Disclaimer: I don't own Princess Princess; I'm using the characters as my puppets.
Snow White by Yaoi Girl
"And just where do you think you're running off to?" Yuujiro murmured darkly, though still waving to please his crowd, to Tohru who was currently slinking away.
"Bathroom!" he smiled nervously before turning and dashing away.
"Tch, like I believe that," he muttered before plastering on a smile.
"How's come Kouno gets to go but I can't?" Mikoto whined, his pout alone drawing gasps and calls of adoration from the growing group of hormonal driven teenage males.
"Because," the blonde continued smiling. "You've already been four times within the past hour and a half."
Yuujiro was smart enough to know that Tohru was up to something, and skipping out on his duties no doubt. But what he was up to he was unsure of.
And this was no small event that they were currently promoting.
It was new this year to the princess' after much popular demand from the students, and Arisada seen no harm in it. In fact, he gave it his full support, as well as the other student council reps and Natasho-sempai who was frantically working on his newest design.
"Do we really have to go on a date with someone?" Mikoto continued to whine as they left that area of the building to begin their club rounds. "What is Arisada kaichou thinking?"
"Who knows?" Yuujiro sighed as he adjusted the cuff on his sleeve.
Their newest event was, given the upcoming winter season, a contest in order to go out with their choice of the princesses. So that meant that three people could win in all. And the theme just so happened to be 'Snow White' courtesy of Natashou-sempai.
The contest consisted of three events that anyone could take during their free time over the course of one week. And the events were: wrestling, running, and dinner etiquette. Arisada had to make sure that, in case anything happened during the date, the person with the princess could protect her, run to save her or protect her from harm, and of course, you couldn't be seen dining in just any place with a princess! Sakamoto-sama and the rest of the student council had their hands tied with the event, in that they were the judges. Only the best for their princesses!
Once the two teens had finished with their rounds, and still no word or sight of Tohru, they changed and headed back to the dorms, both teens complaining vehemently and plotting on getting their blue haired friend back dearly for abandoning them in a time of need.
Yuujiro growled as he closed his door, finding Tohru's dress spread and accessories neatly placed across the bottom bunk and his boots placed together beneath the bed, but no sign of Tohru.
'And to think that I thought that maybe he wasn't feeling good and he came back to get some rest…' he mused as he began to strip from his school uniform into regular clothes. They had been working for many long hours all this past week. And thankfully today was the last day of the contest. Now they just had to wait for the results on Monday.
After he had finished changing, the blonde sat at his desk, idly skimming an ice cream shop's menu that he had picked up last week when he, Akira, Mikoto, and Tohru had gone out. Ice cream sounded so nice at the moment for some reason; maybe to cool himself off?
But it was nearlywinter.
"Oh, Yuu-chan!" Tohru chirped as he entered their room, toweling his hair dry. "You want to go out for ice cream I take it."
"Not with you, traitor," he hummed as he found a particular flavor that sounded very enticing.
"Traitor?" he inquired as he sat on his bed, mindful of the dress.
"Yeah, you know where you just left Mikoto and me to tame the beasts alone and you never came back. Sound familiar?" he asked as he turned in his chair, an eyebrow arched in question.
"I really did go to the bathroom!" he pouted somewhat. "But when I came back, you guys had left me!"
"It shouldn't take you that long to use the bathroom," the blonde pointed out as he stood, fishing around in their closet for his jacket.
"It didn't, but I ran into some people and I couldn't get away! Really!" Tohru tried to defend himself, but failed miserably.
"Sure, I believe you," Yuujiro said in a tone that could only be translated as 'I don't believe you at all' as he pushed his arms through the sleeves, zipping his jacket and turning for the door. "Are you coming or not?"
"But I thought…"
"I just said I believe you, didn't I?" he smirked. Truth was he didn't want to be out alone. Although with Tohru with him, they'd still be hit on by guys no matter where they went. It was just better to travel with someone else.
The bluenette smiled as he hung his towel up on one of the ladder rungs to dry while Yuujiro tossed him his jacket.
"Should we invite Miko-chan?" Tohru asked as they left their room a few minutes later.
"If you can get him off the phone," he sighed as they walked past the smiling teen, opting to leave him be. "How was your trip home last week?"
Tohru smiled as he pulled his hood over his damp hair, also shielding his blush. "It was fun."
"And you're still not engaged to Sayaka, right?" the blonde grinned.
"Ha ha," he mocked laughed as he tucked his hands in his pockets. "She asked how we were doing though."
"We?" Yuujiro inquired as he turned to face his friend. "But we told her…!"
"Yeah, I know we told her that it was just a lie to get her to leave me alone, but she's determined that we're lying," he said as he turned to grin sheepishly. "She said we over defended ourselves and that even if we weren't really together, we were hiding what we felt from each other."
The blonde couldn't think of a single thing to say to deny what his friend had just relayed, so he opted for smiling and shaking his head.
"Ne, Yuu-chan? What do you think of this whole Snow White date thing?" Tohru offered for conversation a few awkward moments later. He had been hoping that his friend would at least say something about what Sayaka had said.
"Work is work," he shrugged. "It's not like they're allowed to do anything like kiss us. They're only allowed to hold our hand or arm, so it's not that bad."
"So it doesn't gross you out that you know that you're dating a guy, although it's not really a mutual thing?"
"The whole princess thing is disgusting in its own way, but I don't really mind. Besides, if I had sexual preferences, do you think I'd really be willingly going to Fujirmori?" he grinned, rolling his eyes to glance at Tohru's expression.
"You mean you…?"
"I kissed you, didn't I?" he asked as he fully turned his head to his friend, cocking it slightly while the smirk widened.
Tohru unexpectedly blushed and turned to face forward, coughing to cover his embarrassment. Yuujiro looked too attractive for his own good, especially when he looked at him like that. Maybe his sneaking away from his duties would pay off after all.
As they ended their conversation, Tohru held the door open to the ice cream parlor, motioning with a slight bow for the princess to enter before him, following Yuujiro soon after.
"What do you want? My treat," the bluenette grinned to the somewhat shocked teen beside him.
"If anything, I should be treating you. I invited you after all."
"Stop being so uptight for once and let me take care of everything," he protested as he fished around in his pocket for some money. "Now what do you want?"
The blonde turned his face away with the slightest of blushes as he mumbled, "Mango sherbet."
"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" he teased as he then gently pushed Yuujiro away. "Go find us a seat."
Yuujiroreally wanted to smack him, not only for embarrassing him, but for the fact that he really didn't have to worry about picking out a seat. They were the only ones there!
With a defeated sigh, however, he trudged over to a corner seat and plopped down, placing his chin in his palm as he watched Tohru patiently waiting for their ice cream. He couldn't help but stare at his pale face, his vibrant azure eyes, or those pale, inviting lips. Hell, he couldn't take his eyes off the way Tohru stood. He wore those tight fitting jeans to tease him, he was sure of it.
And maybe he shouldn't have been openly staring for so long because it seemed that Tohru had felt eyes on him, and so had turned to smile and shake his head ever so slightly at the blonde, who was oblivious that he was being watched in return until a bright tinge of pink exploded across Yuujiro's cheeks and he turned his head away, almost pouting.
"Here you are, my dearest princess," he announced as he placed the mango sherbet before the stiffly sitting blonde. He then took his own seat, smiling in delight.
"Thanks," he mumbled before slowly relaxing, taking the spoon into his hand with the first bite of mango goodness. After then next few bites Yuujiro looked like he was in heaven.
"Let me try," Tohru purred, licking his lips enticingly as he watched the spoon slowly float his way by an entranced blonde. "Not bad."
Yuujiro blinked rapidly a couple times before pulling the spoon from between Tohru's lips, frowning as he dipped it back in his sherbet, idly eyeing his friend's choice of ice cream. Some kind of Pineapple Orange mixture of sherbet.
And those eyes didn't go unnoticed by Tohru as he scooped up a fair amount onto his spoon before cautiously slipping a hand under Yuujiro's chin before offering the sherbet to him.
At first the blonde naturally protested as he tired to back away, but didn't get much of a chance when he had the spoon already between his lips that were open to protest.
And the low moan of obvious deliciousness did nothing for Tohru's pants, nor did Yuujiro's eyes that said he was in total ecstasy at the flavor dancing on his taste buds. Nor did the reaction upon Tohru's features go unnoticed by Yuujiro, who mental smirked.
"Can I have some more?" he asked as he licked his lips slowly, eyeing Tohru then the sherbet none to innocently.
"S-sure," the blunette managed as he scooped up some more before offering it to the blonde.
The spoon went in way to sensually, he decided as he watched and listened intently to the expressions and muffled moans, too terrified to tear his eyes away from Yuujiro's even after he finished. How had the tables flipped so easily?
The blonde smirked and went back to eating his sherbet as though nothing had happened, leaving the bluenette to sit there in momentary shock before idly returning to his own dessert.
Yuujiro had since finished his sherbet and disposed of his empty container while Tohru opted for finishing what little bit he had left on the walk back to the dorms. And said container with remaining goodness almost fell to the pavement as Yuujiro unexpectedly wrapped his arms around one of Tohru's, complaining that he was getting cold and leeching body heat.
Tohru didn't complain though; it felt nice having someone draped all over you, even though it was a guy. But not just any guy. The guy he had taken those stupid tests for to win a date with.
There was nothing in the rules stating that a princess couldn't take them. They were guys, so they were entitled to try!
And the following day when Tohru vanished into thin air, Natasho-sempai was having a field day with making a tux worthy of princess. Arisada had called him late the night before and told him that he was one of the winners, and Yuujiro couldn't have been more curious as he heard the bluenette whisper his name into his cell phone at that ungodly hour to who knows who.
And come Monday morning at the announcement ceremony, Yuujiro was more than upset to see Tohru in the school uniform standing beside him and was more than shocked as he felt Tohru's fingers twine with his own on stage as the winners were announced.
Squee! Ifinally finished watching Princess Princess two days ago and I've been working on this ever since. I love Tohru and Yuujiro together; don't really care who's seme or uke…Just them together is love!
Review please! You know you want to!