My Best Friend's Wedding

An- Did you really expect me not to have another story coming? Impossible to think! When I'm fresh out of ideas, I'll let you know. lol So, yeah totally new story. Troyella, so read it! lol It'll be sweet and sorta long. Not really sure, but over ten chapters. It took me FOREVER to get this chapter just right. I re-started and re-started until I thought it was decent. Um, I'll do some kinda trivia or fun stuff for you all at the end. lol READ ON!

Disclaimer: I'm only saying this once...I don't own!


Chapter One

"Ow!" I yelled. I stubbed my foot on the corner of the bed. Right now, it's about 5:30 in the morning...on a Monday. Yeah, life sucks. I walked through the dark house suddenly realizing that I should've put some slippers on. The floor is cold. "Wake up!" I yelled as I shook my best friend.

"Mph..." He groaned. "Go away..."

"Troy! You have to get up." I laughed werily and shook him again. "You and I both know that I'm not going anywhere until you get off of my sofa."

"Gabi go bye-bye." He swatted at me. Oh he's really gonna get it now...

"Troy Bolton, if you don't get up right now, I'm going to tell your precious Cassandra what you did to me in seventh grade." I threatened.

"Beginning of the year or end?" He mumbled. Did I really have to be that specific?

"Beginning. It's much more harsh, since I had to go through an entire year of teasing!" I shouted in his ear.

"I'm up! Geez Gabi, you couldn't let me sleep for a few minutes?" He asked sitting up.

"I would if we didn't have to be at work. Get dressed and I'll buy you that late thing you like." I know, I'm bribing him, but I know this guy, so he'll definitely accept.

"I'll be out before you can finish spraying that girly stuff on." Told you so!

"It's called Body Spray!" I shouted laughing as he walked off to the bathroom. It's a good thing he has clothes here, otherwise he'd be incredibly late this morning.



I snatched up the phone from the reciever. "T&G Law Offices. Gabriella speaking." I said hastily into phone.

"Yeah yeah, it's Taylor." One of my best friends from high school said. We met during our junior year.

"Oh, hey. What's up? You never call at...ten a.m." I leaned back in my chair.

"I just wanted to know if you heard. Of course you heard."

"Heard what?" I asked. What could she be talking about?

"Are you serious?! you don't know?"

"Know what?" Now she had me standing up out of my chair.

"About your best friend. He didn't tell you yet?"

"Troy? What about Troy? Did something happen?" She was really getting me worried.

"No. I just thought he would run everything by you."

"Run what by me, Taylor?" I shouted. This was really starting to get to me.

"Hey hey! No need to get testy! It's not my place to tell anayway. I just assumed you already knew. He'll tell you soon."

"No, if he already told you without telling me then I'm never going to know. Remember senior year?" I asked referring to the time Troy planned a surprise party for Chad without clueing me in.

"Yeah, but that was different. Besides, he told Chad. Chad told me and now Troy will tell you." I sighed as there was a knock at my door. It swung open and there he was.

"Speak of the dude now." I laughed. "I call you back Tay."

"Using the company phones for personal calls?" Troy smirked as I hung up. I looked up to see him in a dark blue button up with black pants. He was wearing a matching black tie too.

"Well, since I own half I thought it would be fine." He chuckled and sat down in one of the chairs. "What's up?" He seemed to be deep in thought about something. Could it be what Taylor was talking about?

"Well you know how Cassie and I have been dating right?" Troy asked, reffering to his totally sweet girl.

"Yeah, what's it been. Two years now?" Troy just nodded. "What's wrong? Are you guys having problems?"

"Nah, we're doing great. Better than great. I...I uh...I asked her to marry me..." He trailed off. Okay, let's think about this. Troy just said he asked Cassandra Williams to marry him...WHAT?!

"What?!" I shouted/asked. "Without telling me or planning it? What did she say?! How did you do it? Was it romantic?" I spoke all in one breath.

"She said yes." He looked up at me and gave a half smile. I completely forgot about all my other questions.

"That's awesome Troy!" I hopped up from my chair and ran to give him a hug. I took him into both of my arms and held on tight. "Who would've though you'd get married before me?" I joked, still holding him.

"I know, considering how hott you look. How is it that we never dated after our break-up?" He joked. I laughed. Guess I should explain. You see, Troy and I have been best friends since he taught me how to swing when we were five. That was like...17 years ago! We went through everything together, and in our high school years, we kinda liked each other. Oh who am I kidding? We had the hugest crushes in the world on each other. One thing led to another and BAM! We were known as 'Troyella'. Kinda funny actually. Troy and I then went to Harvard Law school and became far from our obvious career choice that it's not even funny. Anyways, we opened our firm together and then Troy met Cassandra. She came to us for a job and was hired. her and Troy bonded and hit it off...of course he had to fire her since we can't have relationships with co-workers. She's okay now though. I honestly think Cassie is a great catch for Troy.

"I think it had something to do with the fact that you were slobbering all over some cheerleader." I burst into giggles when I saw Troy's serious face. "Just kidding." I smiled.

"You're going to be my best man right?" I feel insulted. HE THINKS I'M A MAN!

"No! Troy Bolton, I'm a woman, and if your eyes can't see that then you're completely blind." Stupid male jokes...

"Believe me Gabi, I know you're a girl. I've know since you went topless tanning at the pool in 8th grade." Oh no he didn't. "Oh yes I did."

"Hey! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have sat up. You splashed me with water and I sat up then my top fell down. You and Chad were supposed to cover your eyes anyway!" I scolded.

"Woah, there was no way that me covering my eyes could prevent me from seeing what I saw. I still have a mental image." I knew he was joking, but I was still blushing uncontrolably. "You know, I think they've gotten much bigger since then." I hit him playfully and laughed.

"You can't check me out, Bolton. You've got a fiance." I gushed.

"Yeah, so will you be my best lady?" He asked poking out his bottom lip. I half smiled and nodded.

"How could I say no? There'd be no butler of honor at my wedding...get it? maid of honor? butler because he's a guy. HAHA!. Okay, guess it wasn't that funny

"True. Now all we have to do is find a man for you to marry." Was he serious?

"Troy, I'm more a the friend type than the marrying type. As a matter of fact, every guy I date gets married to the next person they date." I pointed out. Troy shook has shaggy hair and opened his mout. I can't wait for this one.

"That's not entirely true. I dated at least five more girls before I met Cassie. And Seth is still single...I think." Seth Matthews. We dated when Troy and Cassandra first met. Our realationship was serious...I'm talking love serious. I think we just sorta grew apart. We're still good friends though.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he won't meet the girl of his dreams tomorrow and marry her." I sat on my desk and Troy groaned.

"Why do you have to be such a glumy guss?" There he goes again with the male jokes!

"I'm only stating the truth. There is no one out there in the world for me." This is really depressing. I lowered my head and began to play with my fingers.

"Well, you'll always have me, Gabi. Married or not...I'm gonna be here." I looked up to see sincerity in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. One on the main reasons why he's my best friend is because of how sweet he is.

"Thanks Troy." Troy placed a sweet kiss on my head before releasing me and exiting the room. My phone vibrated on my desk.

Did you find out yet?


That girl has better timing than her fiance. I typed yes back and she messaged me again within seconds.

We're all going out to celebrate tonight.

wear something hott so we can get you a man.


I laughed and shook my head. Boy did I have some awesome friends...