It was a gorgeous day at school. Gabriella walked through the doors to find the one and only Sharpay standing by Troy. Gabriella and Sharpay hated each other since Troy started dating Sharpay. They never were friends, but they did like each other. Gabriella had jealously inside her because she always had feelings for her best friend Troy.
Gabriella met Troy last year while they were on a ski trip for school. They were in tenth grade. Gabriella was snowboarding with her friend Taylor when she fell over, and she twisted her ankle very badly. Troy was with his friends Chad and Jason when Troy boarded down, and he asked Gabriella if she was all right. Troy for some reason stayed with her in the ski hospital the rest of the day. They became best friends from that day on. Until junior year when Troy started dating Sharpay in late October. Troy started ditching Gabriella for basically every event they made plans for. Sharpay became this absolutely mean person to Gabriella.
Like this one time, Gabriella was in their downtown area with Taylor and Chad. Troy and Sharpay were walking around when she yelled slut at Gabriella. Gabriella was in shock for a moment, but she held her cool, and she ignored the ignorant remark. Troy for one did not do anything to stop her rude remark. Well one time when they were at a party, Sharpay called Gabriella a bitch; Troy actually did do something to defend Gabriella. Gabriella was not in the room when Sharpay called Gabriella that. Gabriella heard every word Troy had to say to Sharpay when she called her that. Hopefully, she thought hopefully those words confirmed they would be friends again. Though that was December when he stuck up for her. Now it was the end of January. They still had yet to become friends again.
Like I said Gabriella was walking into school. She caught hold of Troy's face. She ignored him right away. She missed him a ton though. He was the first guy friend, she actually trusted. They actually had fun together when they hanged out. Now she could not stand the sight of him.
"Gabriella!" Someone shouted
Gabriella looked around to see it was her best friend Taylor.
"Hi," Gabriella sighed
"Hey, is something wrong?" Taylor said
"No, well Troy, sort of." Gabriella said as she slammed her locker.
"Did he do something to you?" Taylor asked as she stopped Gabriella in tracks.
"No, I just hate looking at him with Sharpay. I really miss him Tay." Gabriella said sadly. Lately Gabriella hoped they would have remained friend. She really just wanted some closure on their friendship.
"What do you think he sees in her? I have been wondering this lately." Gabriella pause to see Troy make out with Sharpay, and she suddenly turned her head to couch. "Oh, nasty."
Taylor laughed.
"So what do you think it is about her that he likes?" Gabriella said as they walked to the cafeteria.
"Her hair, make-up, her boobs, everything remotely fake about her."
"Are her boobs fake?" Gabriella said suspiciously
"I do not know, just a guess, I doubt it though because isn't her mother the founder of therapy for women who think they need plastic surgery?" Taylor asked
"Yeah, so I doubt it, except she seriously needs plastic surgery." Gabriella laughed
"I never thought of Troy as the one to date someone like her." Gabriella said sadly, "Whenever we had our conversations, he never seemed like the type of guy to date someone like her, he seemed like the guy to date a normal girl who did not need to her make-up done, just normal you know." Gabriella said as she grabbed a bagel.
"Yeah." Taylor, "sure." Taylor only could think that maybe Gabriella had seriously feelings for Troy. So she decided to ask her because Taylor asks any questions she wants to. "Do you like Troy?" Taylor asked
"No, not really, I just wish we were friends." Gabriella said uncomfortably.
"What?" Gabriella asked, "You think I like him don't you?"
"Just a little, yeah." Taylor said as she paid for her orange juice.
"I don't" Gabriela said with an attitude, as she knew in her mind she really had feelings for him.