My Best Friend's Wedding

An-Please Don't kill me! It's been awhile, I know. First off, my computer was infected with a virus for months! We got it fixed a bout two weeks ago, and then my brother broke it. I know that sounds lame and totally made up, but it's the truth. All of my stories have been deleted from my computer. This chapter was done, and I was going to post it when I got home the day it broke. As for the other stories that I pre-typed, they'll have to be put off. I've got four new story ideas that I can just write. I hope you like this chapter. It's not half as good as the one I wrote, but you won't notice.


Chapter 22

" you think we'll still be this close?" Troy asked as we lay in my bed. We changed into our pjs the minute we got in. I turned to him and gave him a questioning look.

"Of course. Nothing in this world could come between this 18-year friednship we have going on. So what if we're a gazillion miles apart. I'll call, and fly out for the holidays." Troy smiled, but he didn't look at me. There was a silence. I glanced over at the clock. It was 12:59 a.m.

"I don't think I should marry Cassandra." Slap me, but not too hard. If this is real, I don't wannt be in a coma.

"Uh...what?" What do you say to something like that?

"I just...I just don't think we're right for each other. There was a time where she was all I could think about. Now, my mind will drift, and she won't even cross it. It's always someone else..." His voice trailed off after that. I'm not sure what I feel right now. Should I be happy that he doesn't want to marry her anymore? Or should I be upset that he's fallen for someone besides me right in front of my face?

"Who?" I breathed. I didn't mean to ask him. It sorta slipped. troy glanced at me briefly.

"Just...someone." I nodded. He obviously didn't want me to know. Stupid males...they're always so sneaky. Let's try some different questions...

"Are you sure about not wanting to marry her?" I know, I'm pushing it, but this is killing me! Troy looked pensive. He didn't say a word to me for a few moments.

"You know how in Cinderella she wears the glass slipper?" I nodded my head. "It's like that. Only imagine someone else was able to fit the glass slipper."

"Huh?" I'm so lost. Troy sat up as I proped myself up on an elbow.

"Like, one of her evil step-sisters has the same size foot, and she was able to fit the slipper. So, the prince proposed to her, thinking that she was the one for him. Then, he sees that Cinderella is really the one for him, but he doesn't know how to tell her, but he has to do it soon because it's almost too late. If he doesn't tell her step-sister that he wants to be with Cinderella, he's going to lose her. I mean seriously, Cinderella's not going to sit there and wait for him. So he needs to just man up and tell her." What? Is anybody else as lost as I am?

"You lost me after Cinderella and her step-sister wear the same size shoe." Troy sighed and slumped back down into the pillows.

"It's just...complicated."

"Oh, well there's something I can understand! Why didn't you just say so?" Incase you didn't know, I'm trying to lighten the mood. Troy gave a half smile.

"We should get some sleep. We've got a long day ahead of us." Troy and I climbed beneath the covers. I snuggled up close to him. He wrapped an arm around me, and I held onto him tightly.

"Troy?" I whispered. I knew he wasn't asleep, but he was drowsy and I didn't want to startle him.


"I'm gonna miss you like crazy." He tightened his grip on me.

"I'll miss you more that you'll ever know." He whispered huskily. It gave me those shivers. Not the 'dude he's creepy' shivers, but the 'his voice drives me wild' shivers. He kissed my head and I turned to face him.

"I know that I seem really strong about this whole moving thing, but I'm scared as hell. I don't wanna go. I'm going to be all alone. No parents, no Taylor, and no you."

"I'll call everyday, I promise. We'll talk more tomorrow." He kissed my forehead. I took 'we'll talk more tomorrow' as his way of saying he was tired. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. The sound of his heartbeat calmed me, but my mind raced, even as I dreamt...



Holy cheese and crackers! What was that? I shot up from my bed and looked around. No Troy...

"Shh! You're going to wake her! We haven't gotten anything ready yet!" Sharpay's voice boomed.

"She might not wake up if Sharpay doesn't yell again!" Taylor voiced. Not this again. I can only assume that Kelsi is with them. I pulled back the covers and marched into the mainroom.

"What is going on?" I shouted. they all turned and gave a cheeky grin.

"We're here, ordered by Troy, to help you get ready." Troy?

"Troy sent you here?" They all nodded. I'm a little excited. "Why would he do that?" Something speacial I hope.

"Duh! It's his wedding and he wants his BFFL to look fabulous!" Shar squealed. Yeah...that little bit of excitment just died.


"Don't feel bad, Gabs. We know that Troy'll come to his senses one day." Kelsi assured me.

"One day seems too far away." I mumbled.

"Let's just get you all dolled up so he can see what he's gonna miss out on." Tay told me. I cracked a smile before being whisked off into my bedroom. It wasn't until four hours later that we actually got somewhere.

"Almost done..." Kelsi said as she finished my hair.

"Hurry, we're going to be late." Tay groaned.

"DONE!" I shouted. "Let's roll!" We darted out of the house and into the car. The 20 minute drive was a blessing. Thank-goodness they decided to have the ceromonyat our neighboorhood Chruch.

"There you are! Troy is chewing my head off about you not being here." Chad yelled before we even got out of the car. "He wants to talk to you."

"But I have to-" I didn't get to finish. In less than three seconds, I was in a room alone with Troy.

"Hi." Troy spoke as he let out a sigh. He looked incredible. His suit fit him perfectly. Those amazing blue eyes of his were brought out by the flowers. Simply...perfect.

"Uh, hey." I greeted as I shook my head, trying to regain control. "You needed to talk to me?"

"Yes. Is there anything you want to tell me?" What?

"I'm confused..." That's happening a lot lately.

"I mean, anything you want to tell me before I go through with this?" WHy is he asking?


"Chad has a big mouth." What?! I don't get it. "When he hears things, he blurts them out at the wrong time. Like, now."

"Okay, but what did Chad blurt out?"

"That you-"

"Troy, it's time." Mr. Bolton said to us. Troy sighed heavily and walked out. I followed behind. We took our places as everyone stood up. The wedding march began to play. As Cassandra made her way down the aisle, Troy didn't have that look. He didn't have that look of pride that all grooms have when they see their brides. What did he mean? Chad has a big mouth? I'm pretty sure everyone knew that...


"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today..." Pastor Phil kept going on with his speech. My minde was elsewhere. Chad has a big mouth...what did that mean? Wait, Troy started to say something afterward. What did he say? what could Chad have told him? I mean it's not like he told Troy I loved him.

"Oh my God!" I blurted out. The entire congregation turned to stare at me. Quick Gabi, think of a cover. "Oh my God, I am just so happy. You can't find this kind of love anywhere folks." I rambled. "please continue." Ugh! I can't belive Chad! Was he playing with empty whip-cream cans or something?

"Before I join these to people in marriage, is there anyone who opposes it?" Pastor asked. Say something! This is what Troy wants! He asked you about it before you even got to the wedding. Now that he knows, it should be easier! Why won't the words come out?!

"I object." A deep voice announced.

"What?!" Cassandra shrieked. "Troy, baby, I don't think you can object to your own wedding."

"Cassie, I'm sorry. This is something I need to do."

"I don't understand." Troy rubbed the back of his neck.

"I've realized that you're not my Cinderella. You may fit the shoe, but you're not the one I'm in love with." My jaw, along with Cassandra's, dropped. Troy began to make his way to the back of the church. He's going to leave.

"I object too!" I shouted. Troy stopped and turned around.

"You can't object! He already did!" Cassandra pouted and dropped down to the floor.

"Well, I object to him and the Cinderella thing. I just don't get it."

"It's simple, Gabi. You're my Cinderella. After all this time, I've opened up my eyes and I see. You were always with me.It's always been you. Even when I wasn't thinking. You just pop-up in my mind. Last night, I was talking about you." Slap me!


"I love you Gabriella. It's taken me 18 years, but I love you. I want to be with you. I'm sorry for treating you like shit. I noticed these past few months how everything feel into place. When we kissed and I told you I felt nothing, I was lying out of my ass. My world was rocked." I laughed a little and smiled. I could feel the tears brimming my eyes.

"Troy..." Here it goes..."I love you, too." Just like that, I ran down the aisle and jumped into his arms. My legs wrapped around his waist, and we kissed furiously. Yeah, we're in church, and yes our parents are watching. But you know what? I don't give a hoot! For once, I've got what I want. We pulled away when air was needed, but even then we stole a few kisses.

"What are we going to do about this long distance thing?" Troy asked as he held me.

"We'll make it work. You just have to promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"We're not going to rush and get married. I wanna make sure that I'm your Cinderella, and you're my Prince Charming." Troy only laughed and cracked a smile.

"Trust me, the only wedding I want to think about is when my parents renew their vows." I giggled. That's when Troy and I really got a look at how many people were staring. Smiles beamed from our family and friends. Needless to say Cassandra and her parents gave us the stink eye. "Do you wanna get out of here?" We laced hands and headed out to his car.

"Yeah, theres some tension in the church. We've got to figure things out before I leave."

"Let's just not worry about that. I wanna spend my last few hours with you holding you and having fun." Awe! Is he not adorable? I nodded my head and kissed him square on the lips.

"Man, it feels so good to be able to do that whenever I want." Troy chuckled and helped me into the car. He then got in himself, and we drove off into the sunset...Okay! So we didn't drive off into the susnset, but we did drive off! I mean seriously, we drove off into the morning? That sounds so much less romantic! But, this is where my story ends. I've come to terms with something though. I don't ever want to go to go Troy's wedding unless it's my own. Selfish, yes, but after what I've been through, I get to be selfish! This has been the romantic, embarassing, emotional roller coaster that I like to call

my best friend's wedding.


An- Wow, it's all over! I'm gonna miss this story. I'm sorry if the ending is a little, well craptastic. The good news is that I got new ideas for new stories. They're based off of Janet Evanovich's full series. If you've ever read them, you'd know that they're mystery books. I'm not sure when I'll start that, but I will! Thank-you all so much, and again, I'm sorry for the terribly long wait. You're all amazing!


