Thanks for reviews! Just a quick note to say that the phrase 'that's a smashing blouse you have on' is taken from the excellent show Bottom, so credits to the great Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson on that one.

The next day, Cartman wasn't waiting with the others at the bus stop as usual. He wasn't in first lesson. Or second.

'He's probably just ditching again.' Said Stan at breaktime.

'(No, Cartman wouldn't miss today, we're having meatloaf for lunch! Chef made a whole extra one for him!)'

'Yeah you're right Kenny, he wouldn't miss that, the big Fatass.' Said Kyle. 'I wonder what's up?'

'Oh, uh, hey fellas.'

'Hi Butters' they chorused.

'You folks seen Eric? We're, uh, supposed to be science partners later, but he ain't around no place.'

'Yeah, we don't know where he is.' Said Stan.

'Oh, uh, ok. Sure is uh, quiet in class without him though, aint it?'

'Yeah. Pretty sweet huh?'

Stan, unfortunately, spoke too soon, for at that very moment, there was a disturbance at the other end of the playground.

'Hey, what's going on over there?' asked Kyle, and they hurried over to join the growing crowd. 'Oh, god dammit…'

Yes, it was Cartman alright, only not quite. The operation had been a success, and he, or technically she, for Cartman was now an anatomically correct woman, was showing off her new body, curves and all.

'(Cartman looks hot)' Said Kenny.

'Dude!' exclaimed Stan and Kyle together.

'Kenny, its still Cartman you freak, he doesn't look hot!'

'Yeah dude that's sick, get the hell outta here!'

Kenny shuffled away.

'Dude, Kenny's kinda right though..'


Loads of the guys were gathered around Cartman, admiring her fine new form.

'I say Eric, that's a smashing blouse you have on.' Said Pip.

'Cartman, where the hell have you been? You missed two whole lessons!'

'Oh please, call me Erica. And I've just been getting ready, touching up my makeup, I wanted to look good for all you hot guys.' She said, fluttering her mascara'd eyelashes.

Kyle stared at him for a moment. 'That's it, I'm never speaking to you again.'

'Oh, I doubt that's true, big boy.' Purred Erica, pressing herself against him.


The girls wandered over. 'What's going on here?' Asked Wendy. Stan had to look away from her to stop himself throwing up.

'Oh hi girls.' Erica smiled.

'….What the-?'

'That's right Wendy, I've had a sex change to become a woman. You're always saying that I don't understand what it's like to be a woman, well, now I will.'

'What?!' cried Kyle. 'That's not why you had a sex change, you said it was because you were sick of us calling you a fatass!'

Erica quickly tuned to put her arm around Wendy. 'Heh, Kyle's just a little confused, you know how men are… now lets talk style, I love what you've done with your hair here..'

Kyle turned away in disgust. 'I can't believe this.'

Stan turned to follow him. 'At least he isn't a total asshole anymore.'

'But he's totally degrading and objectifying women!'

'You're the only one who seems to care dude. Look, even Wendy isn't bothered.' He said, pointing to where Wendy was admiring Erica's skirt.

'Hey you're right. Then I guess… no, dammit, it does matter, even if not even Wendy thinks so!

Is Wendy really taken in by all of this? You'll have to wait until the next chapter to see!

All reviews will be replied to, unless fanfiction has one of its frequent attacks of ghey and stops sending me emails! So please review!