"So how was your patrol with Carrot, Lance-Constable?" Angua asked rather acidly.

"Oh, relax, Sarge," Sally countered airily. "It was fine. I don't have any designs on him. I know he's yours." She reached into her locker. The room was empty around them.

Damn straight, Angua did not say, because she had self-control. She nodded instead.

"But if you ever want to share..." the vampire said mischievously.

"What?" Angua's tone could have cut diamond.

"Like a threesome... Oh, nevermind," Sally dismissed when she saw Angua's almost Vimes-ish blank expression.

The werewolf thought about it for a moment. "I don't think Carrot would go for it," she said eventually, picturing the expression of embarrassment the idea would surely elicit from him with some amusement.

Sally was getting to be a good copper. She was noticing things. Like Angua's careful wording and her ever-so-slightly increased heart rate.

"We could just leave him out," she suggested with a pointed grin.

Angua caught her gaze and held it. A moment passed.

"Fine," the werewolf conceded eventually, leaning in for a kiss. "But mind the teeth."