Written by Lionhart280

Rating: M Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with possible strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language.

Words: 650

Based upon: Deathnote

Chapter 8 : L

"So let me get this straight," L spoke through a mouthful of cake, "You intend to tell me that through writing the name of a person in a book, this, "Death Note," as you call it, one can kill anyone?

Misa nodded, "Mm-hm!" She leaned forward, "Please L, they're going to kill me any moment now!"

"Relax Mrs. Amane-Kun, We've already taken care of it. If they haven't killed you yet, they never will," she blinked, surprised, "I had a few agents destroy every scrap of paperwork concerning you."

She sighed, "Thank you!" and gave hima quick peck on the cheek. L looked surprised and put a hand on the spot.

"Um… You're welcome. Now Light…"

Light glanced up, "Yes?"

"Do you have any idea as to how we can find and locate this cult?"

Light shook his head, "Up until now, I've never even heard of this Kira cult… All I know is the building where I found Misa."

L nodded, "We searched the place, but it has been abandoned. We're guessing Kira has moved to a new hideout," L stuck his fork into a chocolate dipped strawberry, which he promptly popped whole into his mouth.

"You know you shouldn't eat so much junk food, it makes you fat…" Misa spoke crossly, glaring at the sweets spread out on the table before L. There was a moment's pause, before L glanced down at himself briefly.

He then stood up and posed sideways in front of Light, "Yagami-Kun, do you think I'm fat?" he spoke.

"Um…" Light stammered.

L blinked, "Be truthful, please, I can take the truth…"

"You look fine L…" Light glanced to the side.

L leaned forward and frowned, "You're lying Light-kun! I can tell. You do think I'm fat, don't you?!"

"Wh-What!?" Light leaned backwards, this guy was crazy!

"L, you're not fat, now shut up already," Misa snapped at him.

L glanced her way, "You were the one to bring it up in the first place Misa-Chan. Let's get back to business you two!" He plopped back down on the chair, in that strange way of sitting he seemed fond of involving both knees being drawn up to his chin.

"I'm going to have to think about this one for awhile. I've never had a case quite like this before… "

They nodded, "Where are we going to stay until then?" Light spoke, glancing about.

"I've booked the entire three floors for us. You can pick rooms of your own on the floor above," He motioned towards the elevator.

"Yeah, I don't think it would be a good idea for my son to go out in public with the simple sight of his face the only weapon a murderer needs to kill him…" Light's father spoke for the first time the whole meeting.

"What about my studies!?" Light cried out.

His father gave him a level stare, "You're life is much more important than a test mark. Besides we both know skipping a month of school won't even phase your final mark."

Light sighed, "Fine…"

L then stood up, "So it is decided, you two will stay here."

They nodded and stood up, "Guess we'll go find our room…" Misa spoke, hauling Light towards the Elevator.

"Wait, room? We're sharing?" Light blinked as she drug him along.

"Well you don't expect me to be able to sleep alone when I might die at any second?" Light gaped.

"I guess not-"

"Good! Come on!" Misa drug him into the elevator, while L shook his head and ate another chocolate covered strawberry.

"Watari, turn on the cameras for the upper floor, this may be fun to watch…" L laughed.