People Error

Summary: Sequel to Cats and Dogs. Two years into Kai and Tori's relationship and the whole team are almost sure that the magnet that brought the two together is gone by the way the two are arguing again. When complications arise again the team are eager to see if things will get better.

Chapter 1

"Don't be so lazy, you haven't even been going for that long." Tori yelled at the team, watching them from on the beach wall as they ran laps. It was getting late although that wasn't a good excuse for slowing down. Now that Tori had her health back she'd gone back to training the team and was more energetic than ever. She hardly ever did her own exercise with the team but that didn't mean she wasn't energetic. She got a little angry, watching everyone slowing down a lot more, "Just five more." She told them.

"You're…trying…to kill us?" Tyson asked breathlessly.

"Too easy of a question." Tori mumbled to herself. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kai stop, grabbing at the wall as his other hand was on his knee, breathing heavily until he collapsed sideways against the wall. Carelessly she slid off the wall and walked up to him, "Why'd you stop?" she asked in a wondering tone.

"This is going to be the end of me." Kai mumbled bitterly, pressing his fingers down hard on the right side of his stomach.

Tori gave him a light pat on the back, not much pity in her actions or in her words, "Run it off, five more laps." She watched him leave, then went back to sitting on the wall like nothing had happened. One their five laps where all done she watched them all collapse on the ground with exhaustion and she laughed at it, walking over to them and joining them on the ground. "That was a good days work." She said in a happier tone.

"So now explain to us how we're getting home." Max said, lying on his stomach on the sand.

"You're going to walk."

"How?" Ray mumbled.

"I think my legs are asleep." Tyson complained, attempting sitting up.

Tori laughed, also rolling her eyes, "Yet somehow life goes on." She joked, giving him a light punch in the shoulder. She lay back onto the soft sand, staring up at the darkening sky, "We've got a while before we should get home." She turned her head to the side to look at Kai, he was sitting up in the front, staring out at the waves of the dark water, "Hey Kai," she called him, getting a blank look from him, "You alright?" she asked him softly. He nodded but that was it and he went to look out at the waves again. She got up slowly, then kneeling down in front of him, "Sorry but I don't believe you." She murmured, placing a hand to his forehead, "The fever's back. Go home."

Kai naturally shook his head, refusing, "I'm fine. It's not even that bad."

Tori stood up, "I mean it Kai, go home." She ordered him angrily. Kai scowled quietly, standing up, glaring at her coldly and then walking off, obviously frustrated but Tori couldn't blame him much. "Stubborn." She growled, sitting back down with the others.

"Another fever?" Ray asked her, sitting up across from her.

"Yeah…he's been getting them quite a lot lately." Tori replied with an exhale. "Obviously he's too stubborn to go to a doctor about it. Ever since he'd got everything back to normal he's trying to avoid doctors the best he can."

"Then again, maybe we could get the doctor the Dojo tomorrow before training. Maybe he wouldn't be so uncomfortable." Max tried.

Tori shook her head sadly, "The guy will just get pissed off. In my opinion we should just leave him do what he likes for now, then if things get worse we'll do something about it. Till then just leave him alone."

"I hope you're right about this." Tyson said, sitting up.

Tori smirked a bit, standing up, "I was right two years ago and I'm right now too." She assured him in a playful tone. "I'm also right when I say you should get home soon because tomorrow training will be tough."

"One hellish training after another? That's not fair, Tori." Max said, hauling himself off the ground.

The girl wrapped her arms around his waist, "I know but you've got a tournament in a few months and I need to keep all of you in shape."

"You're assuming we're going to make it to the tournament." Ray quipped.

Tyson got up like all the others had, leaning against Ray as he'd spoken, "Yeah, your work out might kill us before we get to even meet the competition!"

"You're all just lazy." Tori said, "Anyway, I'm off and I'll see you tomorrow morning." She waved, walking backwards before turning and running off back home to meet Kai. In a short amount of time she'd arrived back to the old apartment she still lived in with Kai. She stepped inside and looked around from the corridor, walking to Kai's bedroom and walking inside, sitting down beside him on the bed. "Grumpy, you okay?" she asked him. He'd been sleeping on his side, always had for the past few months since the fevers had started bothering him so right now his back was now towards her with the covers all the way up his shoulder.

He turned over, looking up at her and wiping at his eyes, "I'm alright." He mumbled angrily.

Tori slid off the bed and walked to the bathroom, coming back with the thermometer. She put it in his mouth hurriedly, then sat back down on the bed abruptly, "I didn't mean to be so rough on you during training today, I hope I didn't hurt you." She pulled the thermometer out of his mouth, "39.5°C." she told him.

"I'm feeling better though." Kai whispered hoarsely.

The girl shrugged a little, thinking for only a moment, "Maybe the fever was worse before." Kai groaned quietly, sighing with frustration after just before pulling the covers over his head. The girl sat on the ground and peered under the covers, "Yeah suffocate yourself why don't you?" she shook her head and turned down the covers again, "Did you have dinner?"

"Do you think I had time?" Kai asked rhetorically.

"Fine, what should I make?"

"Ah nothing for me, not up to it. Maybe in the morning."

Tori sighed, obviously with disagreement but she'd learnt not to argue, "Alright." She walked out quietly, leaving him alone to get some rest.

That left Kai with his own thoughts, which really wasn't very much considering he just wanted to sleep soundly till the next morning. It probably wasn't an option though. Very rarely could he sleep soundly with a fever and when he could it usually meant he'd be waking up early in the morning left with nothing to do but train. And obviously, Tori disagreed to him training aside from when they trained as a team. It had been almost two years since they'd met, just under two years that they'd been as a couple and not all that much had changed aside from Tori's attitude towards him when it came to training. It was all understandable to him. He was the one that had asked her to be so tough on him when they trained.

When he'd began working so hard to turn his whole life around it made him feel like he was going soft and he didn't like the idea of that at all. So he asked the girl to act a little more assertive and not to treat him any differently just because he got hurt once in a while. He wanted to be treated like he had to surpass the pain and continue. He wanted to be pushed, otherwise he'd just think he was slacking and that was the last thing he had wanted for himself.

It clearly made Tori uncomfortable having to treat him that way. She was a gentle and caring soul, very argumentative when it came to games and sports and such but she was always caring no matter what so he knew she didn't like the idea of having to treat him that way but she did it anyway, regardless of the pain she felt and not once did she argue with him that she didn't want to be that way anymore. As long as it added to his self-worth then it made her happy enough.

Still things had gotten better for the two over the bit of time they knew each other after their own events. Tori was amazingly healthy again and was able to do just about everything without feeling overly exhausted and pained as she used to. A lot of things for Kai had gotten better, there was a great improvement at least. He was able to get long hours of sleep, all nightmare free. His eating had gotten a lot better too, at least when he went to dinner with the team he was at least able to order something and eat a decent amount. It wasn't as much as he should be eating but it was a healthy amount at least which kept him out of hospitals. He had the rare panic attack once in a while but that was just about it, everything else was clear sailing.

That was up until the fevers started up a few months ago and an aching pain in his side had settled. The pain was terrible. To the point that many times he'd have to stop training just because of it. He pushed himself to continue but still, sometimes even he couldn't help wanting to go sit back down on a sofa and relax for a few minutes. He always saw it in Tori's dark brown eyes that she just wished he'd stopped pushing himself and calm down but he wouldn't do that.

His mind had been wandering so much lately. One moment he thought that he didn't have the strength to think about things and suddenly his mind just started calculating old thoughts. Some good and some bad. He was close to sleeping, just up until he felt a skinny form creeping into the space beside him in the bed. The girl pulled his arm to wrap around her as she nestled into his side and pulled the blankets tighter over the both of them. "What is it?" he asked her in a whisper.

Tori nestled a little closer, yawning quietly before answering, "I want a cuddle." She pouted softly.

Kai laughed quietly at that, tightening the arm that she'd made him snake around her, then giving the top of her head a light kiss before resting back comfortably into the pillows. "Night." He whispered.

Tori smiled at that, tightening an arm around his waist, "Night night." She spoke in a childish tone.


Being so close to him she noticed something. "Kai…you're…"

"Burning up?" Kai interrupted. He nodded, "Yeah I know." He answered himself.

Tori got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Rinsing a cloth with cold water, she was about to walk back out of the bathroom but her eyes caught on the small red stains that covered the white tiled walls by the door. She shut her eyes, a quiet sigh escaping her before she walked back to Kai. She sat by him again and dabbed the cool cloth against his forehead despite that he'd constantly flinch and move away. After a few minutes of that she stared down at Kai's hands, her fingers finding their way through his gloved ones, feeling his hands shake slightly beneath hers. "You hurt yourself?" Tori asked quietly, careful on the subject.

"Drop it." Kai whispered in a warning tone.

"Just tell me." Tori encouraged.

---End Flashback---

That memory reflected in his mind almost every night. Or at least every night that he went to bed with a fever. It was one of the first times that she'd cared for him so well, it was also one of those times that her encouragement almost brought him to talk to her about everything. He never had though. She still didn't know everything about his past. Actually, she hardly knew anything about his past but she was okay with that fact and he loved that about her. He turned over onto his side, the side he shouldn't be lying on if he wanted to spare himself some pain.

He pulled both arms around her and closed his eyes, smiling a little lightly when she moved closer. He gave her another kiss on the cheek and relaxed again, then attempting a calm sleep for a few hours.

---Next Morning---

"Morning sunshine." Tori greeted cheerily, setting down breakfast at table.

"Stop calling me sunshine." Kai said through gritted teeth.

Tori smirked, "Well that answers my question…two coffees this morning." Therefore putting down a mug of coffee and boiling more water.

"This is amazing." Kai argued quietly with her, "I spend my whole childhood with no fevers or colds whatsoever and suddenly in the course of three or four years I make up for my childhood immunities." Sipping his coffee once finishing off his argumentative statement.

"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told you yesterday…" Tori set a second mug off coffee down on the table, then leaning forward against it, "Go to a doctor!" she ordered, pushing herself away and sitting up onto the counter. "I don't know why you're so stubborn about it. They're just going to tell you what's wrong and why you're getting the fevers and what you could do to fix it. They aren't going to kill you."

"It's funny how in two years you haven't got it into your thick brain that I just hate doctors. Really, its any wonder how I get along with your parents."

Tori set down a plate of toast onto the kitchen table in front of Kai, then went back to the counter, "I think its because my dad's been in your position before so he sticks up for you when my mom and I worry as though you were our child."

Kai had begun eating, having took in what she'd said, "Yeah…" he started just before swallowing, "I still find it hard to believe that your parents where like us…total opposites and one more problematic then the other."

"Trust me I was just as surprised as you were." Tori agreed, "Imagine…my dad was always having problems, then my mom shows up and suddenly to him life is all better. Its not exactly the same case with us but the opposites part, my dad's resistance and my mom's consideration for people does fit us pretty perfectly."

"When they explained I had understood why your dad told me you got it all from your mother."

Tori laughed at that, sliding off the counter again, "I suppose I'm a lot more like her than I'd originally thought." She said in cheerful tone, "I'm feeling tired…mind if I go lie down a bit?" she asked.

"Go ahead."

Tori nodded in some thanks, "I've postponed training for a few hours so take your time getting ready to go." She left the room with her words, leaving Kai alone to finish off his breakfast and then to go get ready. It hadn't actually taken him long to finish all the things he had to do though. Breakfast was something he'd gotten used to having so it wasn't much of a struggle anymore and he finished that in only a couple of minutes, leaving few things for Tori to clean up later. Having a shower and changing never gave him any trouble and he was never one to take long doing any of that stuff anyway, unlike Tori, who ever since her surgery, had been known for taking long to get dressed as now she seemed to have been one who enjoyed making herself look good. Rather than not caring at all like she used to when he first met her.

He entered the living room where he was sure that Tori was. She was lying on her stomach on the sofa, flicking through pages of a magazine. He spoke to her quietly but upon walking up to her he'd realized she had her headphones on and couldn't hear him so he gave her a light tap on the shoulder to get her attention. She smiled up at him and turned over onto her back, "Hey there, all done?" she asked, pulling off her headphones and tossing them onto the coffee table.

"Yeah. Why are you so tired?" Kai sat down at the edge of the sofa just beside her.

"Not too sure, I slept fine last night though."

The Russian thought for just a moment, "Cancel training today." He said suddenly. The girl looked at him strangely, a look on her face reading something like 'What on earth are you talking about this time?' and he smirked at the confusion, "You're tired, I'm sore, you're working this afternoon anyway so might as well cancel it."

"So what do we do all morning?" Tori asked boringly.

Kai paused, clearly not having thought the thing all the way through, "I don't know. Do what you like. All I know is I'm in desperate need for a few more hours sleep."

Tori rolled her beautiful brown eyes, sighing a bit, "Fine, go get some sleep."

The male smiled lightly, "Thanks." He whispered softly.

"Yeah yeah, I'm only letting this go because I can't be bothered to get up and go out." Tori turned back over onto her stomach, going back to reading the magazine up until she felt fingers massaging the small of her back, "Stop that." She laughed, more when he tickled the sides of her stomach. She turned over so he couldn't get to her, shaking her head, "Keep your hands to yourself." She joked.

"And you say I'm grumpy." Kai smirked as he stood up, he reached forward, gave her a quick kiss on the lips and turned to the door to leave.

"Kai…" Tori whispered in an affectionate tone.

Kai softened up a little at the sound of her sweet voice again and turned, "Yeah?"

Tori smiled brightly, "You are grumpy." She said with a sweet laugh.

The older blader exhaled and rolled his eyes at the sound of her childish comment and laugh, "What a comedian." He said sarcastically, smirking. "So I'm grumpy, but you're a close second." He added before leaving the room.

"I already knew that!" Tori exclaimed after him, giggling as she tugged on the headphones again, "As if he doesn't already know that I'm second to him at being grumpy." She mumbled, still with a smile. She squeiled quietly as something hit her and she looked up with a pout at the person that threw the object at her.

"So hopefully you'd shut up." Kai answered simply, then leaving again.

The girl looked down at the object, still pouting, finding a chocolate bar had been thrown at her. She looked a little confused naturally since last that the team was over Max and Tyson had licked up every last speck of sugar the house contained. With that in mind she got off the sofa and walked down the hall to the bedroom. Running and jumping onto the bed, startling a relaxed Kai, "I thought all the chocolate was gone!" she exclaimed.

"It was…but I bought some more when I went to buy coffee." Kai replied, sitting back up slightly on his elbows.

Tori turned bug eyed, gaping slightly, "So there's more where this came from?!" she asked, a tint of happiness in her voice.

"Yeah but you're not getting to it." Kai teased, lying back down.

The girl pouted a bit, "But…but why?" she sniffled only half-jokingly.

"Because I don't want to deal with you when you're hyper." Kai pulled the covers over himself and lay down comfortably, hoping to avoid the teasing that was definitely coming thanks to his comments.

She unwrapped the chocolate and broke off two small pieces, mumbling something at the same time that was like, "I don't get hyper that much." She passed him a piece which he graciously took, his rare taste of chocolate while she curled up beside him, "So what's sweeter…chocolate or me?" she asked cutely. He avoided the question though, just staring off to one side of the room, "I asked you a question." She said as she prodded him in the stomach.

"Ah…chocolate. Definitely chocolate." Kai replied with a nod.

Tori sat up on her side, then tilting Kai's head to her side and gave him a long sweet kiss on his lips that burned both their cheeks, "And now?" she asked.

Kai faked a thought and then replied with a repetitive, "Chocolate."

Tori shook her head, hitting his side slightly, "Shut up." She mumbled, lying back down.

Kai smiled softly at the pout on her lips as she stared up at her ceilings. He turned over and slid closer to her, kissing her gently on the cheek, then on her lips again once she looked over at him. "My grumpy girl." He whispered jokingly.

"Grumpier boy." Tori mumbled, a little more offensively then when he'd said it. She closed the little gap between them for just a sweet little moment.

A/N: There's chapter one to the Cats And Dogs sequel. I have quite a lot planned for this story so look out for it and I hope you enjoy the sequel as much as you enjoyed the first story. Please be patient with me. I've never actually written a sequel on here, this is my first and only because of the demand there was for a sequel. I hope you all enjoy it! Please leave a review and give me some feedback. Take care everyone.