Hello! Well I finally got off my lazy ass and started working on my Code Lyoko fanfic! This is deditacted to MistFairie93 for giving me the inspiration to finally work on it again! THANKIES MISTRAIRIE93 FOR HELPING ME GET OFF MY ASS AND WORK ON THIS AGAIN!!!
Ok now before anyone tries to sue me, NO I DO NOT OWN CODE LYOKO OR THE CHARS IN THE SHOW!!! The only thing I own is Isis! Keir belongs to my friend Keira'Don Devlin, who is helping me work on this! SO NO SUE! WE HAVE NO MONEYS!
Anyways! Enough blabber from me! On with the story!!!
Aelita breathed heavily as she ran through the Forest Sector, avoiding laser fire from XANA's monsters. She gasped in horror when she found the path ahead cut off by a shier drop. "Oh no!" It was a dead end. She skidded to a stop, looking back, only to see three krabs, and nowhere to run. She was trapped. The first crab advanced forward, Aelita taking a step back for every step it took forward, until she couldn't anymore. "Help!" She yelled as the krab lifted one of its sharp legs up to kill her. Aelita closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to come... Nothing happen. She opened her eyes. The krab wasn't moving. A dagger had been plunged into the target on its back. The krab staggered a bit before short circuiting and exploded. Its mechanical parts littered the ground, and deleted a few seconds later. The dagger flew upwards, twirling about from the explosion, and fell a few seconds later. The owner of the weapon caught it with ease. It was a girl, about a year or so older then Aelita. Her lyokon outfit consisted of a blue bodysuit covered in leopard prints, and light armor plating on her chest. Her blue leopard-like tail swooshed about as she looked at Aelita. "Sis!" She yelled, now charging at the two remaining krabs, dodging their laser fire along the way "Run! I'll take care of these monsters!" Aelita awoke in a cold sweat. She felt sick. She stumbled around in her room checking the time. She was up an hour sooner then usual. "What was that dream..?" She groaned, rubbing her temples.Sorry it was short, but it's just the prologe! Who's Aelita's sisiter you ask? Well I would tell but... I WONT.! You gots to read and find out for yourself! Anyways should have chapter 1 up today! Please give me a reveiw!