Title: Mediocre
Author: BluesyEyes
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, only the idea for this story. This is a result of being incredibly pissed from something that happened more than a year ago and me finally telling someone about it. Let's just say a little application to my own life today.
I hate the word, hate the way it makes me feel so worthless in comparison to you. You said that about me, remember? While we were training, while I was busy trying to be what I wanted to be. You compared me with the others, my best friends, and made them my enemies. You called me mediocre, anything but ordinary, inconspicuous and relatively boring. Do you have any idea what that means to me? You are my teacher, my elder, my leader, my everything and you call me mediocre.
How degrading is that? I have the best control over my abilities and yet, mediocre is all that comes out of your mouth. I've grown the most, keeping my emotions hidden and my love only tucked in a safe in the corner. Yet, still, all you say is mediocre.
Why? I've worked so hard. Is it because of my age? Is it because of what I did to you? Is it because I sometimes poke fun at your lack of emotions that make up for your extreme talent? I'm joking. Can't you understand? I...
I don't know. I'm angry that you call me mediocre when I'm anything but. I'm angry that you can't see past my childish mistakes and see the person, the individual that I have become.
I am anything but mediocre. I am talented, and I have personality. A personality that can make you run for your money. Even you've been at a loss for words when I talk to you. So why mediocre? Why the senseless degrading?
I don't understand you and I don't understand the way you make me feel.
You know I'm not ordinary. I see it in your eyes. Sometimes, when you look at me with that heavy lidded, one eyed gaze, I feel as if I'm the only person in the world, then when you smile it's meant just for me. Don't try to apologize. You said I'm mediocre! Middle! Medium!
Sometimes, you touch my shoulder in a way that isn't just the regular way – the teaching way. Sometimes it's a graze, a lingering for something more. Sometimes, you're eyes say something your mouth doesn't. Like I'm mediocre.
When you say it, do you think it too?
I'm shallow when I say this, but you're mediocre. You criticize on age, sex and maturity. You don't look at the person who has become but, instead, the person who they were. You can't look back that one image to embrace the beauty that has bloomed.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I suppose I'm lost too.
Maybe we're both insignificant and everyone else... everyone else is just... mediocre.