Standing on the rooftops screaming my heart out
Randy was on the rooftop of the arena leaning on the edge.
He was here as always, thinking as always, alone as always…
The night had grown darker like the stars refused to shine in his emptiness.
He bent his head, his sign for surrender. He has lost hope. He then looks up and it starts to rain.
He didn't get out of the rain. He just stood there and tilted his head towards the sky as its tears showered his face. He like the rain because it cried for him. Weakness was never something he wanted to show especially to himself.
"This is so pathetic" He told himself.
"It's not pathetic baby" someone said from behind.
"Damn it Cena!" Randy screamed and leaned on the edge again. John leaned beside him.
"Oh come on Orton, stop beating yourself up over this … Just tell Maria you love her already you pansy"
"You know I can't do that"
"Why not?"
"You don't get it do you Cena … I can't tell her I love her because…"
"Because you're an ass"
"No! Ass … because I'm afraid she won't say it back"
"So? It's better than staying up here and putting on this pathetic display" John said looking down at the road now. John smiled.
"Scream that you love her and tell her how it feels"
"Scream Orton!"
"I love Maria! She is my every waking moment! My air! The only reason I smile! … I LOVE her! … So are you happy now Cena?!?!?!!?!"
"No … but she might be"
Randy looked down at the road and saw Maria on the sidewalk with her mouth wide open and frozen in place.
"Oh shit"