Seven deadly sins


I don't love Spock, Jim does. I lust after him... He's every I need right now, he's kind, he's stable, he's loving and caring, He's beautiful, But he doesn't want me. He wants the captain. Why do I stand in the way of true love? I don't know. I do know, no matter how much I deny it, that I only lust after Spock. Jim loves him and he loves Jim.


"You have an almost human-like pride in your son" Amanda said once, On our way to Babel. Perhaps she was right. It was the first time in nearly four years I saw my son, saw him not only surviving but thriving. I do have pride in him, He's the first Vulcan in Star Fleet to serve on an all human ship. Even T'Pol couldn't claim that. She had another non-human on board, a Denoblian. My son is the first. I do have pride in him.


"So what's on for movie night tonight?" asked Trip as he rounded the corner to the door by the rec room.

" A double feature apparently. Two films from the 1980's." She pointed at the poster on the wall across from the door. "Star Trek: Wrath of Kahn and Star Trek: Search for Spock."

"Come on T'Pol, Lets go in so we can get decent seats."

About two hours later when the film was over they left the rec room.

"You know, for movies supposedly about the wrath of Khan Noonien Singh and returning a guy's soul to his body there was a little too much blatant homoeroticism between the Vulcan guy and that fat human."

"That was the only part I liked about it." said T'Pol blandly.


I wish I was in T'Pring's place. She's bonded to Spock. He needs her to cool the burning of the Pon-farr and she doesn't want him. I wish this were a human wedding, then when T'Pau says " Speak now or forever hold your peace." I could burst out of my seat and say "I do!"and confess to Spock's family how much I love him. Later in Sickbay I wait for Spock. When he sees me there he has a smile for me from ear to ear. I lean over and kiss him and tell him of the envy I felt toward T'Pring.


I want them SO bad. Every time I see them on

E-bay I want them!! Its greedy and I know it is but I want those Kirk and Spock action figures, out of the box. I want to play with the characters more than I already do, To make the Spock doll announce 'Love is illogical' and then turn right around and kiss Jim. I may be greedy but I want them! Maybe my birthday... !


We Vulcans are not normally lazy people, I myself rise at 3:00 am, Clean my quarters, Read and meditate till 8:00 am. Then I have breakfast in the mess hall, take my bridge shift work out in the gym till 6:00 pm and end my night playing chess with the Jim.

But this week is different, Jim and I are on leave together and I am taking a break from the work I normally do. I shall instead drink in Jim's beautiful form till I am intoxicated then I'll kiss him and touch him until our passions are both sedated.

I am not lazy this week, I merely have a new work schedule.

(written from Uhura's perspective)
I'm a glutton for slash, for reading slash fanfiction, Holmes/Watson, Remus/Sirius, for old Vulcan legends about Gay warriors. I read it all at the communications console( when I don't have to talk to belligerent aliens that is) Now I have the UST right before my eyes, Jim and Spock. Yes, I'm a glutton, a junkie, but their in love. At least this form of gluttony doesn't make you gain weight.

I wonder how long it will be till Jim and Spock screw on the bridge...?