AUTHORSNOTE!!: YAYZ! Another chapter!! This one may not be so smooth, but grin and bare it, I guess.

I don't own Avatar.

Katara paced the waiting room of the hospital. The nurse at the reception desk kept a close eye on her, thinking she'd have a nervous breakdown.

After 20 minutes of walking the same line over and over, she was allowed to see Aang.

He had a bandage across his nose to hide a small scratch, and a bright yellow cast on his left leg. "Hey, Katara!" Aang beamed.

"Hey, Aang. How are you feeling?"

"They gave me something so I won't feel the pain. How about you? Are you okay?" Aang cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah, just shaken up, I guess." Katara sat next to Aang on the bed.

"You hear about Toph or Sokka yet?" Aang asked quietly, putting his arm around her shoulders, hugging her close.

"No, not yet. I'm worried, though." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm sure they're fine, Kat. They can handle anything that comes their way."

A doctor knocked on the door, and peeked his head in. "I hope I'm not disturbing anything."

"Any news?" Katara asked hopefully.

"The girl is fine. She wants to see you two. Though, she may not actually SEE you." The doctor walked in, and helped Aang into a wheel chair. Then, they all made their way to Toph's room.

"Hey, Toph." Katara tried to sound cheerful. Toph's eyes were covered in bandages.

"Hey, Sugarqueen. Twinkle toes with you?"

"Right here, Toph. How ya feeling?"

"I can't see anything, and my face burns a bit. I'm feeling just fine." She replied sarcastically. Then, her tone changed to one of worry. "You hear any news on Sokka yet?"

"No. We haven't been filled in on anything." Aang sighed.

They visited for a while, until the doctor from before poked his head in the door.

"What's up, doc?" Aang asked.

"The other boy, he's alright." There was a collective sigh of relief.

"But… He's in a coma." Katara's jaw dropped, her chin quivered, and then she lowered her head and cried. (It seems like she's PMSing, doesn't it?! XD! I know, not funny…)

"I can take you to see him if you'd like." Katara helped Toph into a wheelchair. She followed behind the doctor and Aang to Sokka's room.

AUTHORSNOTE!!: I know you hate the cliff hangers, but I deem them necessary because I don't know how to start a chapter without them, really. But the next chapter will come later tonight. I SWEAR!

Love you all! PEACE!