Here By Me

Takes Place In Season 2

It's about Peter coming back with Nathan to see Claire and it ending in a longer stay because Sylar is still alive and out to kill Claire, so Peter has to live with the Bennet's to protect her. It's also going to be a non-realated paire fic, not that i'm against incest or anything. As Peter protects her he begins to develop feelings for her because he sees her in a totally different way now and Peter's and Claire's recent closeness sparks lots of jealousy from West. It will be very anti-West. Also, plz forgive my spelling and feel free to to criticize it as its my first fic and I don't know if i'm any good at writing.

Sorry guys that this chapter was so late again, you can say it I suck.

Chapter 10

The future isn't Written in Stone

Morning came and the sun reflected on Peter's face causing him to stir wide awake, he looked down to find Claire's naked body lying comfortably on his chest, he didn't want to wake her but he couldn't resist fiddling with her golden hair through his fingers. A little while after she woke up as well, 'Hey' Claire smiled looking in Peter's eyes.

'Hey yourself' Peter kissed the top of her forehead lightly. Then Claire jumped at the sound of a car engine.

'What's that?' Peter wasn't relaxed anymore. Claire got off Peter and looked outside her window, it was her dad! He must have come home early! Claire quickly turned around to face Peter, 'My dad! You have to get out now!' Peter immediately jumped out of Claire's bed scurrying for all the items of clothing he had shed last night.

'He wasn't meant to come back today.'

'My Dad's always been unexpected.'

Claire then heard the front door unlock, Peter could see the fear in her eyes, he couldn't help but always read her thoughts and the thing she was afraid of the most was Peter getting caught by her dad, and her dad forbidding Peter to ever see Claire again.

'Do you have everything?'

'Yes, and you should get dressed too, and also no one will ever be able to keep us apart anymore, Claire, you have to know that.' He kissed her passionately to reassure her, and let his lips linger there for awhile then before Claire knew it he had disappeared again in his invisible mode.

'Claire, sweetie, are you up yet?' her dad knocked on the door. Claire looked around at her clothes still lying everywhere on the floor, she didn't have time to put everything on so she made sure her panties were safe under her bed and as fast as she could she pulled up her pyjama pants and did up the buttons on her pyjama top just as her dad opened the door.

'Sorry, I was still sleeping.' Claire admitted to her dad and waited for a response to see if he was buying it. Then Claire watched as her dad's eyes surveyed her bedroom.

'You must have had quite a night last night.'

Claire panicked; could her dad already know that she had slept with Peter?

'What do you mean?'

'Well look at your bed Claire, no wonder you were still sleeping when I got home, bad dreams?'

Claire let out a sigh of relief, 'I really don't remember. So… how was your business trip?'

'Good, went well actually.' Noah wasn't lying this time, the person Mohinder and Noah had met up with was able to give them the information he needed on Sylar.

'Okay, well I better get ready for school.'

'Yeah you shouldn't be late.'

'By the way dad I wanted to ask you something.' Claire was always so scared of her dad no matter what guy it came to.

'What is it?'

'West wanted to know if I could help him study today after school for this maths test we've got coming up.'

'Fine, but you have to be home before dinner.'

'Thanks dad.' Claire went up to Noah and gave him the usual Claire bear hug.

'Okay well I'm just going to go get something to eat, I'm starved.' Noah headed for the kitchen.

'Peter you look happy this morning.' Noah noticed the bright grin on Peter's face as he entered the kitchen.

'Really?' Peter knew why, he had the most amazing night of his life with Claire last night, he really resented Noah for retuning back so early and making Claire jump out of Peter's arms so quickly but he couldn't be more happier at how well things had been going between him and Claire. He knew no that she loved him and trusted him more then anyone else in the world.

'Yeah, anyway when you have a moment, I've got some news to share with you about what happened at my um.. business trip.'

'Sure, I'll meet you in the study in 10 minutes?' Peter wanted to rush off and quickly talk to Claire about last night, just to make sure that she felt the same way as he did about last night.

'Make it 20, I'm gonna drop Claire off at school since I have the day off today.'

Peter's face dropped, he really wanted to see her again before school and he couldn't bare to already be apart from her.

Claire then entered the kitchen dressed in her cheerleading outfit, 'I'm ready dad.'

'Okay let's go.' She looked over her passed her dad, and she had the same look on her face as Peter. They couldn't be with each other again now, even though they really wanted to. Claire wandered if it would always be like this, if they'd always have to be hiding their relationship. Claire followed her dad out the door and took one last look at Peter and then she hoped Peter would be able to read her thoughts, 'Peter, I love you and just so you know last night was truly the best moment from my entire life.'

And that's all Peter needed to know. Peter realized this would always be a problem for them; he'd never get to be alone with Claire whenever he wanted to.


As soon as Claire arrived and class and saw West, then she realized she forgot to tell Peter the most important of all, what she was doing after school. Her dad knew and was probably going to beat her to it now, Peter would think that she was lying to him behind his back; she didn't want to ruin things between them now that they were so perfect.


'Sylar's in town again, the person Mohinder and I met up with found out Sylar's still killing people around here to gather more powers, he's just very quick and good at doing what he does.'

'That sun of a bitch, I should of killed him when I had the chance.'

'Don't blame yourself Peter; you saved Claire, that's all I really care about.'

'Noah I don't think Claire should go to school anymore, Sylar could attack her at any moment there, she should stay here and let us protect her. I can locate Sylar then and finish him off myself.'

'Are you sure your ready to take Sylar on?'

'I don't really have a choice, I have to be ready.'

'We'll have to wait until dinner then to get Claire out of school.'

'Why is Claire coming back home so late? Sylar could attack her at any minute. We have to start..'

'She's staying back late at school to study on some test with West, so she won't be back until after that.'

'And how is she getting home.' The were no other words to describe what Peter was feeling better then pissed off. What was Claire still doing just hanging out with her ex boyfriend without even mentioning it to him? Was something going on between them behind his back? But that wasn't the real concern he had, if Claire walked home alone from school it would increase the chances of her being vulnerable from another attack by Sylar, and even if she walked home with West it wasn't much better, there was no way he could protect Claire with just his flying ability, he had to go and drag her out of school even if Claire would get mad at him thinking Peter couldn't trust her around other guys.

- - -

When Peter arrived at Claire's school he still couldn't shake off his fury, and he didn't want Claire to see him look mad but he really thought that after last night Claire would have been able to trust him completely. He finally decided to head to the library but to his surprise Claire and West were nowhere in sight. Would they have gone to his house? Would Claire really lie to her dad and go to West's house instead? Peter tried Claire's cell, he waited and it went to message bank. Claire wouldn't have her phone turned off, she knew how much danger she was in, then the thought hit Peter that maybe West was one of the bad guys but her really didn't know if he was just thinking that way out of jealousy, he decided to call Noah and this time he was going to tell him the truth about West's power.

- - -

'So we're just getting your books then going back to the library?'

'Yes, Claire that's it. God you must think I'm so stupid for leaving them at home.'

'No West its fine, except I'm normally the forgetful one.'

'So what'd you get up to last night?' West asked casually, Claire immediately blushed as soon as he asked her. She remembered last night so vividly but it looked like she couldn't really talk about it to anyone but Peter.

'Just watched a movie, what about you?''

'Tried to do to study more on this test I'm apparently going to fail.'

'You won't West, not with my help anyway.'

The kept walking down the foot path and Claire grew a little uncomfortable in the area they were walking in, it was completely deserted. No cars, no people, almost no sound barely.

'Claire what's wrong?'

'Is this street always so empty?' She asked West half afraid, something didn't feel quite right.

'Relax Claire, this area is always quiet I'm used to it.'

'Okay.' Claire still thought something was wrong she kept looking around everywhere for some sign of anyone.

'My house is just around the corner, I'll be right back.'

'Can't I come with you?' Claire didn't want to be alone right now and she had always wandered about West's parents.

'Is it okay if you wait out here? My parents are kind of worse then your dad.'

'And all that talk about how I had to tell my dad about you, well I'll have to get you back one day.' Claire winked at him.

'I'll hold you to that.' Then West left Claire completely alone in the deserted street.

As soon as she heard West's door slam start she was startled by another presence, one that she couldn't see. She walked further down the street the opposite way from West's house searching for whatever might also be there with her.

Then she heard a sigh right behind her, her head turned slightly to meet Peter standing right in front of her.

'Why the hell did you just creep up on me like that, have you been here the whole time?'

Claire sounded pissed off, she probably thought her new boyfriend was stalking her also now.

'Well?' Claire stood with her hands on her hips waiting for an answer.

'Don't get mad but…. there's something I've been keeping from you.'

'What is it? Peter you know you can tell me anything?'

'When I was unconscious from that virus I had this dream and it was more like some premonition of the future, I've had one of these dreams before and it almost came true. Anyway, your dad he hasn't been being completely honest with you either. Mohinder and him are working to bring the company down…..'

'And you're telling me this now?' Claire looked out outraged at Peter, even though Claire may of lied about going to see West, Peter was holding so much more from Claire.

'Wait, there's more. Your dad discovered this painting that was drawn before Isaac was killed. It shows us I think and your dad….and my dream was of that painting.'

'What was in the painting Peter?' Claire yelled, she needed answers she still couldn't believe the only person she could trust had been lying to her for so many weeks and her own dad again!

'You were fine but your dad, he .. didn't look so good and my dream showed something else.

'Peter, stop trying to protect me I've been through enough to handle the truth.'

'In the painting your dad was..' Peter didn't want to say dead to scare her so again he lied 'he was pretty badly hurt, and in my dream he was again but you were………..killed right in front of me and I couldn't stop it.'

'Oh, Peter.' Claire knew that Peter wasn't trying to hurt her by not telling her the truth sometimes it was better just not knowing it, she rested her head on Peter's chest and he held her for a moment.

'But why were you here following me then, why did you have to be invisible?'

'I was trying to find you because your dad and I thought you might be in trouble, and that's when he told me you were with West at the library.' It was Peter's turn to be angry now.

'Peter, I forgot to tell you about that. After what happened last night then in the morning we were just so rushed and I didn't have time to say anything.'

'It's okay Claire.' Peter sighed, 'But when I didn't find you guys at school I thought about it and the thing is I don't think I trust West around you, we hardly know him, you don't even know who his parents are and look where he bought you, so I followed you to make sure you'd be safe.'

Claire pulled away from Peter stepping back completely, 'Are you jealous is that it? I can't believe you'd say something like this about him, all he can do is fly, don't you think if he wanted to kill me he would have done it long before you came here.'

'Of course I'm not jealous, well maybe a little he is you ex boyfriend but this has nothing to do with that, your dad has me convinced more then ever that he is more of a threat to you then you realize.'

'Peter does my dad know about what West can do, did you tell him?' Claire pressed Peter for an answer, she was already angry enough at Peter right now.

'Claire I had to tell him, he kept asking me these questions a couple of weeks ago and now it kind of makes sense, Sylar can't be working alone and..' Peter looked sheepishly at Claire, would she buy his pathetic excuse?

'Peter I want you to leave.'

'I'm not going anywhere, and I'm definitely not leaving you alone with him, weren't you listening to everything I just said, aren't you afraid that my dream or that painting that was drawn could come true.'

'The future isn't written in stone Peter, and I don't like you very much right now.'

'I wasn't around to save you in my dream so there's no way I'm leaving you until I know Sylar is out of our lives for good.'

'Fine!' Claire yelled at him. 'At least me go tell West why I have to leave all of a sudden.'

'Whatever.' Peter sighed again while he watched Claire leave but then he noticed she stopped walking and just stood still.

'I just remembered I can't go inside.'

'Oh and why is that?' Peter spoke sarcastically.

'Because he doesn't want me to meet his parents just like I didn't want him to meet mine.' Claire glared at Peter.

'So I guess we'll just wait.'

'I guess so.' Then Claire just faced the house looking away from Peter.

Ten more minutes went by and finally Peter broke their silence. 'He's been in there awhile Claire, may be he forgot about you.' Peter immediately regretted saying that as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he couldn't believe how childish he was acting.

Claire began to argue with Peter yet again, 'you know what……… Dad?'

Peter turned around and saw Noah's car, what was he doing here and how did he know where West lived?


'What are you guys doing here, I thought Claire was meant to be at school?' Noah asked really surprised.

Peter answered for her in a smug tone, 'She waiting for West to get his school books for the library.'

'Claire.' Noah said her name as if he was mad at her, 'Why aren't you at school, Claire this lying has to stop you didn't even tell me that West had a power.'

Claire then glanced over at Peter felt betrayed then looked back at her day, 'I thought you said you'd stop lying to me dad as well, aren't you working to bring down the company with Mohinder? More lies!'

Peter stepped in and tried to be the rational one, 'Look who cares about who lied about what, what are you doing here Noah?'

'Mohinder gave me a lead on where….sy..' Noah stopped mid sentence realizing what he was about to say. He didn't really want Peter to know how foolish he was being going up Sylar alone.

'What the hell Noah, you saw the painting why would you go to him alone!'

'Well Peter maybe you should check you messages on your phone, I didn't want to risk loosing his whereabouts with Claire's life at stake.'

'Claire we have to get you out of here now.' Peter panicked, Sylar could be watching them anywhere through a window or around the corner just waiting to launch an attack on Claire.

'Peter go fly her out of here, I'll be waiting.'

'I saw what happens in that painting there's no way in hell your staying here alone, and please don't tell me you brought a gun.'

'Well you think I was going to come with nothing Peter? Fine how does this flying thing work?'

'Well that's what I'd like to find out.' Peter, Claire and Noah all turned there heads to see a smug looking Sylar with a evil smile forming on his lips.

Sylar immediately used his telekinesis to eliminate the weakest person there, Noah. Noah's face met the cold had brick wall and as soon as he hit the floor Claire could see her dad's blood running down on the cement floor.

'Dad?' she yelled with tears pouring on her face, she tired running to him but Sylar stopped her holding her standing still with his power. It was almost like he had paralyzed her.

'Let go of her now' Peter cried out he then telekinetically flung Sylar to the floor and Claire fell on the floor as soon as she was out of the paralysis Sylar had put her under, Peter immediately rushed to her side to make sure she was okay. Then Noah used this chance to try an aim for Sylar's head with his gun, Sylar would be probably too weak now to use Noah's gun against himself. Noah was so very wrong, as soon as his bullet left his gun he saw Sylar's eyes flicker open and his evil grin spread on his face again and Sylar was able to fling his hand and direct the bullet back towards Bennet, but Bennet knowing what Sylar was aiming for moved his position so the bullet hit his hip instead. At least he had less of a chance dying this way.

'Dad, NO!!' Claire screamed louder this time, what Peter told her about the painting was coming true, she should have taken Peter more seriously and never followed West back to his house, everything was all her fault, her dad on the verge of dying. If she had of let Sylar just take her brain no one else would have to hurt anymore. But it was too late for that, and all she could feel was the rage and anger building up for Sylar, how he had no remorse for killing anyone even her friends just to get to her.

'Now it's your turn Claire Bear.' Did Sylar just call her Claire bear? Only her dad was allowed to do that, Claire lunged a Sylar and punched him hard in the face, but then Sylar grabbed her arm and twisted it back, and Claire screamed in agony. Peter cringed, his hands gripped tightly together, he was mad, Sylar hurt his girl and he wasn't gonna get away with it. Then Peter did something unexpected something he didn't know he could do quite yet, a surge of electricity shot through Peter's hand instantly shocking Sylar's entire body. Sylar was forced to let go of Claire, he wasn't strong enough to do anything right now. Then Peter took this opportunity to come close toward so that he could touch his arm, then Peter turned nuclear his body lit up but he was controlling his power so that it only effected Sylar, Sylar looked like he was literally on fire, Sylar was glowing as well as Peter, except Sylar looked like he might spontaneously combust at any moment. Peter was able not to let the radiation effect himself because of Claire's powers but Sylar couldn't handle it despite him having picked up this power also, his body just wasn't built to contain that kind of power.

'ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!' Finally Sylar was hurting and Peter was the one with the evil grin. And without a moments notice Sylar exploded into a million little pieces. It was finally over, well almost over, it was almost like Kirby plaza was happening all over again Peter hadn't stopped glowing Claire noticed and what was even worse was that she could see Peter was trying too. Was it too late? Had Peter let his power take him over too much?

Okay this isn't originally how I intended to end the chapter but oh well I think I just wanted to finish at least chapter if I made this chapter any longer I was going to die!

Next chapter title- Chapter 11: Forever Isn't Long Enough (interesting…)