Orihime fell to the ground her arm bruised and swollen. She clutched her arm trying to resist the pain the arrancar had down.

"Trash. I wonder why Aizen sama was so interested in you" spat the female arrancar. Orihime looked up and stared at the arrancar. She looked like a devil. The mask covered half of her face enchanting it to look like a beautiful terror. The female arrancar raised her hand to hit Orihime again. Orihime closed her eyes to prepare for the hit but nothing happened. She opened her eyes as she saw another hand gripping the arrancar's hand.


"G-grimmjow chan?" stuttered the arrancar her face awed. Orihime stared at Grimmjow awed. He was protecting her. Before all she could see was evil. Evil and hate. But he was protecting her.

"Leave" ordered Grimmjow. "She's done nothing to you". Grimmjow's fully restored arm tightened around the arrancar. The arrancar released her hand from Grimmjow.

"Be careful Grimmjow or you might become weak" hissed the arrancar and turned to Orihime. "Like them". The arrancar turned around and walked off calmly as Grimmjow watched her leave until she was out of sight. He turned to Orihime.

"Oi woman are you all right?" asked Grimmjow his voice was like it always was. Frightening and strong but this time Orihime thought there was some sweetness. She tried to open her mouth and talk but the pain from her arm made it unable for her to speak as she felt some blood run down her hand. She struggled to stand up.

"I'm fine" she answered. Grimmjow glued his eyes to her injured arm. He can't see the injury I'm covering it though Orihime. Grimmjow grabbed the arm covering her injured one. Orihime felt frightened. But then she realised. His hand was warm. For a moment she wished h wouldn't let go. Grimmjow gently revealed the injury and held the other hand gently.

"It nothing" mumbled Orihime and looked down. Grimmjow ripped a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around her injured arm.

"I'm not sure if you can heal yourself. But this would stop the blood" he told her and let go of her arm. All the comfort left Orihime as he started to walk away. Each step he took she felt colder and empty. Was there good in him? Actual good? Then she remembered.

"T-thankyou" she said quietly and Grimmjow stopped and turned around.

"It's just repayment for my arm. I don't like being in debt" answered Grimmjow. Orihime blushed.

"But still. Thankyou"

Orihime watched until Grimjow was out of sight. She touched the bandage. It felt warm.