Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender and am making no money from this story.
As the small group of four walked away from the burning building and the chaos within Ty Lee sighed happily. She felt good. Balanced, and it seemed that everything was finally right in the world. She watched Mai and Azula laughing ahead of her at the memory of pretentious party going teens running for their lives.
It was good to hear Mai laugh. A true honest laugh. Her aura was a strong blue now with only a fading hint of gray. Azula, of course, emitted an almost electric turquoise corona with brilliant orange spikes. Ty Lee meant it when she said that Azula was the prettiest girl in the Fire Nation. Her aura was stunning.
But it was Zuko that drew her eyes now. Mai and Zuko had shared an overwhelming dark gray before, even though Zuko had always retained the softest hint of blue. But now he was a rainbow of hues.
Ty Lee couldn't take her eyes away from him.
Blazing blues blended and melted into pure gold with turquoise and green flowing through the most gorgeous orange. But what really took her breath away was the slender ribbon of the loveliest pink that swirled throughout it all.
She'd never seen anything so entrancing before in her life.
So captivating a sight it was that she didn't even notice the stone jutting up in her path. The normally well-balanced girl stumbled and would have lost her footing if it were not for firm hands grabbing her arms and righting her.
"Be careful." A husky voice warned.
She looked up at Zuko and was pleased to see a gentle smile on his face instead of his ever present scowl. "Thanks, Zuko! By the way…" She bit her lip as a tiny feeling of uncertainty floated through her mind as she recalled his earlier mocking. But his welcoming and open expression loosened her tongue.
"Your aura is really beautiful tonight."
He had let her go by now and had nearly turned away before she heard his quiet reply.
"Thank you." He paused, his back completely to her so that she had to strain to make out the soft words.
"Yours is too…"
Reviews make everything pink!