Such great expectation was placed on that poor bird. It deserved an honorable mention somewhere. Lost is not my property. I own nothing but the keyboard on which I typed this.
The Gull
She wanted to tell him. Standing on the beach watching the bird fly away with their message. She wanted to spill out her fears and hopes and nonsense. But her tongue was weighted and unmoving. I trust you. I need you. I love you. He usually knew these things instinctively, but now? Now he must hear them to believe.
If only she could speak.
She wanted to tell him. Sitting on the platform of her hut, both fixing gazes on her child. She wanted to confess thoughts entertained as long as she'd known him. But she was afraid of ruining something that hadn't properly started yet. I wish he was yours. He is yours. He craved a family and here was one readymade for him.
If only she could speak.
She wanted to tell him. Lying in his arms as the sun rose on another island day. She wanted to whisper in his ear the private longings to go further. But she was never good at such things. I love this. I want more than this. I want you. He'd give her that look and she knew he wanted it too.
If only she could speak.
She wanted to tell him. Walking with him under the glow of moonlight. She wanted to curse her gull idea to keep it from working. But she dare not admit her contentment here. We mustn't be rescued. We must stay here. He seemed as happy as she in the life they'd formed here.
So when she saw her gull the next morning, message still attached, she finally spoke. And by her word, he caught the bird and threw the paper into the fire.