I do not owe High School Musical or its characters.

Chapter 3

Someone was banging on the door. A muffled voice said something and then banged again. She didn't hear it lost as she was in a fantasy where in Troy, riding a white stallion, swept her off her feet and rode away with her to his castle.

She lay on the bed smiling happily as she imagined him kissing her at sunset - and what and amazing kisser he was - declaring his love for her. She turned on her side and curled up drawing her legs to her chest. Her hand reached his jersey lying by her side and she brought it to her face.

A new fantasy appeared, this one more wicked. She was standing in Troy's living room, how she imagined it looked like, Troy was standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her. He was slowly and softly trailing kisses up her neck. She was enjoying the feeling he brought her and she looked triumphantly at the bound woman sitting on a chair before them.

"Happy Birthday, My Love," he whispered to her, "I hope I wrapped you present properly". They both gazed towards the repulsive woman whose muffled screams gave her thrills. Looking at Montez with that greasy hair, flawed skin and unappealing clothing it didn't surprise her that Troy picked her over that cow.

"As she is your present you can do what ever you want with her," he said, his hands going under her shirt caressing her stomach and drawing upwards. It was understandable that he rather focus on giving her pleasure then dealing with something so unimportant thing like her.

She moaned as he reached a sensitive spot and then giggled when she saw how she desperately tried to gain Troy's attention. Probably in some mistaken belief that he would help her. As if, she thought.

"What would you like me to do to her?" she wondered.

"Anything," he said, "and make it painful," he added with a smile.

"Of course," she whispered pulling him in for a kiss. Moments later they parted and she walked forward. A knife appeared in her hand and she imagined the numerous ways it could be used on the terrified woman. Finally she decided to go with something simple but very painful, one stab wound so she could slowly bleed to death and at the same time watch Troy do all kinds of R-rated things to her. A good way for Montez to die.

She stopped when she go as close as she could and bent forward putting her left hand on the back rest, raised her right hand and prepared to stab. She smiled looking into those two horrified eyes and let her hand drop.


She was pulled out of her daydream before she managed to strike the blow by another hit on the door. She growled in frustration and yelled to the person on the other side to shut up and leave her alone. A muffled, "fine", reached her and the sound of that someone stomping of relaxed her. She lay back on the bed and prepared for another fantasy.


Three weeks ago.

The Albuquerque airport terminal was filled up to its limit of people. As it was not even half of that number were there to fly, no, they were waiting. Any moment now two people were going to walk out of one of those planes and were going to be greeted by the crowd. Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez. Two celebrities, one that had been born in Albuquerque and the other moved there as a teenager.

Albuquerque, and especially East High, could brag about producing a high number of success stories. The high school had become something of a hot spot and took any chance of explaining why. After all they did have graduates that had become NBA Basketball stars, a scientist on her way to a Nobel Price, a song-writer and Broadway producer, twin-siblings taking Hollywood by storm and a star cook (in a male Martha Stewart form). And of course the most famous ones, Troy and Gabriella.

So it was no wonder the school got more applications from students from other schools than ever before, going to a school with that success rate is bound to do good for your future.

But let's go back to the airport. Just stepping out of the plane Troy and Gabriella was slightly behind the other passengers, not wanting to hold up the way once they reached the main terminal and was mobbed by the fans. Walking a few feet ahead of them was their bodyguard Antonio. He was mostly with them when they traveled and not because they were in danger or anything but to make way through crowds, make sure no one got to close (Gabriella have had troubles with men grouping her before they hired Antonio) and see to it so no one tried anything else.

"You excited?" Troy wondered, putting his arm around her waist.

"Of course," Gabriella smiled. Further away they could hear excited screams the closer they got and unaware of it themselves they tensed and prepared for anything. "I haven't seen Mom in months now," Gabriella continued as the parted and Troy took her hand in his instead. He put his other hand in his pocket, where it then would stay until they were clear of the crowed, where he had his keys and wallet. Gabriella shifted her purse to a better position where she could make sure that it wouldn't be taken and no one would be able to get a hand in it.

They caught up with Antonio just as the last passenger went through the swing doors out to the terminal. When the three walked out the volume increased drastically. Thankfully the people couldn't get in as the passengers waited for their luggage to appear on the carousel, unfortunately only a red thick ribbon separated the waiting area with the main terminal which meant people could look in but not get in. Screams, yells and flashes of light from cameras made one big chaos on the other side.

While waiting for their baggage to appear Troy and Gabriella ignored the noise as best as they could only turning once in a while to smile and wave to the crowd to make them happy. They also pretended not to see the curious glances and looks their fellow passengers gave them.

When they saw their bags appear they quickly grabbed them and with Antonio started towards the check out. Once clear they now had to make way through the crowd.

Without Antonio it would have taken twice as long but as it was they were out of the airport in about twenty minutes. While he waited for his luggage he had called his father and told him they had arrived. Troy and his father had agreed in advance that he would pick them up at the airport. Neither Troy nor Gabriella had any cars there so would they want to go somewhere they had to borrow their parent's cars, "Just like when we were teenagers," Troy had joked when he told Gabriella. Jack was now waiting for them as they came out and they quickly put the bags in the car and drove home, another thing just like when they were younger. They would be staying in different houses, Gabriella with her mother and Troy with his family.

Staring at his image in the mirror Troy tried to calm his nerves. He wasn't very successful and the butterflies in his stomach fluttered around like a storm. A knock made him turn around. His father was by the door way.

"Are you ready?" he wondered.

"Not really," Troy said and turned back to the mirror. Jack walked in and over to his son.

"Don't worry. It's only Gabriella and the biggest decision of your life," Jack teased.

"So not funny," Troy glared. "Is everything in place?" he asked.

"Yup and the doors will be unlocked. Matsui was more than eager to bend a few rules and regulations once he knew who it was for."

"If everything goes according to plan remind me to thank him later." Troy took a deep breath and looked at the clock. "It's time to pick up Gabriella," he said. They both walked out and Jack said good luck to his son before he walked out to the car.


"Where are we going?" Gabriella wondered as she was lead by hand, blindfolded, by Troy. She had no idea what he was planning or where they were going as he made sure she had the blindfold on from the moment she entered the car. After they stopped and he helped her out she only heard the sound of doors opening but that didn't help any.

"Wait and see?" Troy's voice said to her right.

"Troy!" she playfully whined. She tried to pout, that always made Troy do what she wanted, but as only her lower face was visible and Troy was busy making sure she didn't fall on anything so it didn't work.

"Ok, Ella, there's some stairs now," he warned and told her to step up for each step. Another door opened and wind and cold air hit her. She guessed they were outside. Another flight of stairs and he stopped her.

"You ready?" he asked. She was ready alright and nodded as excitement was building up inside of her. She felt Troy's hands on the side of her head just before he took the blindfold away.

She gasped in surprise, too stunned to say anything. They were standing in their secret hideout on top of the school. Not much had been changed; there were still a lot of flowers and stuff there but something that had been added was the numerous candles. It made a impressive and romantic sight in the dark evening. On the floor by the bench was a blanket with a basket. Troy led her there and they sat down.

"I take it that you liked my surprise," he said picking food and drinks from the basket.

"It's amazing," she laughed, "When did you have time to do this?"

"I didn't," he said, "Mom and Dad made sure that everything was in place, because I knew I would have time to do this on my own."

He gave her a fancy glass with champagne and held his own to hers, "Happy anniversary, Gabriella." She laughed and took a sip not knowing that the biggest surprise yet was about to come.

They ate, drank and had a blast remembering their time up there. Gabriella thought they were almost done when Troy began putting things away. She was a little disappointed and didn't want the night to end. But when he didn't make any move to leave after he was done she thought there might be something more going on.

"A lot of important moments happened up here for us…" he began saying, "… so I thought this would be the right place for this."

For what she wondered, not daring to hope.

"I love you Gabriella and I can honestly say that I can't imagine my future without you," he pulled a little black box out of his pocket. The words Oh my god was running as a loop through her mind.

"So I wonder now…" he took a deep breath, which she echoed, and asked, "If you ill marry me Gabriella Montez?" and opened the box.

Tears of happiness ran down her face and she didn't trust her voice and simply nodded. He took the ring and gently put it in her finger. She took a moment to admire the ring before she threw herself at him and hugged him.

"I love you," he said and she said it back.

With a perfect kiss the night was complete.

To Be continued.

As I said before, I haven't seen HSM 2 but couldn't help but look up the plot and the songs. I'm hopeless. Should I raise the rating? Our dear delusional stalker is going to become more violent in the coming chapters. I hope you like this, please leave a review and tell me what you think. I'll see you soon.