Author's note: My newest story is finally here, it took some planning but I finally wrote it down and set it to my mind that I was going to submit this. I got this idea from I don't know where. This is probably like my 7th fanfiction. Hopefully this one is better then some of the ones I have written. First thank you to whomever is reading this, because without the readers there'd be no reviews or no reason to write.





Disclaimer: The magic belongs to J.K. Rowling.





"Mum have you see my back pack?" A blonde girl said running around the penthouse apartment.

Another blonde woman walked out of a room and yelled "Mione, it's just your first day of school, calm down!"

Hermione came running down the spiral ivory stairs "Mum, you're the one who convinced me to start public school for my last year of high school…I should be worried!"

The woman smiled "Dear, I know you went to hogwarts, but when you came back this summer in tears…I wanted you to start off fresh."

Hermione nodded and fixed her hair in the mirror, her mother brought up the idea of Hermione having it blonde and straightened, which she did for one of the many Hermione's starting regular school presents.

The blonde woman then put her hand on her daughters shoulders "I'm proud of you." She kissed her cheek.

Hermione smiled and calmed down then laughed "Where is my annoying brother!"

Hermione had a twin brother his name was Timothy an muscular body had given him the title of varsity football team captain.

His mother had persuaded him not to go to Hogwarts but couldn't stop Hermione. In some ways Hermione reminded her of Hermione's father.

Something Hermione and her brother never brought up was their father. They didn't know who he was, but their mother did. It was a sore subject and Hermione had been known as a mudblood at school but sadly she didn't know if her father was a wizard or not.

Alison her mother was a rather beautiful woman with her sandy blonde hair, very thin body and pale delicate skin and sadly Hermione had many "uncles". Her mother's many, many boyfriends were always known as "uncles." Something about them made Hermione cringe, but it had been 3 months since her mother's latest breakup and she was already dating another dork, who had money intitled.

Lets face it, Hermione and her brother and mother were one of the betters off wealthy families in New York. Their mother ran a successful bakery business, and of course surprise, surprise a model. Hermione's mother had always tried to get her daughter to follow the same path. For Hermione was very beautiful.

Her mother always joked with Hermione tat when she was born she was so beautiful that many families already wanted her as their son's wife.

Hermione always laughed, smiled, and joked along when her mother said that but Alison knew Hermione would want to know her father. She could only keep her under reigns for so long. Little did she know that was coming shortly.

"Mum, I'm driving to school today." Hermione said seeing the Limo.

"Well, I just thought since you were going…you'd want to go in style." Alison shined.

"No, I'm taking my escalade and parking in student parking and walking into high school like a student!" Hermione said grabbing her keys and purse.

Hermione's mother then smiled and closed the door, but had a rather large headache "ROSA I NEED MY ASPIRIN…. AND BRING ME A BLOODY MARY!" She screamed and sat down in front of the television.

Rosa one of the many maids smiled at the young woman, "Here you go Miss Sugarlee."

Alison took it and swallowed the whole thing and took a aspirin "Thank you Rosa."

Rosa nodded and left to finish the laundry.






"Please be quiet during role call!" The bald teacher yelled.

Hermione sat there on her cell phone under the desk texting.

A black girl laughed and whispered "caught yea!"

Hermione jumped and then said "Oh sorry, I really don't want to listen to this bald guy."

Javonni smiled "well, nobody else does either."

The bald teacher then looked over at them "Be Quiet!"

Hermione nodded and smiled but when he turned around she flipped him off.

Everybody laughed.

He then turned around "Hermione…Granger...oh I'm sorry Hermione Sugarlee"

Hermione raised her hand "Present!"

"Sugarlee!" Javonni almost jumped out of her chair.

Hermione nodded.

"As in bakery…and model…Sugarlees?"

Hermione nodded as Javonni sat next to her "Hello I'm Javonni…"

Hermione shook her hand.








It had been 3 months since Hermione had started muggle public school.

Alison sat in her penthouse kitchen when she heard Rosa scream.

"Rosa?" Alison got off the chair and headed into the main foyay where the coldest of all suprizes was, her ex husband.

"Let Rosa go, she is my maid…" Alison defended the poor short Mexican woman.

"Maid…" the cold man said letting the Mexican woman go as she ran to Alison and hid behind her.

"Where are my children…or more importantly Hermione." He sneered almost in a hiss.

"At school." She said smirking.

"Don't lie to me…I had my most loyal check the list of students…she isn't at Hogwarts."

"I didn't lie…she is at school…just not Hogwarts." Alison smiled…knowing it pissed him off.

"Stop smirking…and how dare you send my seed to a muggle filthy school!"

"Well, why don't you ask your daughter…oh that's right…3 of her little friends hurt her Tom…she left that world…"

He looked angry and started talking again "3 little friends…what did they do?"

His death eaters stayed in their place not wanting to come in-between these to very dark looking people.

"Why don't you ask your daughter…oh that's right…she doesn't even know you exist…well she does know you exist just not as her father." She giggled coldly.

He then pointed his wand at her but then lowered it "DANMIT, I can't kill you."

She smirked "Wish you hadn't given me the spell where you can't kill me."

He then took a long breath of annoyance "Shush it…now here is what you're going to do…"

She looked at him and laughed "I'm doing nothing…"

He looked even angrier "you'll do what I say! I'm your husband!"


"…What's that suppose to mean!"

"You bloody, danm know what it means!"

"Well I may not be your husband…but Hermione is still my daughter…and Timothy is my son…wouldn't they like to know the truth?"

"Fine, tom…wait till after school." She hissed and looked very angry.






Author's note: That's my first chapter! Yes, Tom Riddle is her father…and Hermione finds out in the next chapter! ♥