Okay, enough of the spazz attack. I'm just really excited that this is the last chapter of Prince Of Ice. I want to thank everyone who has reviewed and read this story through, and has kept up while it was in progress. Thank you all!

There isn't much to say other than this chapter probably won't be as long as all the others, but it will be completely fluff… maybe. Well…. the last few chapters have been pretty much that, but whatever.

I hope that you enjoy the Finale to the story, and will read the sequel!

Cherryblossom hime

DISCLAIMER: After repeating it 20 chapters, I am so glad that I don't have to say it again after this. I DON'T OWN BLEACH! Lol.

Chapter Twenty: Eternal Bond

Momo was crying. No matter what she tried to do, she couldn't stop crying. Today was the day that she had been anticipating as much as she had been dreading. She was getting married, and to none other than the one person that she would only marry.

Hitsugaya Toushiro.

"Hey Momo, you need to calm down." Rukia said soothingly as she finished touching up Momo's wedding dress.

"I-I know Rukia, but I'm just so… I don't know. I feel so fluttery and my stomach is doing a million summersaults, and I'm so scared at the same time." Momo replied. Rukia sighed.

"Momo, I'm sure… no, I KNOW that you'll be fine. Don't worry. Toushiro-sama loves you with all that he is. I don't think he is calm about this either. Now stop crying so we can get you make up done." Rukia said, as she helped Momo down the stool.

"I-I guess that you are right. I'm such an idiot for worrying." Momo reprimanded herself. Rukia smiled.

"Just be yourself. You'll be fine."

Toushiro was NOT fine. Why is it your all fine and happy until the day of your wedding when WHAM! It hits you full force and then you turn into a stuttering, jittery, fluttery wreck of a mess?

"Dude, chill, that's like the hundredth time you've pulled at your collar." Ichigo said, trying to lighten the mood somewhat.

"HOW CAN I CHILL ICHIGO!?" Toushiro retorted, obviously distressed. He glared at the orange haired doctor.

"Momo is going through the same thing. Being engaged and actually being married is two whole different things, I know. But Momo loves you. I know that she does." Ichigo replied. That was pretty deep coming from him.

Toushiro sighed. He felt fluttery inside himself. Today was the day that Momo was going to be completely his… well almost. But he wasn't planning on doing the last part of it all till the two of them were older.

"Sorry Ichigo. I just….."

"It's okay dude, it'll be fine. Besides, I'm sure the two of you will have fun on your honeymoon." He said with a smirk. At that instant, a blush showed instant, followed by a vein protruding on Toushiro's head, and a if-looks-could-kill-you'd-be-dead kind of glare was sent at Ichigo's direction.

"Unlike you, I don't think that we are ready for a kid!" Toushiro retorted rather sourly. Ichigo swore that he had never seen Toushiro look any scarier than he did at that moment.

The makeup had been applied to Momo's face as Rei came in.

"He Momo, how are you doing?" Rei asked her daughter. Momo gave a nervous smile.

"I'm really nervous." Momo replied. Rei smiled.

"You don't need to be. You look absolutely beautiful. If your father saw you, I'm sure that he would have thought the same thing. I think that he is proud and happy for you Momo. He is watching from the heavens. That's what I believe." Rei said comfortingly.

"Thanks mom. Did you feel…. Shaky on your wedding too?" Momo asked. Rei gave as soft laugh.

"Of course I did! I was so nervous because I knew that your father liked me, but I didn't know if he loved me. Momo, Toushiro doesn't JUST like you, he loves you. Isn't that comfort enough? You have so much more than most people do. Your father and I eventually fell into deep love, but it didn't come so easily. Momo, you are lucky to have Toushiro, and he is very lucky to have you." Rei said. A tear fell from her face.

"I am so happy for you, more than anything." She sniffed as she finished. Momo couldn't help but give her mother a soft smile.

"Thanks mom, that means a lot." Momo said happily. She stood up to give her mom a hug.

Toushiro waited nervously at the altar as the music began to play. Momo would be entering at any second. He anticipated it nervously. The wedding wasn't a huge one. Rukia was Momo's maid of honor and Ichigo was Toushiro's best man. His cousin, Rangiku was the flower…. Woman, since they didn't have a young girl that they knew could do it, and Gin was the ring bearer.

The door opened to reveal Gin and Rangiku. Toushiro stared at the door with fluttery feeling and a fast beating heart.

As the two moved, they revealed Momo. Toushiro felt like he was going to explode. She looked more beautiful than ever.

That wedding dress, her expression and the feeling he got from her made her seem like a goddess from heaven. It seemed that time slowed as she made her way down the isle, the small amount of witnesses standing and watching her as well. Toushiro swore that she was too good for him.

When the slow time had come to reality, Momo made her way up the step, with Gin going to stand by Ichigo and Rangiku by Rukia. Momo didn't know Rangiku and Gin all that well, but they were cousins of Toushiro's…. well Gin was the actual cousin, Rangiku by marriage. It seemed that Toushiro must have had some kind of a past with Gin because they seemed friendly with each other.

The ceremony began as Momo stood beside Toushiro.

The words of the priest rambled on, and all that Toushiro and Momo could do was look into each other's eyes until the I do's began.

"Do you, Hitsugaya Toushiro, take Hinamori Momo to be your lawfully wedded wife, to enter into eternal bondage, even in afterlife, to live by and love, in sickness and in health?" The priest asked.

"I do." Toushiro said. Those two words were two of the most dangerous words that could be said to anyone in marriage.

"And do you, Hinamori Momo, take Hitsugaya Toushiro to be your lawfully wedded husband, to enter into eternal bondage, even in afterlife, to live by and love, in sickness and in health?" The priest repeated. The words flowed out of Momo's mouth.

"I do."

"We shall now exchange rings." The priest announced. Gin nodded and stepped forward, presenting the rings. Toushiro and Momo both grabbed the right rings, and Toushiro began first. He grabbed Momo left hand, and slid the ring onto her finger. It was a simple white gold band with a turquoise stone in it. Toushiro had told her that he got it so she could wear it with her engagement ring. She had liked that idea since the band was traditional, and wearing it with the engagement ring made it spectacular.

Men however, did not wear such as elegant things. Toushiro's was a simple white gold band. He would wear dragon ring though, on the finger next to it, always.

Momo grabbed Toushiro left hand and slid the ring onto his ring finger. She smiled sweetly at him.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Toushiro smiled as he lifted the veil that was covering Momo's face and leaned in. This was the sealing of the marriage. His lips touched hers gently as they performed the last part of their marriage.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, in eternal bond of love and life."

The two could hear the clapping, though it sounded distant in their mind. They mouthed and I love you to each other.

The ceremony was done. Now, they were each other's and always would be.

Their love, is for eternity.

A week later….

Momo leaned over the shoulder of her new husband, wrapping her hands around him gently as she watched him finish some work that his father had given him to help with.

"What is it Momo?" Toushiro asked softly as continued scribbling on the paper.

"I love you." Momo replied simply. Toushiro put down his pen. He grabbed Momo's arms and pulled them off him so that he could stand up and grab her hands instead. He got out of the chair and turned to her, moving away from his desk, dragging her with him.

"I love you too. I'm sorry that I have to work." He said apologetically. He pulled her into an embrace.

"Iie, that's okay Shiro-Chan." Momo said, as she leaned into the embrace. Toushiro smiled. He freed a hand so that he could put it under her cheek and lifted her face so that they could see into each others eyes.

"You're my angel Momo, and I your guardian." He whispered softly and seductively to her, making her heart fly and her face heat up.

"I love you." He finished, before he kissed her softly and passionately. For Momo, this was pure bliss. For Toushiro, it was just the same. They had both been through a lot in the last half year, more than they would have ever imagined, but it was all worth it.

They found each other. Their love had started from a young age, and it didn't cease.

That is an eternal bond.

Yay! Done with it! Please don't kill me for not having a super duper long chappie for you all!

Thank you all for reading and to all reviewers:

Heyybabyy, Smiles21, xx-FrOsTy.PeAcH.dRaGoN-xx, skwon2, buggzarlolo, moonlightpeachforest, p3paula, deardesolate, Inubaki, fastXattack, Larxenethefly, MimiMichi, LoveToHateYou, P3achydrag0n, momo hitsugaya, Dr Silo, stardustt101, aquaticblue, Itachi4eva, CallMeNicole, Shira Ismaren, Marika-Uchiha, Victoria, .I'm Just Reviewing. Queenlulu, Poisoned Shinigami, hotchick13, Sireylithy, Peace Heaven, Merciless Ruby, castanalia miow, kahel16, TheatreChick 07, xroyal.momonessx ackles-shackles, -Hyuuna- Dreamedsong, Rawr-xo, Figure.Skater.Bethany, Amanda, Destiny Of Darkness, syazen, Cloudy Fox, freakaga1n, rallybabe89, HypRRNeRd, Shurikan-Thrower, ice-avenger, Gothic Queen, Wing Omega, Namimakura, cocoamint, Forthwo, Iloveanime9493, CharmedNightSkye, haku fan1, IcyEuphoria, Saii-iis-too-hot-to-resiist, silver-moon-sapphire-sky, Waya.Y, Snow Wing, Kristy, English-X-Rose, shirochanxmomo1220, Meepy, BleachXNaruto, and crash girl.

And I would also like to say thanks to all those who review this chapter!

Thanks for all the help on the story and I hoped that you enjoyed it! Look out for the sequel that should be out today!

Cherryblossom hime