She followed behind him as he sauntered over the man… no, boy… that Sakura had chosen. The kid was a little shorter than him, clearly effeminate with his ridiculous long (and weirdly silky) blond hair, tight clothes, and … nailpolish. … At least he was unique. He almost reminded him of someone he used to know… Strange. He shook his head to clear out the thoughts before walking over to stand next to the boy. He could feel Sakura take her place directly next to him, with her back turned towards him. Eavesdropping harpy.

Sasuke leaned forward on his elbows, and turned his head to attempt eye contact with his mission. He would not hiccup, he would not hiccup, he would not hiccup. Mind over matter, right?

"hi-Hey." The boy turned to look at him, quirking a finely shaped eyebrow in surprise.

"Hi – you look… familiar, do I know you?" Stupid missing-nin posters plastered all over the fucking city.

"I don't think so, but," He dropped his voice a pitch lower, "I wouldn't mind if you did." He was surprised that he was able to keep the hiccups at bay for now, as well as come off as mostly sober. He was pretty impressive, wasn't he? "I'm…" Shit, shit, shit, name, name, name, "Kiba." Fuck. Of all the names… stupid Dog-boy. He heard a snort from behind him as if someone was having trouble drinking their drink for some reason. He flipped around, leaning his back on the bar, and elegantly elbowing said person in the process.

"Kiba-san, it's nice to meet you, I'm Tehru." The boy, Tehru, then, gave him a smile and his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you. And please, just Kiba." Sasuke moved again, angling his body towards Tehru and opening his eyes wider. This was going to be cake. Did Sakura think that he was some homophobic nut who didn't know how to use his body if the situation called for it? He could do it just as well as any kunoichi, damn it.


He brought a hand forward and trailed fingers along the inside of Tehru's wrist. He could feel when the boy's pulse sped up.

"So Tehru, what brings you here? A –" he paused and looked around conspiratorially, "date?" Tehru looked back, aghast.

"Oh no, no, no, Kiba. Just an evening out, my friends all have to work in the morning, but I just needed to get out of the house, you know? Maybe even … meet someone."

"… I can understand that."

"What can I get you boys?" The bartender had finally arrived.

"Three bottles of Sake." Sasuke grinned, he completely had this in the bag.

"And I'll have – "

"One of those bottles is for you, Tehru. Don't worry about it." He smiled again, working his magic on the boy. "I wasn't kidding when I said it would be my pleasure." Tehru blushed, and stammered his thanks.

"Here you go," the bartender placed the bottles in front of Sasuke, and in turn he reached back for his wallet.

"… Oh no!" He pretended to search frantically, "Where's my wallet?" He turned to Sakura, eyes wide and pleading, "Have you seen a wallet around here??" She, probably struck dumb in surprise by his expression (which was not one she'd ever seen before on his face), merely shook her head in response. He continued to look around and under the bar until he felt a tentative hand on his shoulder,

"Please, Kiba, allow me." Tehru smiled and handed the money to the bartender. "You can get me next time, yes?" Sasuke shot a small smile in his direction; it was the perfect mix of gratitude and sheepishness.

"I hope you don't think poorly of me, if we meet again, I will definitely be the one to buy the drinks. For now I've got to go drop this drink off with my friend."

"It was very nice to meet you, Kiba. I hope to see you around." Tehru brought a hand forward to shake Sasuke's,

"You as well, Tehru." And to put the icing on the cake, Sasuke ignored the outstretched hand, leaned forward and placed a quick peck on Tehru's cheek. "Thanks for the drinks!" And that was that. He turned around, very well aware that there were two completely stunned people at the bar watching him walk away. Ha! Let Sakura underestimate him now! … Of course, now he had to make it back to his table without stumbling.

Five minutes later, Sakura had caught up to him in the back of the bar and plopped down in the seat next to his.

"I can't believe that just happened."

"I will deny all of it if you tell anyone." She shook her head at him,

"No… you don't… it's just that… that was… that was amazing." He settled back against his chair, pushed a bottle towards her and opened his without much flourish.

"Don't take me lightly, Sa-ku-ra. Nin's aren't just fighters. They're spies, too." Her face scrunched at this,

"I know." She replied, grabbing her bottle and wrenching the top off most violently. He grinned, leaning forward and placing his hands beneath his chin,

"You also know, now, that it's my turn." He hoped he sounded ominous. He wanted to, very badly.

"I know." This time the words were said with an air of resignation. His smirk turned devious. "… Okay, let's finish these drinks first. I don't like the look on your face…" She signaled one of the bar staff, "…Actually we better make it two bottles each."

"O-okay, Sasuke-kuuuuun. Whatever shall I do for you?" She batted her pretty eyes at him.

"Hm…" He'd had an idea twenty minutes earlier, and now he could not, for the life of him, remember what it was. "I… I dare you to," then it came to him in a flash, the perfect, perfect, own over Sakura for the rest of her life, kind of dare. She would never, ever agree.

"Well, Sasu-chan, you got anythin', or am I gonna have to find some'n more satisfying than you?" She shot him a lazy smile, only bothering to quirk the left corner of her lips. They were awfully sparkly… her lips, that is. She must use that gloss stuff… he couldn't help but wonder if it tasted anything like its scent. Shit. That was not what he was supposed to be thinking about.

"I dare you –hic– dammit! Fucking hiccups. I dare you to moon fuzzy eyebrows." Her eyes opened wider than he'd ever seen them go before, and he was momentarily struck by just how much he wanted them to look like that at him all the time. Then she started talking.

"You… you want me to…" She fisted her hands and shook her head. Then she smiled one helluva toothy smile. "Okay. Okay, I can do this, Sasu-chan… but let's do some more shots first." He lifted an arm,

"Four sake bombs." He called out to the waitress who had been attending them.

"And two more bottles of soju, please." Sakura added on. After the waitress had brought them back their drinks and put them on the table, he motioned to the extra bottles.

"What are those for?" Sakura grinned in response.

"The road of course, we're going to have to find Lee, you know. Can't have ourselves drying out, now can we?" He shot her a please look,

"Good thinking." She shrugged her shoulders and lifted her shot glass. Just as she was about to bring it to her lips, she spoke,

"By the way, Sasuke. After I do this, I'm going to get you back so hard you will have no idea what hit you." Then she slammed back the drink. He could only stare as she put the cup daintily on the table and smiled at him jovially, "This is fun, ne Sasuke-kun?"

He had a very bad feeling about the rest of this night.


… Hello. So yes, chapter 3 (almost put 4, ha!) has arrived. I know I always promise to try and get the chapters out faster but uhm… I get… distracted. By, you know, stuff. … Like uhm… uhmmmmm… damn it. I suck at this.

So, yes, this chapter makes me laugh. Minus the fics where Sasuke is gay, he's usually written as this bizarro uber-masculine homophobic nutcase… but I figure, ninjas have to learn espionage as well. And to do that, they have to be able to adopt any personality, right? So yes. He owned Sakura, it's true.

And Tehru is a boy after my own heart, seriously. So cute. I felt so bad having to make Sasuke pull the wool over his eyes. I'm thinking about bringing him back to have his revenge… indirectly, of course. I mean, he was just an innocent bystander right? Right.

So anyhow, here's chapter 3. We'll see when Chapter 4 gets here, I make no promises! I'm learning my lesson! … Just kidding, I'll try to have it out in 2 weeks? Maybe earlier if I get struck with sudden inspiration. Although, honestly, I think this Lee scene is going to be really fucking funny, for the record. I'm laughing just thinking about it.

Okay, okay, I'm done rambling. You kiddoes will have to tell me what you thought, as always, because your reviews really do affect how I write the story. I mean if there's something someone doesn't like and it makes sense, I totally make an effort to change the way the plot moves. Chuknowhowitgoez. Besides, I kind of… you know… feed on reviews. (That sounds so gross. Ew. NVM.)


(g'bai :heart:)