Well, I have a Harry Potter (well...I'm a Draco fan :P) fanfic...enjoy . it's cute and according to my friends, "reallyyyy sweet 3" but please REVIEW and CONSTRUCTED criticism is welcome too. Flames will be used to cook marshmallows.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, if I did, -spoiler for HP7- Snape and Fred wouldn't have died.

We've been best friends since we were 3. He moved into a mansion on the hill beside our cottage, and coming from a wizarding town, the Malfoy's weren't used to living so close to Muggles. Naturally, we, the only other family of witches and wizards, welcomed them and became fast friends. When I first met Draco, I couldn't believe there was finally somebody my age that I could play with.

Growing up together, Draco and I were so close that we could never be seen without each other. I basically lived in his house, and he basically lived in mine.

We had a secret spot that both our families knew about, in the valley between our homes, but they knew it was our place, and never went there. We spent almost every waking hour there together; we snuck out of our houses at night and spent the night there in the summer. When we had dragon pox, we still stayed there together until our parents had to body-bind us and drag us home. Then, when we were 10, we shared our first kiss. We were sitting on the big, flat rock that was right in the middle of the valley, and kissed. There might have been a bit of awkwardness, but we never really noticed it, we knew we've loved each other since we were little, which was just a way of making it official...I guess. After that, we fell asleep on the rock, together, under the stars.

Then, everything changed when we turned 11.

"Draco! I-I can't believe this is h-happening..."

Seeing my face red and puffy, his expression went from happy to see me, to concern. "What's wrong?"

"M-my p-parents...-sniff- they don't want me to go to Hogwarts with you next year..."

"What?... WHY?" he was so confused, just like I knew he would be...since I was too.

Running into his arms, I told him the rest as he hugged me and tried to comfort me. "They think Beauxbatons would be better f-for me..." seeing the shocked look on his face, I burst into a fresh wave of tears. "I-I can't change their minds...you'll...you'll write to me right? We'll still stay in touch? Forever?"

He looked me straight in the eyes, "We still have till September, that's in three months, and we still have time. And we did, we spent every moment we could together those three short months, and they were the happiest of my life. But the day came too quickly, two days before the start of school, which meant I had to be in France the next day. As I slowly packed everything I could while trying to wipe the tears running down my face as well, my mom finally walked in and said she would pack for me. Kissing her on the cheek, I ran outside and ran down to our rock, knowing he'd be there, sitting and waiting for me. When we saw each other, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes again. Why does it have to be like this? I'll miss him so much, my parents say they understand how I feel, but if they really knew how much I loved Draco, why won't they let me go to Hogwarts with him?

He smiled at me sadly, "So you're leaving tomorrow?"

"...Yea...I...I wish..." My voice broke; I couldn't say anything else if I wanted to hold my tears in.

He walked up towards me, holding me in his arms, he steered me towards our rock and we sat down. "Its ok, you'll do fine, we're going to mail each other every day ok? I'm gonna have my great horned owl live at Beaux Batons as much as it lives in Hogwarts. And your parents said they would get you an owl in France right?"

"Yea...an eagle owl...-sniff- Writing to you and being with you is completely different, Draco. "This isn't going to make it any easier...I love him... " I love you, Draco, I love you, even if we write everyday it would only make me miss you more since I cant be there with you..." I couldn't hold them back any longer, Draco held me tight as I cried into his chest, soaking it through, but he didn't notice, because, for once, I wasn't the only one crying.

We stayed on the rock together that last night, wrapped in each other's arms, under the stars.

Well, it's not too bad, next chapter will probably be ready to publish faster than my Naruto ones, so REVIEW and tell me how it is or I wont upload it.