Ummm...I just got the totally awsome idea for a fanfic! And here it is! "The Difference Between Real and Cyber". ENJOY!!!
After signing on, Sakura ran through her friends list. Ino, Tenten, Neji, and Naruto where on. 'Hmm... I'll try my chances with Tenten,' she thought. Suddenly, Sakura recieved a invite to a chatroom with Ino, Tenten, Neji, and Naruto. 'Great... oh well.'
- Cherryblossom101 has entered the chatroom-
Blonde-mind-reader: hi forehead!
White-eyes: Hn.
RamenHokage: SAKURA-CHAN!!!!!!!!! LETS GO OUT FOR RAMEN!!!
Cherryblossom101: i already ate...
Weapons-mistress: -.-
Cherryblossom101: so ino... hows shikamaru?
Blonde-mind-reader: ...wat?
Cherryblossom101: u know wat i mean
Weapons-mistress: ino, u should totally go out with shikamaru!!!
Blonde-mind-reader: WAT!?!? WHO SAID I LIKE HIM!!!
Cherryblossom101: no need to hide it, we all know ino...
White-eyes: I agree with Sakura-san and Tenten. Its rather obvious...
Blonde-mind-reader: I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE!!!!
Cherryblossom101: seriously!??! who!?!
Blonde-mind-reader: ... i'll tell ya later...
Cherryblossom101: ok!
-Blonde-mind-reader has signed off-
Weapons-mistress: ummm did Naruto die or something?
RamenHokage: Nah, just eating lots and lots of ramen. Got to go get more!
-RamenHokage has signed off-
Weapons-mistress: ah, i see. Neji, when is trainnig?
White-eyes: We need to be leaving about now. If we don't get there soon enough, then Gai will go and try and mess with Kakashi.
Weapons-mistress: hai! i'll be there soon!
-Weapons-mistress has signed off-
-White-eyes has signed off-
Cherryblossom101: ... i was forgotten again. y do i even bother? maybe someone will come on...ya rite.
-EvilWeasel has signed on-
'What a weird thing, someone came on, but why come into this chatroom?' 'It's fate! Shannaro!' Inner Sakura yelled.
Cherryblossom101: Ummm...hi?
EvilWeasel: Hn.
Cherryblossom101: Are you related to Uchiha Sasuke or something?
Cherryblossom101: watever.
EvilWeasel: So... wats ur name?
Cherryblossom101: wats it to u?
EvilWeasel: Just curious.
Cherryblossom101: Curiousity killed the cat... or weasel in your case. hehehe.
EvilWeasel: Wat?
Cherryblossom101: oh, nothin'. So watcha doin'?
EvilWeasel: Talking to you.
Cherryblossom101: besides that, baka.
Somewhere, the person that goes by evil weasel smirks. No one had ever be so bold with him, and he wondered what would it be like if she knew who he is.
EvilWeasel: does thinking count?
Cherryblossom101: No... oh well. my name is Haruno Sakura anyway.
EvilWeasel: And I suppose thats where the username came from.
Cherryblossom101: Yep. i dont really care that others think its unoriginal, it seems rite to me.
EvilWeasel: It doesn't seem unoriginal to me.
Cherryblossom101: thanks, ..., hehehe, weasel-chan!
'Weasel-chan' twitched.
EvilWeasel: Don't. Call. Me. That.
Cherryblossom101: then wat do i call u??
EvilWeasel: You can call me Weasel, just no '-chan'.
Cherryblossom101: hehehe... hai, Weasel-kun! atleast i'm sure ur a guy...
EvilWeasel: Yes, I'm a guy, and no suffix.
Cherryblossom101: ya, ya. fine, only Weasel then.
EvilWeasel: Good.
-TheAvenger has signed on-
Cherryblossom101: hiya, Sasuke-kun.
TheAvenger: I don't have time for you right now, Sakura.
Cherryblossom101: Tch. Ever thought of how I felt either, Sasuke?
TheAvenger: What? No '-kun'?
Cherryblossom101: Tch. Like u ever cared. Later, Weasel-kun!
The Weasel twitched. Again.
Cherryblossom101: Lol, just kiddin' Weasel!
-Cherryblossom101 has signed out-
EvilWeasel: You have a long way to go, baka.
TheAvenger: Stay away from Sakura.
EvilWeasel: But you can't tell Sakura to leave me alone.
-Cherryblossom101 has signed on-
Cherryblossom101: I forgot to tell you something, Sasuke.
TheAvenger: What!?
Cherryblossom101: 'What!?' What did I do!? Oh well... We have training tomorrow at 5:00 AM.
TheAvenger: You might as well not come. You aren't making any progress anyway.
Cherryblossom101: WAT!?!?! UR ONE TO TALK, CHICKEN-ASS!!!!!
TheAvenger: Chicken-ass?
Cherryblossom101: HAVE U EVER LOOKED IN A MIRROR?!?! UR HAIR LOOKS LIKE A CHICKEN'S ASS!!!!!! Ugh, u know wat? Maybe i wont come 2morrow. i'd rather train with a S-class missing-nin then train with u. Sorry u have 2 hear that Weasel.
Weasel lifted a eyebrow at this.
EvilWeasel: Its fine.
Cherryblossom101: I'll talk 2 u later, weasel-kun.
Weasel twitched again, again.
EvilWeasel: Sakura...
Cherryblossom101: Lol. Sorry, Weasel. Laterz, again.
-Cherryblossom101 has signed out-
EvilWeasel: That was humorous. Your very idiotic to make her so mad.
TheAvenger: Shut it.
-TheAvenger has signed out-
EvilWeasel: This might turn out to be very amusing.
Ok so here is this. I will type out the next chapters tomorrow for my other two fan fics, but heres this! If I don't get enough reviews, then I will delete this, so PLEASE review!!!
Ja Ne!