeling a shriek ripping out of her throat, her sleepy blue eyes jerked up to clash with laughing amber.

"Excuse me, miss. I didn't mean to startle you."

She exhaled shakily, feeling her heart in her throat. "No, it's okay. I was just a little gone." She smiled at the man.

He grinned back at her and sat down on the pool edge. "Do you mind if I join you in here?"

Kaoru laughed and let her eyes roam his lean body. Damn fine. "You know what they say: the more the merrier!" He slid into the water to stand beside her. "I don't think I've seen you around here before." Kaoru said with a thoughtful look on her face.

The red head had never broken eye contact. "Yeah, I just moved in a few days ago." He lifted an arm out of the water and pointed at the building Kaoru lived in. "Fourth floor, right end apartment."

Kaoru giggled. "Weird, you would have thought I'd notice getting a new neighbor! Kamiya Kaoru." She held out her hand. "Ever need anything, just bang on the wall and I'll know."

His amber eyes widened in pleasure. He took her smaller hand in his callous one and shook it gently. "Himura Kenshin." He held her hand a little longer than necessary, bringing a blush to Kaoru's cheeks.

"So, you settled in yet, Himura-san?" Kaoru asked, trying to start a conversation as she swam backwards away from the man in front of her.

"Please, just Kenshin." He told her and followed her through the water. "I know next to nothing about this town, and I still have to pack up around half of my furniture before I'm free to start exploring and look for a job."

"Really? I could help you. I know my way around pretty well, and I can lift heavy objects if you should want any help unpacking." Kaoru offered.

"Thank you, Kamiya-"

"Kaoru." Kaoru insisted.

Kenshin flashed her a knee weakening smile, fortunately for her gravity didn't have much of a say when you swam around in a tiny pool. "Kaoru, thanks for the offer, it would be greatly appreciated."

They swam around for quiet a while, making small talk and some times just swimming around in a comfortable silence.

An hour later, they parted ways in front of Kaoru's apartment door with a quick promise of seeing each other the next day.

As Kaoru changed into a comfortable t-shirt and panties, she couldn't help but smile as Kenshin came to mind.

He was nice, extremely sexy, smart, single, and seemed interested. No way was she going to let this guy walk away without taking a shot.

She woke the next morning by her doorbell echoing loudly. Moaning, she quickly changed into a pair of gray drawstring pants and a black tube top. Jogging to the door, she opened it to find a grinning Kenshin outside.

"What time is it?" She groaned and ran a hand through her messy hair.

Kenshin's grin turned sheepish. "Sorry, it's only 8:30 am. I know I should have come a little later, but I made breakfast. But I didn't want to eat alone so I thought I'd ask you to join me."

Kaoru smiled sweetly at him, flattered by his actions. It would be impossible to stay mad at this guy if he used that face every time he got in trouble with her.

"Of course, I'd love to join you." She replied. "Just give me a sec to freshen up a little." She motioned for him to wait inside the door.

He nodded and moved to close the door behind him. He watched her as she walked away with observant eyes. The amber brightening a little as they landed on her swaying hips and firm ass.

A minute later Kaoru walked out of the bathroom feeling better. With brushed teeth and hair, deodorant, and a little mascara and eyeliner adorned her eyes.

Kenshin's face lit in a smile when he saw her. He bowed playfully as she neared and offered his arm.

Kaoru giggled and hooked her arm with his.

Hours passed as they unpacked. So far they had unpacked the bedroom (Kaoru had fun unpacking his boxers and folding them nicely into his closet until Kenshin found her and told a laughing Kaoru to help with something else while he took over the task himself) and living room, they were halfway through the kitchen. Kenshin had done the bathroom a few days before.

The sun was setting when they decided to stop for the day. Exhausted and hungry, they plopped down on the couch as Kenshin called and treated her to Chinese takeout.

"They'll be here in twenty minutes." Kenshin said and grabbed the remote control, turning on the TV. "Hope you don't mind the wait." He apologized.

Kaoru waved it away dismissingly, feeling content sitting so close to him. She could feel the heat rolling off his body, could even smell the familiar scent of ginger and mint she had quickly learned to associate with Kenshin.

Turning her attention to the TV, she snorted at the commercial for the new cinema movie. "That's a horrible movie." She commented.

"So then I guess you wouldn't go see it with me?" He asked grinning, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"No." Kaoru giggled. "But I heard that Blood Diamond is pretty good."

Kenshin laughed.