Alright! Here we go! I know I know, I write Ouendan a lot... but I LOVE EBA. Their little dances are so cute and sexy... I'm sorry, but I love EBA more than Ouendan now...
I actually finished the game before I finished this story... and this isn't all that GOOD... I was mostly testing out the characters' emotions, personalities, and whatnot. At the moment, I have backgrounds for them, but their personalities are very... loose and stuff. I hope to make more and show off more of their amazingness.
The story originally came from the song "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", by Charlie Daniels. Originally I had images of J outrocking the Devil himself to save his soul and win a microphone of gold or whatever. Hahaha. It eventually changed to something a little less... SUPER Devilish, and turned instead to a female Demon. We need more female OCs getting the crap beaten out of them anyway.
Hardest person to write for? SPIN. Gah Spin stop talking in your Ebonics. I can't do it well and still keep this in a K10 setting... If anyone has any pointers about that (or anything else, I might add...) please help me out. I want to improve in various dialects to bring you the best stories ever!
Anyway... READ ON!
Danger was hardly ever around the corner for BA-5, AKA Agent Spin. It was his job to jet pack or drive recklessly into a certain location, leap out of nowhere, and start singing directly into his microphone. It was nice to do what he loved: singing to inspire and help people in need. Because he was a singer rather than a fighter, he hardly ever got into any scuffles with anyone, and he couldn't be happier, as he was never much of a scrapper.In fact, during the moment, he (along with BA-3, AKA Agent Morris, who had happened to join him halfway on his journey to his mission), Agent Spin was doing just that, singing and dancing for a young high school student who was too scared to stand up to the local bully. What made Spin nervous about the mission, however, was not the bully but the target. The target, Kyle was actually a member of Spin's actual persona, Phillip Jackson's, class. After the mission ended (successfully, of course), the Kyle stepped forward to shake the hand of the teenager in shades, "Thanks so much for your help, Agents!" He said with a smile. Spin tried not to sweat too hard, "Hey… you remind me of someone…"
"Gotta go…!" Spin said suddenly, motioning for Morris to follow, "We're outta here, let's go, BA-3!"
"Keep up your work and stay in school!" Morris said, giving the student a "thumbs up" and following the heated Agent off, "What's up with you, Spin?"
"Nothing! Who said I wasn't feeling well?" Spin asked, grasping at his tie to give himself more air. He suddenly felt so hot! After that was finished, he pulled a small cube from his pocket. He pressed a tiny button it and it immediately expanded into a large jet pack, "Meet you at HQ. We got paperwork to fill out!"
Morris blinked at Spin as he soared off. The younger agent usually hated doing paperwork… The Agent shrugged lightly, and followed suit with a jet pack of his own. It was best to get all his work done ASAP, after all.
BA-2, AKA Agent J, seemed to be working incessantly on something in EBA Central's break room. The dancing prodigy slid to the side, twirled once, tapped his foot, and slid back to his original position, "two three four… five, six… seven…"
"Hey J, what's up?" Agent J stopped mid-electric-slide, and turned to glare daggers at the offender. Agent Spin felt the temperature in the room drop several degrees.
"You threw of my groove," J said, glaring at his subordinate. Spin, who had just finished his paperwork and was intent on stealing as many donuts from the break room as possible before heading off towards his home, wished he was anywhere but the room he was in right now.
"…I'm sorry…" Spin said, inching towards the coffee maker.
"You… threw off… my groove…" J twisted his neck and cracked it easily. Spin's stomach flipped, "I nearly got that dance move down… and you…"
"Threw off your groove…?" Spin guessed. The Agent gulped as J strode forward, placing his hands in his pockets, and glared angrily at the newest agent. J lifted his hand, and Spin prepared for the worst…
And J slapped his hand on Spin's shoulder, laughing uproariously, "Oh man, you should have seen your face!" He guffawed. He mimicked a woman's voice as he continued, "'Oh please, Agent J, don't slap me, I'm tender!'"
"I didn't say nothing like that!" Spin protested as J went to pour himself his own cup.
"Your eyes, boy, your eyes betrayed you," The experienced Agent replied, a knowing smile on his face. Spin stared at him, and he shrugged, 'Would you rather I say 'I can see into your miiiiiind?'"
"How come you always gotta act so strange, J?" Spin asked. The other man smiled.
"Comes with the territory, I guess," He replied, "Being an actor does that, you know…" He pushed off of the counter and moon-walked smoothly to the break table; not a drop of pure black coffee spilt to the floor. The prodigy twirled and said extraordinarily, "And when on Broadway, you have to be able to act, sing AND dance!"
"I don't think I'll ever get you, J…" Spin said as he slurped his own mug.
"No one gets us Agents. By all respects, we don't exist…" J replied, leaning against the table and slurping, "You can be whoever you want to be as an Agent, and as long as you get the job done without your identity being found out, you can do anything… You can be anyone you want! It's an actor's dream!"
"So… you work on Broadway?" J didn't make a sound as he sipped his drink, which was probably secret Agent J code for "Of course I am", and Spin continued, "I think my class is going to see one of your works in a month or two."
"Then you'll be seeing the greatest dancing of the contemporary world!" J proclaimed extravagantly. He finished the cup, stowed it away on the table, and resumed his practice, "one two three four… five six seven… What can I do, my dear… to catch, your ear…? I love you madly madly Madam Librarian… Marian…!" He slammed his foot down and flipped around, "Marian!"
Spin stared as J twisted, turned and slapped his heels against the floor, "Please tell me you ain't actually DOIN' 'Music Man'…?" BA-5 gawked.
J stopped again, twitching lightly, "I ain't doin' 'Music Man'," He said with a frown in a tone that said that he was indeed "doin'" Music Man, "But then again… you've also got no taste in finer music."
The two glared at each other, and J sighed, "I'll go practice somewhere else…" He grumbled, practicing how he was going to walk during the scene, muttering the tune to himself as he did so, "One two three… four five six…"
The teenager frowned at his cup of coffee. It suddenly tasted a whole lot more bitter. It wasn't that he hated the musical; it was just that J looked very weird dancing around with a love struck look in his eye. He was too good of an actor to not look the part, and J in love was way too weird for his taste. It was probably what made the coffee bitter.
Spin nearly dropped his mug when the entire world seemed to shudder. Spin looked up, and he realized he was being called. EBA Central seemed to be alive, and whenever Commander Khan needed him, he would know it. Placing the mug down and assuming someone else would take care of it for him (as most teenagers liked to think), he rushed off to get to the briefing room.
BA-4, AKA Agent Derek, was already there, his frown continuing to crease his face; it seemed to have frozen that way. Spin stopped in, gasping lightly from his rush to the briefing room, and he waved lightly at the man in the red afro, "H…Hey, Derek."
"Afternoon, Spin," He said flatly, turning to the screen that was blank at the moment, "Working hard?"
"Hardly working!" Spin replied with a smile. Derek glared at his subordinate, and Spin chuckled uneasily, "I mean… yeah, workin' hard…"
J rubbed his aching head as he entered the room, "Dangit…" He groaned, "How come the calls have to be so darn annoying…? My head is splitting in two…"
"Suck it up," Derek said, regarding the younger (but superior) Agent with slight hostility, "It's a wonder you were promoted so quickly with such a halfhearted approach to your work…"
"Ohhhh, I'm shaking!" J cried, shuddering comically like a bowl of jello, "BA-4's after my job! What ever will I do…?"
"You will conduct your business in an orderly and professional fashion, Agent J…" Everyone turned and Spin smiled lightly. At least he wasn't the one getting berated. BA-1, AKA Agent Chieftain, had entered the room. He glared at the two Agents who were bickering, and sidestepped for Morris to enter behind him, "It sickens me to see our forces fighting amongst each other."
"Hey, sorry Chieftain," J said, "I just… you know… Derek needs to lighten up a bit." Derek refused to say another word about the subject, as Chieftain's glaring was enough to shut anyone up.
"So…" Spin said, dragging his headphones down so he could scratch an itch on his ear, "We all here? What's the mission?"
As if on cue to answer the young agent's question, the large screen on the opposite side of the room exploded in color. A man's face adjusted his shades, and every one of the Elite Beat Agents snapped to attention. They stared into the face of the graying, former CIA agent, Commander Khan.
"Good afternoon, Agents," Khan said quickly. He then dispensed with the formality, "We have a serious problem on our hands."
"No kidding," J said, shrugging lightly, "One of the toilets in the men's room has clogged!" Many of the other Agents sighed.
"What's wrong with the world, Commander?" Spin asked, intent on getting to the bottom of this mission. He was eager to serve and ready for action as he reapplied his headphones, "Agent Spin is on the case!"
"Indeed," Commander Khan replied, twining his fingers together and placing them in front of his moustache'd face, "people are dying, Agents. It's happening all over the place."
"Dying…?" Morris asked, "As in… let's throw him in a hole and be done with it…?" It seemed strange to bring something like that up, "Unless it's happening at an increased rate…"
"There's not much we can do about dead people…" Derek elaborated, "Not unless our target is determined enough to come back. What's this mission really about, Commander?"
"It's about their souls, Gentlemen," Khan explained. Spin suddenly heard his commander's tone of voice. Was he… worried? "The victims have lost their souls."
An eerie silence fell across the Agents as they took in the information, "Could you clarify things further, Commander?" Chieftain asked.
"Everyone possesses a soul, you know," Khan said, "And when a body dies, it rejects its soul and the spirit is expelled to the great beyond." He waited a moment before asking, "You all know this, I presume?"
Most of the younger members shuffled their feet and muttered unintelligible things. Khan continued, "And yet… this is not what's been happening to the recent victims. Instead of their body expelling their soul naturally, the soul has been extracted forcefully by an unknown adversary."
"So you're sayin'…" Spin spoke up quickly, "You're sayin' that… folks are… getting wasted before they're supposed to…?"
"What happens to their bodies?" Derek asked, "Do they deteriorate like normal?"
"Few things are more unsettling than looking into the eyes of a soulless human," Khan murmured lightly, fingering his moustache as he continued, "It would be better to attempt to understand the feelings of a rabid mammal."
Spin's stomach was tying up in knots. Everything about this new mission (which hadn't even been actually spoken of) made him feel more and more insignificant. Hot blooded singing and dancing could only get them so far… Although… the Rhombulans were defeated by that… but they were only turning people to stone! They hadn't wrenched anything spiritual from them! It was like directly removing someone's hope and crushing it into powder…
"So is that it?" J asked. Everyone turned to him and he flipped his microphone expertly in his hand, "All we have to do is stop whatever's stealing peoples' souls and make him give them back, right?"
"Agent J…" Morris began, almost breathlessly.
"Come on, guys! So some moron's turning people into vegetables, then we'll find and stop him!" BA-2 turned away from the screen that had Khan's face on it, and attempted to inspire his "troops", "People are relying on US to get the job done! We've got to do something or else people will lose their loved ones for good!"
Spin shuffled his feet, and Chieftain adjusted his hat so it rested lower on his head. The Agents heard light clapping, and Khan smiled lightly, "Well said, Agent J," He said, "Let's hope you keep this optimism up for the duration of the mission."
"Don't you know it, Commander!" J said, giving the leader a "thumbs up", "We won't give up! People are depending on us!"
"I agree with J," Chieftain said, "There's nothing worse than an Agent who runs when the going gets tough. There are just a few questions I have for the Commander." Khan raised an eyebrow, and BA-1 looked up at the screen, "What of the Divas? Are they joining us? Also…" Chieftain seemed to be thinking very hard, and Spin wondered how the man seemed to know what to ask in every situation, "Is there any pattern to these victims? Do they share any connection?"
Derek glared at Khan (seeing as how the Agent glared at everyone) as the Commander nodded, "BD-3, BD-2, and BD-1 have already been dispatched. It was BD-2, Agent Foxx, who gave me the information about these attacks on people. About similarities…"
Khan adjusted a loose leaf paper on his desk, "Every one of the victims is both male and a risk taker."
"Excuse me…?" Morris blinked.
"A gambler, a man who will take the utmost amount of risks for fun," Khan explained, "It's almost as if this enemy feeds on people who enjoy a challenge…" The Agents didn't MEAN to all look at J immediately, but it happened nonetheless.
J smiled, "Oh, come on… You think I'm going down that easy? Chieftain's lived twice as long as me ("That's not true…" Chieftain grumbled)! I've got plenty of living to do!" He proclaimed.
"Yeah… but… J…" Spin muttered, adjusting his headphones, "Don't you think… you should sit this one out…?" BA-5 tried not to look at J's face, which showed everything but amusement, "I mean… really man… if you're the guy this guy's going to want to whale on…"
BA-2 frowned, and the only movement he gave was the shown through his microphone, which twisted and writhed in his hand. He snapped it up and turned to his superior, "Commander, requesting permission to head out on this mission immediately…!" Spin sighed. He only wanted to help…
"Right then, you understand the mission, everyone?" Khan asked. No one spoke up, and the commander nodded, pulling back, "Agents… are…"
J was already bolting for the door before the commander could finish his line, "GO!!!" and the others followed directly after, although Chieftain led the charge after J.
"I won't give up!" J said to himself, "and you guys better not either!"
Morris smiled lightly, "Give him time, he'll lighten up."
"I'm not sure if I prefer him lighter…" Derek said frankly. Spin tried not to smile. He was just glad everyone was still acting like themselves. Not even an evil entity sworn to steal the souls of innocent gamblers could get them to act worriedly. He just didn't notice the fact that Chieftain was glaring intently at BA-2. Spin was right; no matter how invincible the protégé thought of himself… he was still in danger.
"Agents…" BA-1 said gruffly, making everyone look up at the man as they rushed towards the EBA's blimp, "I want everyone to keep an eye on J. He's not thinking clearly."
"Right, Chief!" Spin said, and then blinked, "err… tain… Chieftain…" he corrected himself… badly.
The Agents didn't say another word. Their first order of business was to find the Divas. They would know where to go from there…
BD-3, AKA Agent Missy, breathed loudly onto her glasses and rubbed them down with a handkerchief. After reapplying them, she placed the kerchief in her butt pocket and turned to BD-1, AKA Agent Starr, "Hey Starr, you found anything out…?"
Starr looked up at Missy, shaking her head lightly, "Sorry, Missy…" She said sorrowfully, turning back to the man on the bed. There was color in his face, and for all respects, he looked perfectly normal. It was just that his eyes were hollow; his blue eyes had lost all their sparkle, and he seemed to be nothing more than an incredibly lifelike mannequin as he lay on the bed, "But I haven't been able to find out any cures to this… We're going to have to find the very person who attacked them…"
"That's going to be a problem…" BD-2, AKA Agent Foxx, said mechanically, tapping away on her laptop a little ways away from the other two, "After all, this person… if it can be called a person… has attacked only males… I would seriously doubt it will show its face around us. It's been doing a good job at avoiding detection for this long, and I doubt that's going to change for a while."
"So we're stuck…" BD-2 sighed, dropping into a chair in the small cottage the women were hiding out in, "Waiting for the men…?"
"I just hope they can do something about this…" Starr murmured, placing her hand on the soulless man's forehead. It was surprisingly warm, "Having them dispatched means nothing if this foe does not appear before them…"
Missy smiled, "I'm sure it'll be fine!" She said jovially, "You know the Agents are the best at what they do! We just have to wait until they come, right?"
"Speaking of the devil…" Foxx said blandly as she tapped away at the laptop. The two Divas looked up as the door burst open and BA-2 slid into the room, microphone in hand and pompadour bouncing as light as a feather.
"BA-2, Agent J, at your service!" He said, energetic as usual. Foxx paid him no mind, but Missy got stars in her eyes.
"Agent J, you've come!" She said, standing up and twirling about in happiness, "We were just talking about you! How spooky!"
"Hello Divas," Morris said as he entered. Spin was last to enter the small cottage. He was still shy around the women, seeing as how they were in such a higher league than he.
Starr stood and regarded the men favorably, "Well, that was quick," BD-1 said gratefully, "We have need of your expertise in this field."
"Expertise…?" Chieftain said, intrigued, "Explain."
"Gladly," Starr replied, but then turned to her subordinate, "Foxx?"
BD-2 sighed lightly and spun in her chair, addressing the Agents, "Right, here goes. It's complicated, so get a paper and pencil out if you have trouble following things."
She actually waited for a moment, but since no one had anything on them like what she suggested, she had to sigh and continue, "This new adversary is stealing souls. We all know that, right?" She motioned little ways away from her, and the Agents were able to get their first glance of what everyone was talking about. It made Spin's blood run cold to see the middle aged man, lying unmoving on the bed. Everyone turned back to Foxx not only to listen to her continue but to keep from looking at the man, "Whatever thing has attacked these people, it's fast, lithe, skillful, and good at keeping itself unheard of. It's causing quite a stir amongst the people. We need to nip this thing in the bud, and fast."
"How do you propose we do that, Foxx?" Derek asked, getting right to the point.
"There must be a reason this creature is targeting risk takers…" Foxx murmured in thought, "I would suppose because it is a gambler as well."
There was silence for a moment, and Spin spoke up, "Well… you're sayin'… that it's bettin' with the victims…?" BA-5 asked. He then remembered his manners, "Uh… ma'am…?"
"I would assume so," Foxx replied, "It's betting with the victims and beating them in some sort of game. Afterwards, it steals the soul as payment."
"So it's a Game of Death then!" J said. Everyone groaned from his cheesy line, "And so if this thing has approached people without much problem, we can all assume it's human." He thought for a moment, "Well, I guess human…like…"
"Humanoid…?" Morris threw out the word for J, who obviously didn't know what he was talking about, "A humanoid monster getting people to bet their very lives… this creature's got to be giving out something incredibly awesome to be worth someone betting their very soul over."
"It sounds like one of those sick stories they'd tell you when you were little to scare you into behaving…" Missy said, rocking in her chair, "You know, the 'if you don't behave, the devil will come and steal your soul away…!' line."
"So the course of action is this," Chieftain rumbled, "If the only way to get this creature to come out is to…"
"We'll need bait, won't we?" J suddenly spoke up. Everyone turned to him, and Spin cast him a pleading look, as if to beg him not to continue what he was going to say. BA-2 said it, "We need someone who can try and lure this person out. I nominate…"
"No." A flat reply was given. J stopped as Chieftain continued, "You're not going."
"Really? I was going to say Morris should go," J said without skipping a beat. BA-3 began to turn as pale as a colored person could get.
"Enough jokes, J," Derek grumbled, "We need to think of a better plan than just throwing someone to the wolves…"
"BA-1, may I speak with you?" Starr asked. She stood up from her place by the bed and placed her hands on her hips, "A conference of the leaders will clear this up, don't you agree?"
Chieftain nodded lightly, "I understand," He agreed. He then turned to the Agents and Divas, "We'll confer outside. Well?"
Starr smiled and approached the Agent. She placed her hand on his shoulder and led him off outside, "Let's speak about this together, shall we?"
Spin groaned, "Cummon, you're not gonna stick us with the stiff, are ya?"
Derek glared at BA-5 as the lead Agent and Diva left to work out a plan, "Stiffs are the least of our worries, Spin. Remember that."
"Of course they are!" Spin suddenly said, beginning to crack after a while, "We're built for dancin', not fightin'! What are we supposedta do, DANCE the souls back? Only reason it worked last time was because the people wanted us to save 'em! Since when did we hear a cry for help from one of the jerks? I bet they WANTED to lose what they did!"
"BA-5, you will stand down," Morris said sternly, "This is out of your hands."
Spin looked away with a mutter and crossed arms, "It ain't fair… it really ain't…"
"Well, while we wait, we can play Parcheesi," Missy suggested. The Agents blinked at her, "Or maybe charades…?"
"I think we really should focus on calming our nerves," Morris replied, "All worry and no relaxation makes for…"
"Derek?" J interrupted with an abstract question. Spin sighed and went to inspect some items in the cottage. It was better than listening to the Agents attempt (and fail) to lighten the mood. Perhaps BA-5 was tired. His mind was swimming, as if it was clouded. All of the worrying about the mission was taking a toll on him already. No wonder he was still a rookie…
However, the fog in Spin's mind was anything but dull, tired senses. They were sixth senses waiting to be refined. J suddenly looked up, alert, "Do you hear that…?" BA-2 whirled around, and Spin looked up, "Can you hear it?"
"Hear…?" Derek looked up, and peered at the ceiling as if looking upwards at the sky, "Yes, I hear it…"
"I got it!" Morris approved, "Someone's calling!"
Spin spun and looked at the others, amazed at their ability to sense a person in need of help, "Ya sure?"
"It's soft…" Foxx murmured, looking up from her laptop (gasp!) to concentrate on the faint cry for assistance, "I can barely feel it… Missy, can you?"
"Not really… You're always better at it than I, Foxx…" She said halfheartedly, embarrassed at her lack of skill.
"Alright, I'm off," J said quickly, rushing to the door, "Who's with me?"
"I'm coming," Morris raised his hand, and he turned to BA-5, "Spin, you need the practice. Let's go."
"Me…?" Spin gulped. He then nodded and rushed after the two, "I… I'm comin'!"
"Great. You three hold down the fort while we're gone, alright?" J said of the last three in the cottage.
"I refuse," Derek replied, his face was as cross as his arms were, "Chieftain gave you specific orders to stay here, J. Let someone else handle this mission."
J stiffened, "…I…I can do this!" he said forcefully, although it sounded a little immature to the ears of BA-3 and 4.
"We don't doubt your ability J…" Morris muttered, "But Derek's got a point… You really should be more careful right now. Who knows what kind of…"
"Whether or not you're coming, I'm going," J said, determination evident in his voice, "An Agent never backs down! Chieftain said it himself!"
"But J…!" Spin stuttered, "You know… sometimes it's best to know when… to hold them… and when to fold them… right?"
"Hold? Fold…!?" J continued to rant as he grabbed at his head, "Aarrg…! It's hurting…!" The plea for help was getting stronger, and BA-2 felt strong empathy for the one in need. He looked up, attempting to keep calm despite the raging emotions within him, "Look, people…" He winced from the pain, "Someone's got to go and help this guy, rather than sitting around and debating who should do it. This is our job, people! Don't ever forget it!"
J defeated the nay-sayers with his speech, and everyone fell quiet. BA-2 turned around, "I'm going. Spin, Morris?"
"Of course we're going," Morris answered the unspoken question, "Derek?"
"I'll wait here…" BA-4 grumbled. J made a motion to leave, but Derek suddenly spoke up from where he stood, "J… whatever you do… take care of yourself, alright?"
BA-2 stared in mute disbelief, and then nodded with a smile, "Yeah, I will. I promise." Derek didn't say another word and let the three Agents rush off to aid the one in trouble.
Foxx waited for a while before returning to her laptop, and Missy thought of what to do, "So… I suppose there won't be any Parcheesi…?"
Derek frowned at BD-3, and she smiled lightly, "Well… I have a Sudoku puzzle book… you like numbers, don't you, BA-4…?"
He stiffened, and finally relinquished, "Fine… but it's only for you."
"Hurray! You're a great guy, Derek!" He didn't reply to that, but sat down next to the Diva as she dug around in her pack, looking for her book. It seemed like it would be a waiting game for the three secret agents...
...It was just that it was so hard to wait knowing that members of their team were in danger...
To Be Continued...
Or something like that.
Hope you guys liked it. I want some feedback, so please give it over! Thanks!