Here we go, my first one shot… hope you like it, and please, review and tell me what you think!
Disclaimer: they aren't mine…pouts
A hyper Yuffie makes her way down a long narrow corridor of the school dorm, in search for someone.
Halfway down the corridor however, she stopped in front of a familiar looking door. The door of which belonged to two of her older friends, Cloud Strife and Leon Heart, yes, Yuffie was intruding in the male dorm, again. Nevertheless, it wasn't the tall heavy oak door that stopped her in her tracks; on the contrary it was the strange noises that were coming from behind it. Voices?
Voices of which belonged to that of Leon and Cloud, but they type of talk didn't. placing her delicate little ear up against the door, she began to listen to the goings on inside the boys room…
"Leon, I can't!"
"Just try it Cloud, its not going to hurt you"
"I, can't move it, it's too stiff"
"try wiggling it around?"
"…it's not working…"
"It has to, there's no other way"
"It could break if I carry on Leon"
"ok, ok, stop. Pull it out, slowly, encase it snaps."
"Now what Leon?"
"We've just got to think of something else…"
"What if you try, I'll pass it to you."
"Ok, hand it over"
"…jeez, it must be stiff, it's warm. You've had a firm grip on it and it still didn't work"
"exactly…you try…"
"K…it, won't, budge…it's not going in at all now…ahh!"
"What's wrong? Leon?"
"I caught my finger"
"you, ok?"
"Lets try something else, I'm cold and I want to get dressed soon."
"What about me Cloud? I'm dripping and I haven't got my clothes"
"what if, I stand back and you ram it?"
"It could work… ok are you ready?"
"Yeah, just do it already"
The young Ninja nearly fell over in disbelief, 'what the heck is going on in there?' with a contempt sigh Yuffie decides to venture in 'I'm going to find out'
As Yuffie began opening the door, there came a loud noise, or rather someone falling
"Wah, Leon, watch out!"
Yuffie walked in to see Leon lying atop of Cloud. Leon in just a towel, and Cloud boxer ridden.
Yuffie's Hazel orbs scanned her surroundings; she noticed that the bathroom door looked a little ruined, and its key, lay on the floor next to the two dishevelled looking boys.
"Oh, dear… what were you two doing? Ah, scratch that, I don't wanna know…Eww, get some clothes on, and you know this type of behaviour isn't aloud."
"And neither is intruding in the male dorms Yuff…besides, it's not what you think,"
"yeah, it was an accident. Leon got locked in the bathroom, and we couldn't get him out"
"oh, ok I see how it is…so explain how it is you're in that position?"
"I rammed the door down, your startled us and I lost my ground and fell on top of Cloud…"
"Oh I see…ok…you can have your little erotic fun, I'm outta here!"
The smirking ninja left the room with great haste, leaving Leon and Cloud to sort themselves out…
So…you know what to do…