
A love story

By gedatsu-kitteh

The marker swiftly flashed across the wall, leaving ebony velvet lines slowly swirling into images; drawing their story over the bedroom wall. He watched as the black lines laced together; rose and fell, like the tides of his life; recording their history and how hard they tried. He didn't know why he was doing this; maybe just to know that somewhere out there their story would still exist; maybe to save a little bit of himself- to be reassured that not all of him had been lost.

He turned to his suitcase. It was already packed and ready to go. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he gripped the leather and slowly slid out the door. He walked out into the hallway. It had a funny musty smell. It was the kind of place that never looked clean no matter how hard you scrubbed and vacuumed. Small pieces of dust and grit always plugged the corners of the hall. The paint was peeling off the walls and the gesso ceiling was cracked straight down the middle, which allowed the rain water to drip in every time there was a storm.

He smiled slightly to himself- both glad to be rid of the place; but also sad to leave it all behind. The stairs creaked their farewell as he descended to the foyer, then out the door. He never once looked back, but it almost felt as if the place were watching him as he left; watching so so sadly as he walked away. He felt the sorrow pierce straight through his back and into his heart. But he kept walking. He never looked back.

The place was now gone. What had once been a humble little apartment was now in a pitiful heap of scrap wood; grey and dull. He felt numb as he searched through those flanks of wood, the chunks of wall. He was looking for their story, the one he wrote, the one he drew. He didn't notice that, as he heaved a particularly large chunk of wall away from the pile to make more room to search, his fingers brushed over black lines and ebony swirls- all now covered with a thick layer of white paint.

He never did find what he was looking for.

A/N: pairing is optional in this. Look carefully now. What -exactly- had been lost?