Disclaimer: I don't own these Characters nor make money off of whoring them like this; I'm not a Pimp. Never will be...or...will I? Cackle

He was about to depart back into his own world when the soft voice of his partner grabbed his attention..just one word.. 'stay' Why the hell would his partner want him to stay? Well..far be it from him to disregard it..that one word had caused a slight spasm of confusion to cross his albino face. But, he did lay down next to his king, only to find his partners arms wrapping around him and a head burying into his shoulder; this scared him slightly..such a loving embrace. He gulped and laid there none-the-less..absently stroking his king's locks..well, maybe..it was not so bad..

-Chapter 5-

Of Chopsticks and Hollows


Ichigo woke, rather later than he normally would..it was almost 10 a.m. Reaching over to pull the covers off of him, or..so he thought; he couldn't move..so he certainly wasnt pushing the covers off of his body. It seemed to now hit him..how much pain he was actually in, it felt like his loins were on fire..Then realization hit him and all the memories of the previous night flooded back into his confused, pain ridden mind. Was Hichigo still here? Why was he chained to his own damn bed!? A small vein popped in his temple as he narrowed his eyes and began spouting off very color-full obsceneties at nothing in particular, that is..before he found a pillow hitting his face..thrown quite enthusiasticly; which needless to say..stopped his onslaught of words and left him gazing into the fluffy whiteness of a pillow.

Hichigo sneered, wrapping the towel around his waist as he stepped out of the bathroom, watching Ichigo yelling. A small vein popped as he picked up a discarded pillow and chucked it at Ichigo's face; effectively shutting that asshole up. Hichigo sighed, leaning his weight to his left-side slightly as he stood there. Perhaps it was a mistake to stay the night with his king, he actually...just wanted to fuck and leave; but he supposed staying here wasnt bad..it certainly was better than that fucked up world; though..this world would be better if his King wasnt such an idiot .

So, since his king was so dense..he had to have a bit of fun with that idiot; so..he chained him to the bed. He was sure it would provide some interesting fun..and it was! By throwing the pillow at his king..he was sure there would be a smoldering hole burning into the pillow by now if his king kept glaring at the fabric..as he was sure he was. This was actually...an amusing moment that brought a small, amused grin to the Hollow's face as he watched this priceless sight: His king had now began to thrash again in order to dislodge the pillow.

Ichigo was pissed..annoyed and..even more pissed! That asshole was here and he chained him to the bed! and threw a pillow at his face..what the fuck was his problem!? He began to thrash in his bonds, attempting to break them and throw off that damn pillow! Well, he managed to throw off the pillow; but the chains were another thing.

Hichigo preened. This was so fun! He let his face split into a huge grin, accompanied by a sickeningly creepy laugh; he took it back...He was glad he had stayed with his king! Though, he supposed he should let him out of the bonds; Hichigo was getting hungry..and unfortunatly..he knew nothing about cooking..he didnt need to cook! Being in that world prevented him from being such..but now that he was here, he was begining to feel the uncomfortable pangs of hunger creeping upon his stomach. So, he extended his hand and snapped his fingers: The bonds snapped, freeing the one they bound. "Well, that was fun!" Hichigo cackled, leaning up against the wall; grinning even more when his king was up and infront of him in a flash, he loved the feel of his King's hands wringing his neck..it was so...good. Hichigo simply stuck out his tongue, running it over his king's top lip..since the idiot had put his face so close to his; which needless to say..caused his king to splutter and stop choking him; even though Hichigo was quite enjoying himself. "King..I am hungry.." Tilting his head to the side as he spoke, his golden eyes following his king." Go Cook."

Ichigo blanched, that asshole had the nerve to ask for food after what he did!? What an asshole..but, unfortunatly..he was also hungry." I'm going to cook, but not because you asked..its because I'm hungry." With that, Ichigo went to his drawer, pulled out a pair of pants and slipped them on before going downstairs toward the Kitchen; very aware that Hichigo was following. Normally he didnt cook..Yuzu was normally the one doing all the cooking, but..he sort of liked the silence..especially the absence of his Father; no getting randomly pummeled or kicked in the morning; though..he could do without the Hollow following him. Shaking his head and running a hand through his hair to dislodge the few snarls that had appeared; then begining to make something simple: Rice.

Hichigo watched his king and what he was making..Rice; oh what an elaborate lunch. He snorted, sitting himself at the table and placed his elbow upon it. Tilting his head somewhat, resting his cheek upon his hand as he watched. He could actually get used to this life..he should come out more often; especially if he can cause his king to be his Bitch, like he was now. Cooking...ha! Cooking was for women. Snickering as he watched his king bring over two bowls of rice.. Soo, his king was being the bitch now. Once the rice bowl was set down, he unceramoniously stuck his fingers into the rice, plucking out a good chunk of it and placing it into his mouth; chewing...which needless to say..for some reason merited a disgusted look from his Bitch, a.k.a.. king . Once he swallowed that mouthfull, he cocked an eyebrow at his king, who had gotten up and grabbed a pair of wood things and thrust them into his face." What the fuck am I supposed to do with sticks?" Hichigo glared at the orange-headed idiot and the sticks he was thrusting into his face." They are chopsticks..use them! Not your hands you dumbass!" Ichigo spat, throwing the sticks into the Hollow's face, which he was pleased to see..pissed the Hollow off; seeing as how it caused numerous veins to constrict within his temple.

"Listen you bitch, how the fuck am I supposed to eat with sticks!?" He spat, picking up the sticks that had clattered to the table. He glared at them, snapping them in half." There, I cannot use them now! I broke them." Hichigo grinned, setting the two parts of the broken stick upon the table, only to see Ichigo laughing." What the hell is so funny?" He glared, watching Ichigo pick up the two pieces." You are supposed to break them..because you use them..like.. this " Ichigo grinnned, taking the Hollow's hand and placing the chopsticks in the right position before stepping back and going to his seat to continue eating. " See? Watch me you idiot.." He smirked, demonstrating the use of chopsticks.

Hichigo's brow furrowed as he watched Ichigo. Why the hell did he have to use these things!? He was perfectly fine using his hands. Sighing and attempting to repeat what Ichigo was doing; he had no idea he was listening in the first place..he just..was. He began to grow more and more frustrated with these..'chopsticks' as Ichigo called them..because they were not obeying him! They were not picking up the food...and they were not staying in his fingers! Every fucking time he went to go pick up rice, the small grains fell off the sticks! How the fuck was he supposed to eat!? Mumbling and once again..placing the sticks inbetween his fingers..thrusting them into the rice and attempting to pick up rice..and he did! One..single grain of rice..ONE damn grain! It would take forever to eat rice this way..but..oh well. He brought the chopsticks closer to his lips so he could consume this one grain; only to have it fall off the chopsticks onto the floor. That was it, that was the last fucking straw! He snapped the chopsticks in half..again..and again...and again, untill only small splinters remained upon the table.

Ichigo..grinnned..oh this was priceless..the Hollow couldnt even use chopsticks! What an idiot. So much seemed to set his Hollow off, such as the one grain of..ever so rebellious rice falling off those evil chopsticks; made Ichigo grin much like his Hollow did. This was great ...just too great..