Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, New Moon, Or Eclipse. Nor to I own Phantom of the Opera.

All was good on the day of Halloween in the Cullen household. Esme was happily whipping up cupcakes, candies, and other goodies for the children of Forks in the Kitchen. Emmett and Jasper were outside, decorating the white mansion with expensive Hollywood Halloween decorations while ocasionly tackling eachother playfully. Rosalie and Alice had happily dragged a kicking and screaming Bella to the mall to costume shop. And last, but not least, Carlisle was sitting comfortly in his office, reading a thick, leather bound book. Everyone was joyous on this Hallow's eve.

Except for Edward.

Edward had been grumpy and depressed since Rosalie Alice merrily skipped off with his Bella. Hunched over, Edward played his grand piano furiously, the music dark and sinsister. Suddenly, his own fingers began to play a famliar tune. He began to hum along softly, slowly growing louder untill he was singing along with the music his fingers played.

"In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And do i dream again
For now i find
The phantom of the opera is there
Inside my mind

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The phantom of the opera is there
Inside your mind

Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear

It's me they hear

My spirit and your voice in one combined

The phantom of the opera is there

Inside your mind

He's there,
The phantom of the opera
The phantom of the opera

In all your fantasy
You always knew
That man and mystery

Were both in you

And in this labyrinth
Were night is blind
The phantom of the opera is


Inside my mind

He's there, the Phantom of the opera."

Right then, Edward began to wail like Christine. He was so wrapped up in his music, Edward didn't even notice Jasper and Emmett had entered the room. They both had their hands pressed up againsts their mouths, attempting to surpress their laughter. Edward soon finished his lovely song with an insane high note. He flopped down onto his piano, panting slightly. If he was human, he most deffiantly would be sweating.

"Wow Edward, That was..." Jasper said, trying to hide his laughter.

"So gay!" Emmett yelled out, bursting out into a giant fit of laughter. Jasper joined him, and they both were soon rolling around on the floor holding their gut. Edward instantly sat up, growling angerly at his two brothers.

" Like you two could do any better!" Edward huffed, pouncing onto the two brothers. A fight soon ensued, and many a wall and vase were broken.

"Boys! What have you done to my beautiful home?!" Esme screamed, running out of the kitchen that was overflowing with goodies.

"Oh God..." Jasper gasped, freezing as Esme's voice reached his keen ears.

"Run!" Emmett cried out, scampering up from the grounnd and running full speed towards the front door. Jasper and Edward looked at eachother, then soon followed their brother. Nothing, was worse than the wrath of Esme.

I'm considering making this story more than a one shot. Please review and tell me weither I should keep this a one shot or continue it. Thanks!