Disclaimer: Guess what? I don't own hannah Montana

She looked at her hands and then looked up and saw Miley's eyes staring into her own. "Im sorry for pushing you but, I just love you so much I can't help it." She said as she kissed Lilly on the lips. Immediately Lilly pulled back.

"Miley stop,... why do you have to be all over me all the time, I told you, Oliver and I love eachother I can't be with you." She turned to leave but felt Miley grab her wrist. "Miley.. let go." She said as she turned again but her grip tightened. "Miley you're hurting me." She looked at her with pleading eyes and was met with Miley's... full of anger. Miley scared her when she was angry.

Miley slammed Lilly against the wall, "Lilly, what the hell is your problem I know you want this."

"Miley... no we cant, I told you.. I can't do this to him anymore..." She slid her hands down Lilly's arms then to her sides and rested them on her hips. She scanned Lilly's body up and down and the blonde watched her as she shivered. "Lilly you have no idea what just looking at your body does to me..." She started kissing lillys neck and nibbling on it, Lilly's hands were at hanging at her sides... she was doing nothing to respond to the unwanted attention that she was getting...

"Miley stop." She pushed Miley by the shoulders and Miley looked angry. "No, Lilly you can't stop me, I know you want this as bad as me " She leaned in and kissed Lilly on the lips and tried to put her tongue in Lilly's mouth but was pushed back again. ... her face was turning dark red with anger and her desire for Lilly's body was making her hot as well. She grabbed LiIlly's hands roughly so that she couldn't move them, and pressed her body hard againt her slightly shorter friends body...

"you..." She kissed her on the lips " are driving me crazy there is no way I can ever stop..." She looked into Lilly's eyes so full of fear, and Lilly's locked with hers, they are so dark and full of desire."mmmmmhmmm, Lilly you are so cute when your scared." The brunette had said as she leaned in again and tried once again to gain entrance, but Lilly bit her tongue.

She snapped her head back and slapped Lilly hard across the face. "You are such a little slut, what the hell do you want me to do, watch you walk around and flirt with everyone, while your wearing those skin tight outfits and you hair all perfect and sexy with your bangs in your face.." . She stopped to push the bangs out of Lilly's face and gave her an evil grin, She lowered her head and licked and sucked on Lilly's pulse point - her spot - she knew it was Lilly's spot because of previous incidents... Lilly's breathing became shallow and she let out a half moan from the back of her throught and wimpered.

"Miles stop...I cant..." she started, but was cut off by Miley's lips on hers once more. Her hand slid form Lilly's hands to her hip and down her butt "mmmm." was all she could say. she knew she was going to get Lilly whether she wanted to or not. she pulled back and then kissed her roughly, she let go of Lilly's other arm and put it on Lillys shoulder and tilted her head into the kiss deepening it. Lilly as if posessed pressed her hips into Mileys harder... Wich made Miley smile into the the kiss... Oh shit.. now she knows you like it ...she'll never back off now...poor Oliver... Why do I always do this? " Miley let out and and earie laugh from the back of her throat and whispered . "I knew it..." She licked Lilly's lip over and over again she knew she could break Lilly, she knew what to say and when and how get her to do just about anything. Lilly was easy to minipulate.

Finally she opened her mouth and almost instantly Miley's tongue found its way to the back of her throught, Lilly couldn't resist massaging Miley's tongue. Her tongue was hot and seemed to burn the inside of her mouth..."Miley.. I... Oh god" she started to say but the stopped whe she felt hand on her breast grabbing, kneading,rubbing... She felt as if her knees would buckle if Miley kept this up and as if she had read Lilly's mind, She kissed her on the lips repeatedly and dragged her forward by pulling at the hem of Lilly's shirt and didn't stop kissing her as she continued to walks backwards with her, finally she stopped and picked Lilly up and set her on ther counter and was standing between Lilly's legs and started to rub Her inner thigh as their tongues met once again.Lilly was starting to really burn up, her neck grew hot and her face was red, and the thing that worried her is that she was damp in the one place she least expected.

Miley began fiddling with Lilly's shirt and finally decided to take it off, she pulled at the bottom and attempted to lift it off of Lilly's body, she had risen it half way and Lilly stopped her, "Miley.." she had expected her to protest again and when she spoke it suprised Miley...her voice was weak..."Lets not do this here lets go to your room." Miley grinned at the fact that she was able to seduce Lilly once again. She kissed Lilly on the lips and grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs...

Author's note: I'm not sure if I should leave it like this or go into detail about how all of this happened and how they found themselves in this posittion, what do you think? story or no story?