Hello readers. Thea idea for another one-shot struck me (the first one since... whooo, a long time now ;) ) and I had to write this down…. Hope you'll like it.

It takes place sometime AFTER Pain in the Heart.


Half-hidden from her gaze by an ugly artificial plant I stared at my partner, my throat feeling tight and raw. Somehow, some when I had lost myself in the illusion that our relationship had evolved into something so stable and impermeable that other people couldn't have broken our connection if they'd tried.

I should have known better. Temperance Brennan had fought me every inch of the way in the progress of our relationship. Attachment? That was something she was afraid of. I could – to some extent – understand her reasoning, but it wasn't my brain suffering and reacting right now, watching her… it was my heart. Maybe what she was doing here was a counteraction to what I had told her a few days ago. That she meant so much to me, I was willing to take stupid risks sometimes. That had been after I had nearly got shot again… and she had been on the verge of freaking out.

I had seen panic in her eyes… I was sure of it.

Afraid of what could have happened…I guess because she'd thought I was dead for two weeks after the nutcase Nunan had shot me.

A few minutes after I had nudged her out of the way of the bullet and nearly gotten myself shot, she had told me in no uncertain terms that I had to stop taking risks for her, because she didn't think she was worth it. When I had started to protest, she had brought Parker into the equation and that had stung. She'd more or less accused me of being a bad father for risking my life for other people. Granted, she had taken it back… or at least softened the statement, but still. It had not been entirely wrong. And on the other hand, she'd been completely wrong. It wasn't as if I was going around, consciously risking my life for just anyone all the time. But for her, any time, no questions asked.

My exact words had been: "I only risk my life for people who mean a lot to me. You, Parker,…and uh… well … maybe a few others." Very few.

And that had been the moment awareness and fear had entered her eyes. Maybe this was the moment she had fully realised how deep our bond had become. But instead of examining it, finding out what it could mean, she had pulled back and back… trying to make it snap like an old rubber band that had lost all elasticity.

If hurting me was her goal, well she was doing fine. Just fine.

I took in a deep breath, trying to avert my eyes, trying not to stare at her, but to no avail. She drew my attention to her like a moth was drawn to light. Naturally. Pathetically.

I watched her reach over the table, take the hand of that faceless son of a bitch in her hand, patting it. I clenched my jaw, trying to reign in my anger, the cold fury that was threatening to take over instead of good common sense.

Her date had dark brown hair and she seemed disgustingly affectionate with him. Familiar, even. It was all I could do not to walk over there and punch him. Knowing that Bones probably would return the favour by first punching me and then being pissed at me until hell froze over, I managed to hang on to my last shred of control. Barely.

A low growling sound emitted from somewhere and the guy at the table beside me shot me a funny look. Jesus, I was growling. Pathetic, alright.

It took a lot of willpower to force my eyes away from her, but finally I managed and stared into the depths of my glass of beer instead. I'd come here hoping to find distraction.

And now the very person I tried to banish from my thoughts was here.

The past few days had been hell. She had been avoiding me completely, shutting me out, not returning my calls. Had sent that chatterbox of stupid grad student to a crime scene instead of coming herself. Granted, the FBI had given official protest at that and from now on she would have to come either herself or Cam would have to make an appearance.

The sound of her laughter wafted over to my place and I sighed deeply. When exactly had I fallen in love with her, I asked myself. I had no answer. It had happened, unnoticed at first, then the knowledge had crept forward in my mind, had manifested, to taunt me. And when I thought back to the one kiss we had shared the mere memory still made me ache. The kind of ache COULD be soothed. Theoretically.

The problem was, I could never have a casual relationship with Temperance Brennan. I could never compartmentalise, how she'd be calling it. With Bones I would invest all of me. Way too much potential to get hurt. For either of us… because though I knew she felt something for me, I had no idea if it could ever be enough to overcome all these obstacles.

But I also knew that I was willing to try.

My gaze returned to where she was seated. Some time during my inner monologue her date had left her alone, presumably for a trip to the bath room and now she was sitting there, looking somehow sad and thoughtful. Like always, the silent sadness in her eyes got to me and I took in a deep breath. Should I walk over to her?

No, I decided, she wouldn't want me to… and probably would leave the bar, giving me one of her death glares, her date in tow…. and I wouldn't be able to watch over her.

Swallowing hard, I watched as she reached for her purse and rummaged through it, pulled out her cell phone. Searching, she looked up and her eyes settled on a point somewhere behind me and the artificial plant I was hiding behind. I craned my neck, but couldn't see her date, due to similar ugly plants, but I assumed he was just on his way back to their table. She gestured at her phone then towards the door. Then she walked out, breezing past me without a look, the door bell chiming softly as she closed the door behind her.

"She's confused." A voice said near me and I nearly yelped in surprise, startled.

Russ Brennan was looking down at me. I just stared at him and it took me a while to come to the conclusion that Bones had not been sitting there with a date at all. She had seemed so familiar with the dark haired man because he was her brother. Air whooshed out of me in relief.

"Russ." I addressed him warily. "How's it going?"

He shrugged lightly. "So, why are you hiding here?" The other man asked as he flopped down on the seat in front of me.

"I'm not hiding." I said dignified. "Sure." Russ Brennan gave me a look that said: Liar.

After a moment of silence I gave in. "She's mad at me. I didn't want to ruin her evening." I explained.

"Tempe's not mad at you. She's just confused. And she HATES to be confused." He informed me, an eyebrow arched at me. "You thought she had a date?"

I shrugged. "Guess so." I tried to sound bored, but I knew I didn't sound convincing.

"Oh, please…. Don't act as if you wouldn't care." Russ shook his head. "You have murder in your eyes when you see her with a man." I didn't dare to deny it. He would recognize it as the lie it was.

"She called me because she wanted to talk. That's how I knew something's not right. My sister NEVER calls me just to talk." Bones' brother gave me a long look. "She's completely out of her league and scared shitless."

Bones, scared? That alarmed me instantly. "What? Why? Is she in danger? Why hasn't she told me?" I fired questions at him, ready to jump and get her. Jesus, she was standing outside, talking on her phone, in plain sight..…

Russ rolled his eyes at me. "Idiot. You're the reason she's so confused. Not that she would say it outright, but she IS my sister. She always had that annoying habit of avoiding the topic that really worries her, although in reality she wants to talk about it. Women." He rolled his eyes "Usually she talks about you half the time, but today: Nada."

"Told you she's mad at me." I sighed, my adrenaline level settling down a little again. So, she was not in danger. That was good.

"She's been avoiding you, huh?" Russ asked me thoughtfully.

Mhm… ignoring my calls and refusing to come to a crime scene… yep, that sounded like avoidance, alright.

"Yeah." I sighed and raked a hand through my hair. My eyes darted to the door, wondering when she would come back and what she was going to do if she'd spot me here, chatting with her brother.

"Relax, she's not going to come back that soon. When I saw you here, I called Angela and told her to keep her occupied for a while." Russ commented upon seeing my worried glance.

He had called Angela and told her to call Bones? What the hell was going on here?

"The thing is," Russ said. "She behaved like that when she had her first crush, too. Trying to ignore it away. Didn't work then, and isn't going to work this time, either, but she's stubborn."

My eyes widened and I swallowed hard. "What are you talking about?" My voice sounded hoarse and not the least bit self-assured…as I had wanted it to.

"She's scared. Remember when you got shot and were officially dead for two weeks?" Russ asked and I nodded mutely.

"She refused to talk to her friends, but my Dad got her to open up one night when he visited her. Okay, he had to get her to drink tequila first, but she talked. She broke down. Completely." Russ leant back in his seat and studied me. "She reminds me of how she was back then. What did you do? Did you tell her you'd do it again?"

"What?" I was confused.

"Taking a bullet for her." Russ rolled his eyes at my ignorance.

"Well, I … kind of did a few days ago. I mean, I nudged her out of the way, but the guy missed by an inch or so." I informed him hesitantly.

"Ah." He made and nodded. "Dad was right, then. When he first saw you together he said you'd do anything to protect her, no matter if she wants you to or not. Most of the time she doesn't want you to, I guess."

I frowned slightly. What he said was true, but I resented being an open book to Bones' Dad of all people.

"She's scared." Russ said calmly.. "She thinks if she ignores you and what she feels for you it will go away. Losing you nearly broke her the first time around. She doesn't want that to happen again for real."

My jaw clenched a little at his words and I mulled the information over for some time.

"Why would you know what she feels?" I asked after some time, not convinced yet.

A crooked grin, on the verge of a grimace, appeared on his face. "A younger sister, two step-daughters and a fiancée with a fable for chick flicks. You need more reasons?"

I snorted. "Poor guy."

He shrugged. "Wouldn't want to change it." Then his gaze fixed on me and it was a protective brotherly look. "You're serious about her, right? I mean, yeah, risking your life for my sister is a clear statement that you care about her, but…. this is not just a phase, right?"

I blinked. "A phase?" I narrowed my eyes at him and clenched my fists. "If I would ask you that about Amy, you'd punch me. With good reason. She's not just a phase!" I heard the menace in my own voice, spitting the last words at him.

Russ gave me an amused smile. "You just answered my question." Then he looked up at a point behind me. "Tempe, I'll be gone now, I think you two have to talk."

I froze and I practically felt the colour drain from my face. Slowly I turned, while Russ Brennan rose from his seat in front of me. The first thing I saw was her hand, tightly grabbing the back of a chair, her grip so hard the knuckles had turned white. Then I hesitantly lifted my gaze to her face and I saw she was white as a sheet, her eyes fixed on me.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered harshly.

"Sit down and talk to him." Her brother told her. "You're miserable and he's miserable and none of you is getting any younger. I'm out of here. Thanks for the coffee, sister mine."

Russ gave her a quick, affectionate peck to her cheek and dragged her shock-limp frame to the chair in front of me. "Don't screw it up, pal" He said to me and I gave him a sarcastic look.

Not screwing it up? Why me, dammit? There were so many, many ways I could screw this up and maybe one narrow path that might, just might, turn out to be the right one.

Russ left and I looked at her. She still seemed a little shocked by the fact that she had walked in on me and her brother talking. I had no idea how long she'd been standing there, but her wide eyes told me she'd heard more than just the words Russ had addressed at her.

Honesty, I told myself, that might just save me…. because if she valued one thing, it was honesty. "I had no idea you would be here this night." I started. "Then I saw you with somebody and… I didn't know it was Russ, though."

I saw her eyes narrow slightly, but she didn't say anything.

"Then you were alone and got the phone call from Angela." I continued and her eyes widened suddenly. "Why do you know it was Angela?" She asked, suspicion in her voice.

I gave her a weak smile. "Russ called her and she called you. We've been set up, Bones."

"Why?" She forced out.

"Because you've been avoiding me." I said and saw her stiffen at my words. "That's.." She started, but I interrupted her. "That's the truth and you know it. You didn't return my calls, didn't talk to me when I showed up at the lab, even sent a grad student to a crime scene instead of showing up yourself."

"I was busy." She bit out.

"Temperance." I said, hoping that using her given name would give me a little leverage. "How long have you been standing there?"

She reached for her purse, obviously trying to flee, but I grabbed her hand and held her back. "Please, Bones. Don't run now. How much have you heard?"

I saw her clench her jaw, but after a long moment of silence she murmured. "You called him a poor guy."

I sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "Okay." I closed my eyes for a brief moment and decided to be blunt.. she was smart, she would have come to the conclusion anyway… what did it matter now?


"I love you." I said and an instant later she dropped her purse, her eyes widened and she gasped audibly.

"Temperance." I whispered and she shook her head, tears in her eyes. "Don't… please don't"

"Don't what?" I asked, gently and she closed her eyes. "You died once already. It was real for me, don't you understand? I don't want it to happen again. I need … distance."

"Bones… my job has it's risks… I knew that when I started to work for the FBI." I sighed. "It wasn't the first time I got shot."

"But it was meant to be me." She hissed. "Me. Not you." Her eyes were fixed on me now and there was unmistakeable accusation in them. "You… had no right…"

"No right? God damn it, Bones…" I shook my head. "I rather die myself than see you hurt, don't you get it?"

"Me too! But you took the choice away. It should have been me! Me! And I felt so guilty… for causing your death. For causing Parker to lose his father." She nearly yelled and one or two heads turned in our direction.

My heart skipped a beat as she said the 'me too'. I gently squeezed her hand. "How is it your fault that Pam Nunan fired that gun?" I asked her.

"I…" She frowned a little and hesitated.

"Exactly." I continued and took her other hand, too, holding them in mine. "It's not your fault. It was her fault. Everything that happened afterwards was caused by her action. It was not your fault that I got shot."

"But it happened because of me." She insisted, stubborn as always.

"Two different things entirely." I answered in a low voice. "I would gladly take a bullet for you any day if it's what it takes to save you. And if I do, you don't get to blame yourself."

I reached for her face, laid a finger under her chin, gently pushing, so that she had to meet my gaze. There were tears in her brilliant blue eyes and the sight of it tugged at my heart.

"It hurt." She whispered. "It hurt that you were gone. I hurt so much, I didn't want to go on anymore."

My throat burned upon hearing her words, my chest tightened. "Bones." I whispered.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for it to happen. I would never hurt you intentionally… Do you believe that?"

"Yes." She said and there was no doubt in her voice.

"Do you want to hurt me?" I asked and her eyes widened in surprise and she shook her head forcefully. "No."

"But you do, Bones. By not answering my calls and pushing me away." I sighed.

"But… but…" Her face was a study of emotions… surprise, confusion and guilt.

"Don't feel guilty now." I said sternly. "I don't want you to pity me, I want you to understand. What would you do if I started to just ignore you? Wouldn't you wonder why? Wouldn't it hurt, just a little?"

"I didn't mean… " Her face fell. "I never wanted to hurt you, Booth. I thought… I thought… if I just shut it all out…put some distance between us…"

"It might go away? I'm not going." I shook my head and used the pad of my thumb to brush a tear from the smooth skin of her cheek. "I've been in love with you for some time now, Bones… and it's not going to stop." To my surprise she actually leant into my touch and I cupped her cheek with my palm.

"But… why?" She asked, confusion and disbelief shining bright in her eyes.

I had to chuckle. "Easy questions first, huh?" I took in a deep breath and met her eyes with what I hoped was a look that showed sincerity. "You're not just my partner when we're in the field. You're a part of me, Bones. I need you in my life. One way or the other."

"Which….which way would you prefer?" Bones asked and my heart skipped a beat.

"Isn't that obvious?" I asked silently, still caressing her cheek, and she trembled a little.

"But… it… might not work out and then I'll lose you again." She said, concerned. "We're so different, we might end up fighting and you'll hate me. You'll leave me."

"No." I shook my head. "I won't leave you. I couldn't. We might disagree on some things, hell, we might end up fighting sometimes, but it would be damn boring if you'd agree with me all the time, right? And it wouldn't be you. You'd argue with God."

"I don't believe in God." She objected and I had to laugh. "I know. I don't care, Bones. I care about you."

"I care about you, too." She said and warmth filled me upon hearing her words. Bones lowered her gaze, biting her bottom lip for a moment. "Would you be mad at me, if I would try to knock you out of the way of a bullet?"

I sucked in a deep breath. "I don't know. Maybe. I want to protect you… I wouldn't be happy if you risk your life for me." I saw suspicion in her eyes. "I'd appreciate the sentiment, Bones. But as I said…. I don't want you to get hurt."

She mulled my answer over, obviously dissecting it into bits and pieces. "But I would do it." Her answer was simple and still it was not.

"Take the bullet." She nodded. "If I could. If it's what it takes to keep you safe."

"What if I told you not to?" I said softly and she actually smiled at me. "That wouldn't stop you, right? Me neither."

"Why?" I whispered, hope and emotion making my voice hoarse.

She took in a deep breath. "I've never been in love, Booth. I don't know how it's supposed to feel. There is no definition…" I silenced her with a kiss and after a moment of surprise she kissed me back. I felt giddy… I knew she had not told me she loved me, but it had come damn close.

"Finally." I dimly heard from a few tables away and somebody made "Awww."

I pulled back, a half-embarrassed smile on my face. "We have an audience."

"I don't care." She said and kissed me, hard, almost desperate, but I guess she felt my hesitation. "You care? You don't want to kiss in public?" She asked. "After you told me you love me with half the bar listening you care about kissing?" Bones' blue eyes fixed on me in disbelief.

"If you put it like that…" I murmured and reached for her but she shook her head.

"No, let's go. I have three days of hurting you to make up to you." She said and the look she gave me made me blink in astonishment… and then I had to grin. Wordlessly I tossed a few bills on the table and reached for her hand. She took it and we left the bar together, with people staring after us.

She made it up to me. Three days of ignoring me and hurting me were easily balanced out by the attention I received that night… and the following nights.

Sooo, hope you liked it, reviews would be great!!!! Thanks!