Inuyasha: 18 years old

Kagome: 18 years old

Sango: 18 years old

Miroku: 18 years old

Sesshomaru: 19 years old (stayed back in a grade)

Kouga: 19 years old (stayed back in a grade)

Ayame: 18 years old

Rin: 18 years old

A pile of textbooks hit the hallway's floors. "Ugh." He bent down and picked up his 10 textbooks after he was finished he pushed his glasses up from his nose.

"Hey, you! Get to class! The bell has already rung!" An administrator scolded at him. He turned around to the administrator. "Oh, It's just you Inuyasha Takahashi. I thought that it was some troublemaker trying to skip class. Go on with your business, sweetie." The administrator, Mrs. Yumikito said with a smile.

"Thank you, ma'am." Inuyasha said he snorted and continued to walk to his class.

'Can't believe it! I'm late for Trigonometry. I've never been late for ANYTHING. I should hurry up.' Inuyasha thought he started to run to class his white and blue ugly Sketchers making squeaking sounds on the tile hallway floors.


"When does 4th period finish?" A girl with a hot pink tube top, a leather hot pink mini skirt on that hung slightly below her waist so you could see her red thong, and knee high, hot pink, 7-inch hooker heels on asked,

"I dunno, Kikyo." A girl with the same exact outfit that Kikyo had on but her outfit was purple and her thong was yellow, her name was Kagura one of Kikyo's best friends.

"4th period finishes in 50 minutes." A girl with same outfit that the two other girls had on but hers was green and her thong was pink, her name was Yura she was Kikyo's other best friend.

"Ugh. So, long?" Kikyo whined. "I should just might as well skip school, instead of just 4th period."

"But, then we wouldn't be able to go to lunch, Kikyo." Kagura said.

"Yeah, and I'm starving." Yura agreed.

"Aw. Shut up, you bitches, this is why your fat asses can't even get some boyfriends. I say that we're going to skip school. So, let's go!" Kikyo ordered and got out of the girl's bathroom.

Yura and Kagura followed her as if they were Kikyo's dogs.


"Hey, Kagz. Want to come to my party on Saturday?" A boy with a long braided ponytail and a handsome face asked.

"Sure, Bankotsu." Kagome said with a smile she took the invitation.

"Sango and Miroku hope to see you there." Bankotsu added.

"This is like our 5th invitation that we got today." Sango said surprised.

"Yeah, but I think that I only want to go to Bankotsu's the other parties is what the geeks are throwing." Miroku said.

"That's not nice, Miroku…even though that they are geeks." Kagome said.

Kagome, Miroku, and Sango were the most popular kids at Shikon Tama High School. Kikyo, Yura, and Kagura were popular too but they were the type of popular that would treat kids like dirt but we're still worshiped by some of the lovesick boys. Kagome and her group we're the nice kind of popular. The most popular boys were Bankotsu, Sesshomaru, and Kouga aka Kagome's boyfriend.

And can't forget the nerds Hojo and Inuyasha well, there are the top two nerds at school. People, couldn't understand why Inuyasha's brother was so sexy and popular while Inuyasha was…not so sexy and popular, more like hideous and geeky.

But, enough with the kinds of stereotypes that they had at Shikon…

"I can't wait to go to Bankotsu's party. His parties are always the best last time he was giving out cell phones and $300 dollars in his goodie bags." Sango stated happily.

"Yeah, I wonder what we're going to wear." Kagome said. "I dunno. But, I saw these really cute outfits at Scandalous last Friday." Sango said.

"Oh gosh. Chick talk." Miroku complained.

Miroku Houshi had black hair pulled back in a small ponytail at the back of his neck, he had dark blue eyes, and oh, yeah not to mention he was the biggest lecher in Tokyo, he would go everywhere and randomly group women and ask them "Would you bear my child?" He was the most perverted monk. He lived by himself.

Sango Taijiya , had beautiful magenta colored eyes with her usual hot pink eye liner, her nice long brown hair pulled into a high ponytail. She was Miroku's crush. She had a little feelings for Miroku but she made sure never to show it. She came from a family of demon slayers. She still had her most favorite weapon, Hiraikotsu, which is a giant boomerang and she had inherited from her great grandmother. She lives with her little brother, Kohaku her parents had died.

Now, Kagome had long raven hair, big chocolate brown eyes, and the nicest personality that you would ever find on a 17- year- old senior.

But, if you piss her off she will beat yo ass.

She lives with her mom, grandpa, and little brother named, Souta.

She is also, neighbors with Inuyasha. Her, boyfriend Kouga was everything to her. She loves him like a fat kid loves cake or she loves him like a ho loves pimps, or she loves him like a prostitute loves sex and money. Or whatever. Anyways they were the cutest couple on the block.

They were voted prom King and Queen every year and is hoping to win it this year, which is there senior year.

"Okay, class." The teacher, Mr. Sarigo began. He walked up to the board to start his lesson. "Now, enough with the talking." Mr. Sarigo ordered.

Everybody was still talking. "SHUT UP!" he yelled at the class.

Everybody went dead silent.

"Much better." Mr. Sarigo said sweetly. "Now… Using cos(x) 4cos(x/3)3 - 3cos(x/3), you can reduce cos (arctan(x)/3) by noting that cos (arctan(x))1/root(x2+1)…"

Everybody's face read: WHAT THE HELL?! After Mr. Sarigo told them an equation. "Come on people!" Mr. Sarigo exclaimed disappointed in his class. "This was last night's homework! Did anybody do there homework?" Mr. Sarigo asked the class. Everybody raised his or her hand. "…Now how many of you are lying?" Everybody's hands was still up.

"Oh, gosh. Kami…help me now." Mr. Sarigo said still disappointed.

…The classroom door opened revealing a silver-haired, amber eyed, scrawny, geeky, suspender wearing dork.

"Inuyasha, why are you just getting to class?" Mr. Sarigo demanded an answer. "Well, some guys beat me up and dumped me in a dumpster outside of school. So, I had to call my mom, so that she can bring me extra clothes. " Inuyasha said sadly.

"Aw. It's okay…that happens a lot." Mr. Sarigo assured him. 'To nerds.' Sarigo thought.

Sesshomaru and Kouga were snickering in the background.

"…But one of the guys that dumped me in the dumpster was Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha exclaimed tears in his eyes.

"Aw. Are you going to cry?" Miroku blurted out. "Miroku!" Kagome and Sango hissed at him.

"It's not funny." Inuyasha said and quickly wiped away the tears so nobody else could notice.

Kagome couldn't hold it any longer, she busted out laughing, and so did everybody else.

Sesshomaru and Kouga were the one that was doing it worst they were laughing tears in their eyes and pointing to him. Their laughs were worst because they were over doing it.

Inuyasha held back tears and quickly took his seat in the front row, 5 inches away from the teacher's desk. His10 textbooks covering his face.

"Ok. Ok. Class."

Everybody calmed down but Kouga and Sesshomaru were still laughing.


They immediately quieted.

"Now, Sesshomaru you must not, make fun of your younger brother like that. You should be ashamed of yourself. You, too Kouga, I heard that you and Inuyasha used to know each other in 1st grade." Mr. Sarigo went on.

"But…I was never his-."

"Now, enough!" Mr. Sarigo said cutting of Kouga.

"He's a bitch-ass." A girl chuckled her name was Ayame. She had long red hair in two ponytails and green emerald eyes. She was a wolf-demon just like Kouga.

"Yeah, I know. I heard that he even tripped over a pen…and cried." A girl named Rin snickered, she had brown hair it was down at the back but there was a ponytail at the side of her head, she had pink-ish eyes. She goes out with Sesshomaru. (It's hard to explain Rin. Cause I can't explain her hairstyle that well, but you should know how she looks like anyways. And her eye color it's hard to explain that too cause if you look closely it looks kind of hot pink-ish of some sort. But, she was in older-version in this she was 17.)

"You guys can be so mean." Kagome stated.

"Well, you know it's true, babe." Kouga said. "I'm sorry, for you, dude. That you have to have such a low-life brother." Kouga said sadly putting a hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder.

"Thanks for your concern. Can you believe that my parents said that I should be happy that I have such an "Intelligent" brother?" Sesshomaru said sounding more like a statement than a question.

"I'll pray for you." Kouga said wiping away a fake tear.

"…Or in Inuyasha's case." Sesshomaru said he then put his hands over his face. "That's not funny!" Sesshomaru mocked in a fake crying voice.

The two friends started laughing again.

"That's not funny!" Inuyasha said at them his eyes red.

"Feh." Sesshomaru said.

Inuyasha didn't say anything about his 'special line' that Sesshomaru used. Because back in freshman year Sesshomaru told Inuyasha that he was to lame to say 'feh'. So, now Inuyasha isn't aloud to say 'feh' anymore. (tear drop So, sad.)

"Ok, that's enough guys." Mr. Sairgo said.

…But Sesshomaru and Kouga didn't stop making fun of him.

"That's it! You two in the principle's office!" he yelled at the two.

The two boys rolled their eyes grabbed their books and headed for the classroom door.

"…And I don't think that the principle would like the jokes that your talking about Inuyasha!" Mr. Sarigo yelled at the two. They left the class.


Principle Myoga was laughing his ass off. "And he said what?!" Mr. Myoga asked again.

"Do it, Sesshomaru." Kouga said between laughs. "Ok, ok." Sesshomaru said. He calmed down his laughing. He quickly wiggled his fingers in front of his face causing him to have a serious face on. (You guys know what I'm talking about. When you guys are about to act out something funny, so you have to make your self look serious.)

Sesshomaru covered his face with his hands. "That's not funny!" he said fake crying.

Mr. Myoga and Kouga busted out laughing…again.


'Today, was great.' Inuyasha thought as he rode his Segway coming from school.

(You guys know what a segway is right? The little thing that nerds ride. Ok, you remember on the Weird Al song "White and Nerdy"

when he was riding the little thing that it's like you lean slightly forward and it goes by itself. It's like a little scooter automatic scooter but WAY more nerdy. Look it up.)

'I mean Sesshomaru and Kouga always making fun of me ALL the time. But, this time they only made fun of me in 4th period. Yesterday they did it through 1st period to 5th period.' Inuyasha thought happily.