Okay. This is the final instalment of the 'Woodblock's Homework' series, so I'm gonna try to make it the best one.

Part 3 of this story is about 5 things that the crew love, and why they do. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own it. But if I had my way . . . :)

"Troy, stop mucking around!" Gabriella warned him. "Ms Darbus and Mr Woodblock only went outside for one second, what if . . . ?"

"Stop worrying, Gabi!" said Troy smoothly.

He was dancing on his desk comically, and Chad was watching for the teachers through the window of the door, with the class egging them on.

"Troy, stop showing off." huffed Sharpay. "For once, you're worse than Chad!"

"Shush you," said Troy, annoyed. "Everybody keeps talking at me!"

"I know dude, it's like everybody's trying to get in your head. You need to listen to your own heart talking!" grinned Chad.

"Shut up Chad," scolded Troy. "What do you know of such things?" Chad turned to face him for a second.

"Right back at'cha dud. When I shout that the teachers come back, you won't get down quick enough. Your ass is gonna get busted!"

"He's right." said Taylor. "Can you get down quick enough?"

"You can bet on it!" replied Troy, but as soon as he said it, Chad yelled and everyone got back to his or her seat, while Troy didn't have the faintest idea what the heck was gong on.

"What the-" he started. The classroom door opened.

"Troy, get down!" hissed Sharpay and Kelsi in unison. Troy tried to, but his laces got caught on a bit of splintered wood from his desk, and he crashed to the floor . . . as Ms Darbus and Mr Woodblock walked in . . .

"Woah man," hushed Chad, "That sounded so painful!" Ryan snorted loudly.

"Bolton!" barked Ms Darbus angrily, and Mr Woodblock was also not pleased.

"Troy, I don't know what game you're playing, but it stopps right now. Yes?"

Troy nodded as he picked himself off the floor, amidst sniggers.

"Shut it, you lot!" frowned Kelsi. Chad was the person setting everyone off, as usual.

Ignoring everyone, and not even waiting for Mr Woodblocks cue, Kelsi stood up, and began to read.

What do I love?

1. Composing. It's puts me in such a peaceful frame of mind.

2. Kittens. They're so cute!

3. My Parents. They've looked after me my whole life, after all!

A huge amount of shuffling was done, and Kelsi paused. "What?" she frowned.

"Nothing!" said Jason quickly. "It's just . . . I didn't put my paents on my list . . ."

"Um . . . ditto," grinned Gabriella awkwardly.

"And me," said Sharpay and Ryan at the same time. Kelsi raised an eyebrow, and carried on.

4. My Charm bracelet. It was the last birthday present I ever got from my Grandma before she died, and I always wear it.

"Aww," Taylor covered her mouth with her hands, as she spotted the bracelet on Kelsi wrist, like everyone else was doing. The room was deadly silent.

Kelsi paused, and blushed a bit before reading the last one. The room was silent already, so she needed a lot of courage for this . . .

5. Ryan Evans. He's awesome!

Everyone went wild, and hanted for Ryan to read his. So, also a bit flushed, he stood up . . .

What do I love?

1. Hats. Nothing further said.

Giggles at this statement.

2. Mint Ice Cream! Oh yeah baby, that's stuff's toxic.

More giggles.

3. Sharpay. As annoying as she is . . . she's my sister, so ya know.

Sharpay rushed to Ryan, and gave him a sloppy, family kiss on the cheek. Ryan, smiling grimly, wiped it off, much to everyone's amusement.

4. MORE Mint Ice Cream! I told you it's addictive. I had to write it twice!

Ryan glanced up at Kelsi, who was watching him intently. When he caught her eye, she smiled sweetly.

5. Kelsi! She's so sweet!

"YAY!" the class shouted, waving and banging on desks loudly, and Kelsi and Ryan hugged each other.

"See, Tay!" grinned Chad, "It's not just me."

"What the hell are you on about, Chad?" Taylor shook her head, smiling.

"Well, I knew they liked each other from the beginning." nodded Gabriella.

"How did you know, anyway?" asked Troy.

"Body Language, clues in their homework . . ." Gabriella shrugged.

"Body language?" snorted Ryan. "It's not like I was doing a funky dance behind Kelsi, pointing to her!"

"No, I mean-" but Gabriella's voice was drowned out by the loud laughter emitting from the mouths of everyone in the class. "Fine." She said huffily.

"Woo, me next! I can't wait." said Chad, and Taylor grinned as she glanced at the clock. They only had about twenty minutes of this period!

Yeah! I hope you liked that for the first Chappie of '5 things I like'! The chapters will be shorter now, because at the beginning, it was 20 points for each person, then 10, now 5.

Please review to let me know what you thought!

Star x x x