Disclaimer: Je n'ai pas le propriétaire de Kingdom Hearts. C'est ennuyeux, non?
Jessie: Tosses confetti I LIVE!
Joh: Eh?
Jessie: Pauses I'm finally posting.
Joh: Oh. Resumes Petz
Jessie: I'm sorry I haven't been writing like… at all lately, you guys. I've just been swamped with work for the most part, and my choral group has been getting tons of requests, so we've been doing concert after concert—and it's kind of hard to write backstage, y'know?
Joh: That doesn't stop you from drawing though…
Jessie: Grins No, no it doesn't. Some of my fellow choristers have quite the talent for coming up with ideas for fluffy/smutty yaoi pictures. An' I luff them for it.
Joh: Hooray for yaoi!
Jessie: W00t!
J twins: High-fives
Jessie: So anyways, I've been trying to put my ideas together to make a new fanfic (coughmoreiscomingalong,Ipromise), and then out of the blue, bam! I get totally inspired to write a completely different multi-chapter story.
Joh: Orly?
Jessie: Yeah! So, we were watching this Louis and Clark movie in history, when this dude named Sergeant Floyd says something that I, for some reason or another, find particularly touching, and I start crying.
Joh: Wow…
Jessie: Yup.
Joh: I'm gonna go work some more on my new KH fic…
Jessie: 'Kay, and I'm gonna stop wasting these people's time with this author's note... Geez, this is a really long pre-word…
Joh: Ya…
Jessie: If you're still reading this…I only have one last significant message for the moment: YAOI FTW!
(Yes, I FINALLY figured out what "FTW" stands for. Go me!)
Warnings: Yaoi, language, implied character... "death?" (You'll know what I mean if you're a KH fan)
The moment Axel walked into Number XIII's bedroom Roxas knew that there was something terribly wrong. The roguish demeanor that the redhead generally radiated was replaced with a much rarer solemn one. The usual swagger in his step was gone, so his steps were reduced to a sluggish pace.
The moment the blonde had heard his lover's approaching footsteps, he had made to get up to greet him; however, his strange behavior caused the teenager to stop short, and remain rooted to the spot by his bed, watching him approach.
Roxas frowned, and opened his mouth to question what was wrong, but was cut off by the sudden action of The Flurry of Dancing Flames wrapping his lanky arms around his small torso; pulling the smaller Nobody flush against his chest and burying his face into his blonde hair. Roxas froze, mouth agape, until slowly, the frown on his face melted away to be replaced with an expression of confusion.
Finally, after a good few minutes of enduring his embracing, Roxas pulled away, faintly noticing how the redhead's grip tightened ever so slightly before he was reluctantly released from Axel's grasp.
"Axel, what's wrong?" he asked firmly, albeit gently.
"Nothing's wrong, Rox," Axel replied too quickly, his hands twitching slightly at his sides as though he were longing to touch his lover again. At last, he gave into the temptation, and Roxas felt Axel's restless hands settle at the small of his back.
Blue eyes narrowed in suspicion at the obvious lie, and the blonde pulled back again to study Axel's face, noticing for the first time how his face was carefully crafted into a mask that was wiped clean of all expression.
"You're lying."
Axel didn't reply—opting instead simply to capture Roxas' lips in an unusually gentle kiss.
At once Roxas began to protest, pressing half-heartedly at Axel's shoulders and opening his mouth to object to his boyfriend's actions; he should have known better, however, as Axel took the opportunity to slip his tongue between his lips, starting a battle for dominance between the two boys.
It wasn't too long after until Axel's ministrations triumphed, and Roxas found himself loosing all of his previous inhibitions in the moment and melting into the increasingly passionate kiss.
Roxas found himself letting out a yelp of surprise as he stumbled backward onto his mattress, distantly registering that Axel had somehow managed to maneuver them over to the bed even as they were completely absorbed in one another.
He suddenly became all too aware of Axel's mouth assaulting his neck with surprisingly needy bites and kisses, easily locating every spot he knew his blonde lover to be especially susceptible to.
"A-Ax…el," Roxas tried again, biting back a moan that was quickly rising in his throat in response to Axel's ministrations. He wasn't used to the gentle pace that Axel was obviously trying to initiate—ironically, he found it to be all the more arousing.
The redhead blatantly ignored him again—the reaction which finally provided Roxas the indignation needed for him to regain the will-power necessary to push the fire-wielder away again, this time successfully.
"Axel: we are not going any further until you tell me what's bothering you," Roxas ground out.
"Damn it Rox—I said nothing's bothering me, okay?" Axel retorted angrily. Roxas' eyes widened slightly at the desperation he heard in the redhead's voice before narrowing once more. Axel let out a low growl before determinedly fixating his glare at the wall as to avoid meeting Roxas' intense gaze.
"Look at me," Roxas said quietly. Axel ignored him, although Roxas swore he'd seen Axel's eyes flicker in his direction ever so slightly before returning his gaze to the spot where he was seemingly trying to bore a hole in the wall with his sharp stare.
"Axel. Look at me."
Eventually, concluding that Axel was only going to continue to be difficult, Roxas lifted a hand to touch the side of Axel's face, noting how the muscles in Axel's jaw became taut beneath his fingers. Gently, he guided Axel's tattooed face towards his so that, for the very first time since he'd walked in, their eyes met.
Roxas felt his breath catch in his throat at the overwhelming lack of emotion in Axel's eyes. Axel's glazed jade eyes stared into his own sorrowfully; looking very nearly as though he'd lost all reason for living.
Axel's lips trembled before they managed to form a single word.
Understanding washed over Roxas like a wave.
He'd known that it would only be a matter of time before issues concerning Sora arose.
He just hadn't imagined that they would develop so soon.
"Roxas…?" Axel questioned quietly, as though asking for permission to continue once more.
Roxas didn't respond verbally; instead threading his fingers in Axel's long, silky red locks and crushing their mouths together in a bruising kiss. Roxas felt the relief that must have washed over Axel, and the kiss all at once become much gentler as the taller Nobody responded in silent thanks.
Axel's lips attacked Roxas' collarbone with renewed vigor, and soon the pale skin of his lover's neck was littered with bites that would surely show for a good few days. Roxas who, for the most part, usually tried to hold back the moans and gasps that Axel tried to elicit from him (knowing that Axel would only tease him about it the following day) made an acceptation this night; openly moaning in appreciation as Axel's palm brushed against his growing arousal.
Impatiently Roxas began to unzip the long black cloak that enveloped Axel's entire body; catching on quickly, Axel began to work on ridding Roxas of his clothes as well. It wasn't long until their cloaks and the rest of their clothes lay in a crumpled heap on the floor by Roxas' bedside.
Roxas shuddered as Axel traced his lips down his bare chest, tightening his grip in Axel's hair in anticipation. He squirmed uncomfortably as he felt Axel's breath tickling his thigh, and his brow furrowed as he heard Axel chuckle quietly in response. Axel pressed one last, teasing kiss to Roxas' member before taking him fully into his mouth all at once.
Roxas' eyes dilated, and a long, broken moan escaped his throat as Axel hummed softly, dragging his tongue down Roxas' length before repeating the action while tracing light circles on the insides of Roxas' thighs.
His lover's combined actions proved to be too much for Roxas to handle, and he came with a loud moan; his back arching up into what seemed to be an impossible angle before falling back down limply onto the bed.
Axel crawled back over the blonde and studied him intently even as his hand reached into the drawer of the bedside table, groping blindly for the lube they kept there— soaking in the image of Roxas panting; half-lidded eyes clouded with lust.
Roxas started abruptly at the sensation of one lube-coating finger pressing into him—in response, he snaked his arms instinctively around Axel's neck. Axel felt Roxas' small frame tense as he added a second digit and, after inquiring if he was alright and receiving a curt nod in reply, added a final finger.
At long last, Axel gently hooked Roxas' right left over his shoulder and positioned himself at Roxas' entrance. Emerald and azure met as they studied at each other.
"Roxas…fuck impossibility. I love you," Axel whispered; his breath hitching in his throat as he gazed almost reverently at the blonde beneath him.
Roxas stared at Axel, momentarily speechless; he was stunned at the overwhelming amount of emotion he heard in his lover's voice that they, as Nobodies, were not supposed to have.
Then, at last—
"I love you too, Axel," Roxas gulped, a tremulous smile spreading across his lips as he looked up at Axel.
With one last gentle kiss, Axel slowly pressed into Roxas, his lean body hovering over the body beneath his as he waited for Roxas to adjust.
Roxas let out an involuntary gasp before he closed his eyes and grit his teeth against the familiar pain; hands clenching and unclenching at sides. A weak smile managed to play on his lips as he registered one of Axel's hands grasping one of his own; entwining their fingers lovingly.
After a few more minutes, Roxas eyes fluttered open half-way to reveal glazed cerulean eyes.
"I'm okay," he said faintly, trying to catch a glimpse of Axel's face; but the wetness clinging to his lashes made his vision blurry, and he had to blink a number of times before he could register Axel's concerned expression.
A squeeze of his hand and a tiny smile was all the encouragement Axel needed before he carefully pulled out and plunged into Roxas again. Gradually the two settled on a somewhat slower pace than they would usually take, trying to savor their time together as best they could.
A few minutes later and Roxas' initial pain was a forgotten ache as Axel almost immediately found the bundle of nerves that sent waves of pleasure coursing through his body. The two groaned loudly as Axel thrust deeper--Roxas, with his head tossed back over his shoulders, at the near unbelievable pleasure and Axel at the sight of his lover's expression full of bliss as they moved together in a synchronized fashion.
Roxas' eyes snapped wide open as Axel grasped at his member; pumping him in time to their trusts until it is too much for Roxas, and he releases with a wanton scream; Axel coming a mere heartbeat later.
Axel pulled out from the body beneath him and collapsed beside Roxas, carefully moving him so that he was pulled flush against him as they relished the afterglow—waiting for their non-existent pulses to slow down from their erratic tempos.
"I'll find you, Roxas," Axel said suddenly.
"Hmm?" Roxas shifted his head slightly against Axel's chest, and Axel craned his neck slightly so that he could glance down at Roxas who stared up at him wearily from where he was comfortably settled in the larger Nobody's embrace.
"I said I'll…I'll find you. I'll find you in the next life," Axel vowed right then and there, smirking before the following words that Roxas knew were coming tumbled out of his mouth.
"Got it memorized?"
Roxas swallowed past the painful lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat, and offered Axel his best smile.
"I got it memorized."
Sleep claimed the exhausted Nobodies not too long after, aided by Axel's uncanny warmth due to his natural element and the comfort they found in each other's embrace.
The both of them now knew that they wouldn't have each other much longer in this life.
Yet that didn't mean they couldn't look forward to the next one.
Axel trudged into the room sopping wet, cursing the seemingly endless rain that was failing in The World That Never Was the best way he knew how.
As he looked up expectantly into the room for the first time, he froze; only just now realizing that his feet had led him instinctively to Roxas' room instead of his own. He winced harshly, as the mere thought of his ex-lover's name sent a pang of agony shooting through his chest where his heart should be.
His lifeless emerald eyes scanned the familiar room, which hadn't been touched since...since…
Axel's fists trembled at his sides as he tried to breathe in deeply to calm himself without accidentally summoning a wave of flames (for a third time that week--poor Demyx still trembled in memory of that unfortunate accident each time he encountered the lately irate chakram-wielder).
Once he'd managed to get his grief under control once more, he decided to permit himself one last look around the room before he abandoned it for good.
He wandered about aimlessly; unconsciously raising an eyebrow at the way the bed remained unmade—typical Roxas behavior…it seemed as though he would be returning at any moment; waltzing in through the doorway and catching sight of Axel standing in the middle of his room and asking who the hell gave you permission to come in here on your own accord, dumbass?
Axel smiled faintly before a glower overcame his features once more—he shook himself from his wistful thoughts and made to turn away from the bed, opting to leave it as it was for now. He absentmindedly slid his fingers over the surface of the pillow nearest as he turned—and he immediately froze at the sound of paper fluttering to the floor.
Oh so slowly, he turned to look at the floor by his feet, where a slip of paper had come to rest.
A paper which bore his name in a certain Nobody's handwriting.
Feeling suddenly distant, Axel bent over to pick up the letter with trembling fingers, holding it as though it would disappear at the lightest touch, and unfolded it.
It simply read:
I'm going away for a little while…write me a letter when I'm gone.
All My Love,
The corners of Axel's lips twitched slightly before quirking up in a weak smile. He let out a quiet chuckle, which gradually grew into a full-fledged laugh.
He held the letter over his chest where his heart should be, laughing in his liberation; laughs which eventually gave way to and mixed with loud, heavy sobs that racked his entire body; never minding the tears that slid rapidly down his checks, conflicting with the grin plastered onto his face.
Because if waiting meant seeing Roxas again…
He could wait a little while longer.
Jessie: Dazed Wow…I actually just wrote this entire thing up in one sitting.
Joh: Whoa…
Jessie: I think talking to you inspired me.
Joh: Eh? Really?! I feel special…
Jessie: Huggles As you should, darling; as you should. Sooo…tell me how you liked it so far—this is just the prologue, people; this is gonna be yet another "Akuroku in the next life" stories. But I love them, and have wanted to write one for some time now…so yeah, I guess I can start here.
Joh: Wait! Before you forget!
Jessie: Right, right, right; okay, one more thing people; just one more, I promise:
If you favorite a story, or put in on story alert, that must have mean something about it struck your fancy, no? We'd really appreciate some FEEDBACK A.K.A. "REVIEWS" if you like stories enough to favorite them/put them on your story alert. I think I speak for all authors when I say that we really would like to know what it is that pleases the reader so that we can gain some experience from the writing, and work on improving our writing.
That's all for now, folks
Please review!