AJ: has any of you seen the anime, Galaxy Angels? Well this is a crossover for you. I never seen any Galaxy Angel crossovers on this genre, so I thought I might as well give it a shot. Well… here goes nothing. Oh yeah, and the reason this is classified as NarutoXKyuubi is because I wanted to make it easier to find it!

Life: AJ by no means owns Naruto. It is the property of what-his-name.

Peace: He doesn't own Galaxy Angels either. If he did, then this crossover would actually exist!

Ovoi: and without further ado, here's chapter one!


"Watch out!" Milfie yelled over to Mint who just barely dodged the blast that was coming over her way. The girl had long pink hair and was piloting a ship called, an Emblem Frame.

"Thank you Milfie!" She replied. The girl was small, and had a pair of big animalistic ears. The strange part is she also has a pair of normal ears with it. She has light blue hair that just reached to her neck.

"Eonian forces dead ahead!" the blonde Ranpha called to them.

"I got this one!" the red-headed Forte said as she fired several shots at the enemy.

"Chrono break cannon at 98!" a space pilot said to grey-haired Lester.

"Girls! Keep stalling! We need a little more time!"

"Leave this to me," The green haired, red eyed girl, Vanilla, said as she charged her Emblem Frame toward the enemy.

Eonian forces were coming from her left. She skillfully maneuvered over them as they passed by her. Then she appeared behind them and shot several blast, which hit the enemy and caused them to explode.

"Nice shot Vanilla!" Milfie said.

"Chrono break cannon at 100! It's ready!"

"Alright," Lester said raising his right arm, "we're ready! Girls! Clear the battlefield!"

"Got it!"



"Yes sir!"


"Battlefield clear of Emblems! We are ready to shot the Black moon!" the black haired Chitose said.

"Well then," Takuto said, "fire already!"

"Don't rush me! Alright then. Ready… aim… fire!!!"

A white beam fired upon the Black Moon, trying to destroy the enormous round structure. But before it even reached it, the Black Moon fired a blast of its own. Similar to the Chrono break cannon, but pitch black and void of any light.

"What the hell!"


The Black Moon managed to push back the blast, but for some strange reason, the point where the two points impacted started warping.

"What is this?" questioned Vanilla, "I… I can't get away!"

"Vanilla watch out!" yelled Milfie, but to no avail.

The warped place started swirling and eventually formed a black hole. It started sucking Vanilla in, but for some reason, only Vanilla and not her Emblem Frame.

"Ahh!!!" she screamed as she was getting sucked in.

"Vanilla!!! No!!!" Mint screamed. Her Emblem frame charged toward Vanilla, but was too late. The vortex completely sucked her in and closed shut.

"No! VANILLA!!!" Milfie screamed at the top of her lungs with crystal tears in her eyes, slowly dripping onto her lap…


"Hey Naruto, what do you think about this strange mission we got?" asked Sakura as she and Naruto walked down the streets of Konoha.

"Beats me… Tsunade-baa-chan didn't even fill us in on the details. But I don't care about that! We're going back to Iwa!" yelled Naruto enthusiastically, jumping up and down.

Sakura giggled, "always like you Naruto! You're always excited to see old friends again. I wonder how things have been since the last time we were there."

"Who knows. But three years is too long for me. I only wish that-"

"Naruto! Watch out!"

They stopped in their tracks, almost running into a small, dark hole in front of them that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. The hole was void of any light, and had dark purple matter swirling inside it.

"What is that thing? Is that a dark hole? How the hell did it just appear out of nowhere?" asked Sakura, pulling out a kunai, just in case that a possible enemy ninja pops out.

"Is this some kind of jutsu? I never have seen anything like this before…" Naruto said as he shuffled closer to the hole.

"Be careful Naruto! This might be a genjutsu to trick us! Who knows what might happen!"

"Relax Sakura! We're still in the village! If enemy ninja do come out, we have a whole bunch of people to back us up! Besides, it's not like a person is going to jump out of the hole or something!"

As if on cue, a figure sprung out of the dark hole, surprising both Naruto and Sakura. Unfortunately for Naruto he was in front of the hole. The figure got closer to him and just when it was about to reach him, the scenery slowed down and made a close up of both Naruto's and the figures lips. Slowly the distance closed in on each other, inching toward each other, waiting to connect. Both of their lips finally made contact with each other, seemingly softly. Naruto was so surprised, that he accidentally stumbled back onto the ground, taking the figure with him, as their lips were still connected. As they both fell, Naruto unconsciously wrapped his arms over the figure, which was now identified as a girl with light green hair.

They both hit the ground with a soft thud. The girl was on top of Naruto, their lips still connecting. Her eyes were closed and she had her hands on his chest. Her legs were on either side of him, and her body was compressed with his. She had on a dress that he couldn't identify. She wore a white dress that reached down to her knees and white stockings on. The fabrics on her shoulders were puffy, adding to the elegance of the dress. Light green frills made their way down the middle of the dress itself. Lastly, she wore a strange headgear that Naruto hasn't seen before. It was like she was from a different planet or something, because he doubts that there was anything on earth that had that kind of headgear or the dress for that matter.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing deep red eyes that stared back at Naruto's sapphire blue eyes. They both looked at each other and blushed when they finally realized that they were both kissing. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked around to find unfamiliar surroundings.

"Where… where am I?" the girl asked.

Sakura was the first one to get out of her stupor, "Umm… you're in the village of Konoha. And judging from your appearance, you're not from around here are you?"

She nodded, "yes, you are correct… a village you say? This place looks more like a city to me."

"We're a big nation, so it's a wonder why we're still called a village. Anyway, may I ask you who you are?"

The girl looked at Sakura. 'Strange, besides a few concepts like the widened forehead and her emerald eyes, she almost looks like Milfie…' "My name is Vanilla…Vanilla H."

Sakura smiled, "My name is Sakura! And this is-"

"Naruto!" a silver haired Jounin and a white haired Sannin said as they landed on a branch. The Jounin had his left eye covered with a headband, and the Sannin had t strange outfit on with a giant Scroll on his back.

The white haired Sannin started speaking, "Naruto! Are you alright? We picked up a disturbance and-" he looked over Naruto, "Hohoho!!! What do we have here! Naruto, you dog! Who's the lucky girl! And in public no less! I envy you!"

Naruto and Vanilla blinked. They both looked at each other a blushed, finally realizing the compromising position they were in. she got off of him and helped pulling him up.

"S-sorry about that…" Vanilla said with a red tinge on her cheeks.

"No, I should be the one to be sorry…" Naruto said rubbing the back of his head and giving his foxy grin, "Besides, it's not like that meant anything right?"

Sakura blinked then gave a mischievous smile, "what are you talking about? Both of you were kissing each other and fell to the ground! You even wrapped your arms around her and she had her hands on your chest and her legs on either side of you! You two were all over each other!"

Both Naruto and Vanilla blushed harder, "S-Sakura! Wa-what are you talking about! Th-that's not funny!"

"It's not supposed to be funny! It's actually true!" she replied giving him her 'innocent face'.

Both blushed harder and their faces were beat red, "That didn't mean anything! That was just an accident! It meant nothing!"

Vanilla thought for a minute, then blushed a little, "actually… that was my first kiss…"


The silver haired Jounin gave his eye smile, "well now. It seems that we're all getting along now. My name is Kakashi Hatake, and this fellow right beside me is Jaraiya. May I ask you who you are?"

Trying to get her act together, "um… my name is Vanilla H. It is very nice to meet you, Kakashi-san," she ended with a small bow.

"Oh, no need for formalities. You can just call me Kakashi."

Shaking off his blush, "And My name is Naruto Uzamaki! But you can me Naruto!" he said with another one of his grin.

Vanilla blushed again, 'wow… his smile is so radiant… so mesmerizing… his eyes… they're so deep… I feel like I could look at them all day…' "Beautiful eyes…" she muttered to herself, not realizing that she actually said that out loud.

Sakura raised one of her eyebrows and smiled, "his eyes are beautiful you say?"

Vanilla and Naruto blushed. Jaraiya took out his notebook and started vigorously writing down notes with a perverted grin. He wrote down ten pages so far.

Kakashi said with another one of his eye smiles, "Well then I take it we are all getting along now."

Vanilla then thought of something, "Wait, which planet am I on?"

Everyone blinked at her.

Naruto said, "Um… you're on planet earth… why?"

"Earth? Oh no… I'm thousands of light years away from the other angels…"

"Why won't we take you to the Hokage and see what she can do?" Naruto said, a little confused, "Maybe she can help. Or… something…"

"Alright. Please take me to your Hokage Naruto-kun."

Naruto blushed a little at the -kun suffix, "alright… let's go!" he picked her up bridal style, which made her blush, and roof jumped over there.


AJ: you know, this story is rated M for a reason. There will be a lemon later on. So don't worry about it!

Life: And please review this story. AJ has yet to make a sufficient amount of reviews, with out the story itself getting deleted for some self-explanatory reason.

AJ: eheh… please review. And go easy on me… my writing is getting a little better…

Ashly: emphasis on 'little'

AJ: hey!