A/N: Ok folks, this is the last chapter. Enjoy!

Meggie stayed awake. She heard the sound as her family talked quietly to each other until finally there was quiet and Meggie knew they had gone off to their beds. She hugged Gwin and waited a while longer before quietly getting out of bed.

Resa had laid out a white night gown so Meggie could change from her dirty and ripped robe. She walked bare foot towards the door and as quietly as possible opened the door. She peaked out and saw the dark corridor. With Gwin in her arms she stepped out and gently closed the door behind her.

Gwin started to chatter at being woken up and Meggie urgently brought him up to her eye level saying, "Shh! We don't want to wake anyone up." Gwin quieted down and she patted his horned head gratefully.

Meggie made her way towards the door next to hers and opened it. She went in and closed it. "Who is it?" she heard Farid ask in alarm. She turned around and put her finger on her lips signaling for silence. Farid shut his mouth but he got out of bed and made his way to Meggie.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" he asked as he gathered Meggie up in a hug.

Meggie shook her head and said softly, "I don't want to be away from you. Can I stay with you?" She looked up at Farid pleading for him to say yes.

Farid nodded, "Okay."

Meggie smiled and walked over to his bed. She crawled in and covered her slender form with the blanket. Farid moved slowly towards the bed and got in too. Meggie snuggled in close to Farid covering him with the same blanket. Farid felt the warm breath of Meggie tickle his neck as she breathed in and out.

Meggie was out in minutes but Farid stayed awake a while longer. He looked at the girl in his arms and couldn't help but feel loved. He brushed a golden lock from her forehead and then leaned in and gently kissed her on her forehead.

Gwin moved around restlessly around the room. The little animal looked at them and then clawed his way up to the bed and curled around their feet. Farid smiled at the little animal and then rested his head against the soft pillow.

He had never slept in anything quite like this bed before. Soon he closed his eyes and fell fast asleep.

Farid new, that as long as they were together, everything would be all right. Home was where each other were and it seemed like Meggie really wanted him.

His last thoughts were, Now that I met her father, I wonder if he would let me marry her.