

Sarah: (wide grin) heh, this is gonna be fun!

Naruto: Sarah-chan doesn't own my anime or manga!

Sarah: (gives Naruto ten free meal tickets for Ichiraku)

Naruto: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! (runs off)


This fic takes place about 7 years after the start of the series! Also: swearing, lemonade & limeade material (way in the future), nudity, fights, blood & gore, death, etc.


The old team of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi are back together for another C-rank mission: deliver a letter from the Hokage to the Mizukage and bring another letter back. All goes well… until they are but hours away from Konoha. Sakura and Kakashi get into an argument about, of all things, his beloved Icha Icha Paradise. A strange being suddenly appears, uses a spell to make Sakura and Kakashi swap bodies, and vanishes just as suddenly. Now what are the two supposed to do?! (Kaka/Saku)


(Authors note)



Scene change

POV change


Scene change in memory


ALPHABETICAL ORDER! Languages, other than Japanese, will be listed like this notice.

Arrivederci: goodbye Italian

Ferocitas: untamed spirit Latin

Hokage: earth/fire kage Fire Country Kage

Kage: basically the top ninja in control of one of the Countries in the Naruto anime and manga, means shadow

Kunoichi: female shinobi

Mizu: water

Mizukage: water kage Mist Country Kage

Raikage: lightning kage Cloud Country Kage

Shinobi: ninja

Chapter 1

Body Swap

"UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" a feminine scream of agitation rings throughout a mist-filled forest, causing thousands of startled birds to take sudden flight.

Under a large mahogany tree, three men painfully rub their ears as a young woman with long pink hair tied up in a ponytail glares with dark jade eyes at one of the men in particular. She walks up to him and snatches an orange-covered book out of his hands. "Hey!" the silver-haired man cries out. "That's mine!" he says. Only to be shocked still when she tears the book into pieces. "NOOOO!" he wails pitifully, looking at the pieces that used to be his beloved Icha Icha Paradise book.

He backs up as the girl stomps towards him, backing him into the tree, her finger right under his nose. "You will not be reading a porn book when around me!" she growls. The other two men, one with blonde hair and the other with blue-black hair, back away from the angered woman. Everyone in all of the Countries knows not to get in the way when one Haruno Sakura is pissed. She took down the Raikage for being an extreme hentai and trying to seduce her.

"Sakura," he whines.

"NO!" she yells. "Not around me, Kakashi!"

"But Sakura! I'm team leader!" Kakashi says, trying to reason with her.

"I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE THE DAMNED HOKAGE! YOU WILL NOT READ PORN BOOKS AROUND ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND, HATAKE KAKASHI?!?!" she roars. For only being five feet and three inches tall, Sakura is one hell of a kunoichi when pissed. And she has a very loud voice when angered as well. The older shinobi before her nods quickly.

Suddenly, a soft, breathy cackle was heard in the mists. "Hehehe," a figure breathes as it walks… er, wisps into their sight. Seeing it couldn't help them identify who … er, what it is. It definitely isn't human; though it stands as a human would. It is shrouded by a long cloak that seemed like golden water swirling around it and the hood of the water-cloak is pulled to hide the head of the creature.

"Fate sees a fickle problem, that She does," it breathes in the same kind of voice. "Fate sends Mizu to change problem, as only Mizu can." A long staff appears in front of the creature. The staff seems to be made of black onyx and has a very dark blue globe at the top of it. Around the length of the staff, it has flowing designs similar to water carved into it as well as raised designs. "A swapping of souls, Fate deemed necessary. That She did," it cackles as it grabs the staff with a hand gloved in the same, er, stuff as the cloak is made of. "Mizu be happy to please Fate, that Mizu is. Mizu knows Fate give Mizu reward for good job. Mizu like reward, that Mizu does." The thing that identified itself as 'Mizu' shakes the staff towards Kakashi and Sakura.

Naruto and Sasuke can only watch in shock and horror as a purplish mist seeps from the staff and floats slowly, almost leisurely to their friends. Upon hearing the cackle, not one of the group has been able to move even to blink, much less speak or run. The mist slowly surround the frozen duo and seemed to seep into their skin. The mist pulls out from each and it was like little balls of chakra and soul is being pulled out as well. Naruto makes a gurgling squeak as the chakra-soul balls are then moved and put in the wrong body. Thus making Kakashi's body house Sakura's soul and chakra while Sakura's body houses Kakashi's soul and chakra.

'Mizu' cackles that breathy cackle. "Fate be pleased! Fate give Mizu good reward for success!" the thing cries, dancing around Kakashi's and Sakura's bodies. It shakes the staff again and the mist pulls back into it. "Fate deems ye to be stuck as this until Fate deems ye be ready to accept Her plans for ye!" it cackles. "Mizu come back when Fate deems ye ready! Or Fate may let ye change back … if Her wishes be met! Hehehe!"

With that, the thing calling itself 'Mizu' vanishes just as quickly as it arrived and the four jounin are freed from their paralysis. Sakura's sea green eyes and Kakashi's dark grey eye stare into the other's with shock. "Your in my body!" Kakashi's voice gasps. Then the grey eye narrows angrily. "A pervert's in my body! Ugh!" Kakashi's voice yells.

Sakura's face scowls. "Not that I want to be," Sakura's voice retorts. Then something in the real Sakura's mind clicks and a smirk seems to appear on Kakashi's face. The real Kakashi doesn't like that look one bit. "What the hell are you thinking of?" Sakura's body growls.

"Heh, I can finally see your face. And you can't stop me," Kakashi's voice gloats.

Sakura's body's eyes widen in shock then narrow viciously. Before the real Kakashi can retort, they hear howls of laughter. They turn to see Naruto on the ground laughing so hard he's clutching his stomach. Even Sasuke is chuckling gleefully. All three of Kakashi's former students have been vying for a chance to see his face since they first met and had given up about three months ago. And now the perfect way to do so has presented itself to them through this body switch.

But, surprisingly, Naruto was the first to get control as a sudden, and very disturbing, thought occurred to him. "Um… how do we explain 'this'," he starts, motioning to the two body-switched-Jounin, "to Tsunade-baba? Much less anyone else?"

At that, all three of his friends suddenly become extremely serious, and very confused as to how to answer the blonde. The three acknowledge that Naruto has matured quite quickly in the past seven years they've known each other. "Um," Kakashi's voice says as the real Sakura tries to find an answer.

Sasuke is the first to reply. "We just tell her what happened," he says softly, eyeing the bodies of his former teacher and one of his closest friends. "She could find a way to switch you guys back," he continues, directing this statement at them.

The two Jounin nod. Kakashi's voice says Sakura's words. "Hai, we should head for Konoha instead of rest tonight." Then Kakashi's face makes a disgusted look. "I will not sleep in his body!" Kakashi's voice says, his hand pointing at Sakura's body. Sakura's body gives a very unladylike snort, but nods in agreement that Kakashi also refuses to sleep in a body not his own.

Naruto sighs and runs his hand through his blonde hair. Those two had reverted back to the mindset of school children during this mission, and he says as much. Only to be shot two dirty looks. He ignores the looks and stands up; just realizing he had sat down. "Lets go, we should make it in a few hours," he says tiredly. This whole mess tired him out.

Sasuke nods and moves up beside the fox carrier; he glances back at the two body-swapped-Jounin. And had to fight back a laugh. He quickly taps Naruto's shoulder and, upon gaining the blonde's attention, he pointed to their friends. Naruto looks and his eyes widen as a large grin slowly spread across his face.

For the sight they saw truly was hilarious, especially to one who didn't know of the current the situation. The sight of two of the most renowned ninja in existence staggering like they weren't at all used to their bodies' shape and size would be enough to send even a Sannin into gales of laughter. "Coming?" Sasuke asks amusedly. Two heads snap up to glare death at him because of his amusement to their predicament. Sakura's body is the first to nod. Sasuke laughs and turns to face Naruto. Without a word, the two men nod and take off at a run, laughing out their amusement while they run. Two faces scowl after them. Then the two take off after them as best they can while having to accommodate to their new bodies.

Sarah: heh, this is gonna be fun. Arrivederci!