Present Time

Olivia opened her eyes and looked around. How did she get to the hospital? The last thing that she remembered was looking into Shawn's eyes, knowing that she was safe. He must have brought her here.

Her head didn't hurt anymore. She was still worried about not having any visions. But, who knows. Now that her head didn't hurt anymore, her visions might come back.

Olivia looked at her arms and hands. There were many, very faint scars all over her arms and hands. Olivia noticed some random dots around the scars. The cuts must have had to be stitched up. The doctors must have taken the stitches out that morning.

Olivia slowly brought her hand up to her cheek. She touched the cut where Max had hit her. The stitches were still there. Olivia knew immediately that the cut on her cheek will heal and turn into a scar, but the scar would never go away. She knew that she will have that scar for the rest of her life. Fortunately, the cut only ran from the bottom of her eye to the end of her nose. So, it wasn't very big.

Surprisingly, Olivia didn't feel tired or out of energy, as would be expected after being in a coma for two days. In fact, she was downright hyper.

Olivia pushed herself into a sitting position in the bed and looked over at the sleeping figure in the chair across the room. Shawn was sleeping peacefully. "Aw! How sweet!" said Olivia. She got a tissue out of the tissue box that was on a table next to her bed.

She rolled the tissue up into a ball and threw it at Shawn. "Wake up, Dad!" she said as the tissue ball flew across the room and hit Shawn in the face. He jerked awake and looked around the room, trying to figure out who had hit him.

Shawn looked over at the bed and saw Olivia waving at him. He quickly got out of the chair and headed over to the bed. "Oh my God!" he said "You're awake!" "Yep!" smiled Olivia "Are you OK?" asked Shawn "Yeah!" said Olivia "I feeling much better! My head doesn't hurt anymore!"

"I thought that I had lost you!" said Shawn "I know" said Olivia "I thought that I had lost you too!"

Olivia started staring off into space. When she snapped out of it, she smiled at Shawn. "You're phone's going to ring in 2 seconds and it's going to be Juliet and Gus at the SBPD, but you're not going to tell them about me coming out of the coma because I want to keep it as a surprise"

Shawn looked at Olivia and smiled as his phone rang. "You still have it!" he said "That's one thing that even a hard hit on the head can't take away from me!" said Olivia.


Olivia was allowed to leave the hospital a day later. The first place that she wanted to go was the SBPD. She wanted to see everyone before she went home.

As Olivia and Shawn walked into the SBPD, everyone started clapping and cheering. Shawn had not told anyone that Olivia had come out of the coma.

Olivia smiled and waved to everyone as she walked by. Confused about the commotion outside, Gus, Juliet, Lassiter, Chief Vick, and Henry, who had been waiting in Chief Vick's office since Shawn had told them to meet him there, walked out of Chief Vick's office to find out what was going on.

They saw Olivia running towards them, with Shawn close behind. Olivia gave each of them, including Lassiter and Henry, a huge hug. "I missed you guys so much!" she said "We missed you too, Olivia" said Juliet "Glad to have you back" said Gus "Glad to be back" said Olivia "Any new cases to work on?"

Everyone started laughing. They were really glad to have Olivia back. But, no one was happier than Shawn.

Henry walked over to Shawn. "So" he said "She's back!" "Yeah" said Shawn "And I've learned a very important thing from this experience" "And what's that?" asked Henry, interested in what his son had to say "I'm never going to be late picking Olivia up from school again!" Shawn said with a smile.

The End


Ok. Here's the end! Hope that you like it! Please Read and Review! I'm working on a Christmas one that all Shules fans will downright love so...don't forget to Read and Review!

