Disclaimer: I don't own any characters, spells etc...

Chapter 1

Harry glanced at the clock on the wall, he wouldn't be able to put it off for much longer. There were only two hours left until Harry would be standing at the altar with Neville Longbottom as he married the love of his life, Luna Lovegood and walking down the aisle behind her would be the love of his life, Ginny Weasley. Although she didn't know that she was the love of his life, and she never would. The reason Harry was putting off the moment of apparition to the Lovegood house was because it would be the start of another day of mingled joy and despair. Every moment he got to spend with Ginny was both wonderful and painful at the same time. Wonderful because he was close to her, able to look at her beautiful face and drink in her scent, her bubbliness and her personality, but painful because he knew that she would never be his, that he would always have to leave her beauty, her scent and her personality behind and return to his own lonely existence. Ginny had moved on. She was with Colin, and she was happy, and as long as she was happy then Harry would be happy for her. Leaving her to fight Voldemort had been the hardest thing he had ever had to do, and at the time he didn't even know if he would live to return to her. Ginny had said that she would wait for him, but he had hurt her so much when he left her, and when the war was over and he had lived through it she had her brother to grieve for. How arrogant would he have been to waltz right up to her and say that she could have him back, he'd left her to do what he had to do and now it was over here he was, she had gone through a lot during that year apart, culminating in the loss of her sibling. He had been lost too after the final battle, he left her to grieve and to piece her life back together, he was always around and they would talk and listen to each other comfortably and that was enough for Harry if he could not have her as his love. As time had passed by she had met Colin, he seemed a decent guy although lately she had stopped bringing him along to the family dinner that Mrs Weasley insisted they all attend (including Harry and Hermione who had become adopted Weasleys) every Thursday night at the Burrow. He had been in a few relationships too, although he always inevitably compared them to Ginny and this would be the end of the road for them. He had broken up with Marie just a few weeks before, she had been a pretty brunette with deep green eyes and an insatiable personality. Harry had enjoyed her company and had fun on their dates but he never got the same feeling he did in the pit of his stomach whenever Ginny entered a room, that feeling, he suddenly remembered, he would be receiving a lot over the next few hours. He glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall once more and realised he could put it off no longer.

"Neville," he called up the stairs, "It's time to go!"

"I'll be right with you," came Neville's reply.

Harry had been so pleased when Neville had asked him to be his best man. They had been good friends ever since school and although they weren't as close as he and Ron were, Harry still appreciated his friendship deeply. In truth Harry wasn't sure who else Neville might have asked to be a best man, other than possibly Ron, and he had been looking forward to playing the role of best man. That was however until he realised that Ginny would be chief bridesmaid, as Luna's best friend and current flatmate, it had been glaringly obvious really that she would be first choice and a few weeks after Neville had asked him, his theory was confirmed. He had always, and often still did, dream of walking down the aisle with Ginny Weasley, but in his dreams it had not been following the happy couple.

"Ready then Harry?" asked Neville as he appeared at the kitchen doorway.

"I'm ready," he replied chocking back the anxiety in his stomach. He had become very adept at hiding his feelings for Ginny and even his best friends didn't know that he was still madly in love with the girl.

He stood up and prepared to apparate to the Lovegood house, he had a spot in mind near the house and he concentrated on the place as he turned into nothingness. The familiar sensation of being squashed through the air hit him for a second before he collided with something, heard a sharp scream, toppled over and landed roughly on top of someone in the Lovegood garden.

"Hi Harry!" said a familiar voice from beneath him. Harry felt mortified as he turned over to see who he had landed on. The sweet aroma of Ginny Weasley rose into his nostrils as he looked down on her slight form pinioned beneath him. Fantastic he tought to himself sarcastically.

"God, Ginny I'm so sorry," he choked out as he jumped to his feet and offered an arm out to pull her to her feet. She steadied herself slowly clinging onto his arm for a few second longer than she appeared to need, but then he had apparated right on top of her and she was probably a little shocked.

"That's okay Harry," she said breathlessly, reluctantly letting go of his arm.

"What the hell is going on here?" came a sharp voice from the other side of Harry, he spun around to see Colin walking towards them. "Why was he laying on top of you in the middle of the field?" he demanded turning to Ginny.

"He apparated into me Colin," she shot back punctuating the end of every word. "Not that it's any of your business anymore!" she continued before turning and bouncing away down the path.

"See ya later, Harry," she called over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Colin," Harry said turning to face him. "I just apparated from the flat and landed where Ginny was stood," he continued sheepishly.

Colin shrugged his shoulders and set off in the direction of the marquee that had been set up for the wedding.

"What was all that about?" Harry asked Neville.

"They split up last week," he replied, "Take it he still hasn't got over the jealousy thing though."

"What jealousy thing?" Harry probed.

"That's why they split up. Colin was really jealous of Ginny talking to any other guys, especially you." Neville responded.

"Why me?" asked Harry his stomach jumping a little, did Colin have a reason to be jealous of Ginny talking to him?

"He had it in his head that Ginny had a thing for you, she must have told him that you datad back at school and because she still sees a lot of you he thought she still had feelings or something for you. We tried to tell him over and over that it was all when you were young and at school and that she was over you now, and you over her for that matter. The fact that you and her brother are best mates wasn't a good enough reason either for you two seeing so much of each other. Anyway when he found out you were going to be best man, he told her she couldn't be Luna's chief bridesmaid."

"What?" Harry flared in an annoyed voice. Neville looked slightly taken aback at the sudden outburst and Harry chided himself for letting down his wall that hid his feelings for Ginny from the rest of the world.

"Yeah he said that Hermione had to do it, that he was not going to watch his girlfriend being walked down the aisle and danced with by her ex boyfriend, especially as that boyfriend was you. So Ginny told him not to. That she wouldn't be his girlfriend because she was not going to have her best friend's wedding organised by a jealous idiot. Then she stormed out!"

"Woah," said Harry.

"Yeah, she told Luna that she was glad it was over, she'd realised that she wouldn't be truly happy with him because he didn't make her legs go wobbly or something, I don't know women!"

"Yeah," chuckled Harry pretending to agree with this sentiment, however he knew exactly how Ginny felt. She made him go weak at the knees everytime she walked into the same room and if he wasn't going to the one to make her happy she deserved to have someone who would give her that feeling.

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