Disclaimer: i do not own this.

Hey ya all. this is the first chapter of the story, firemageallanna wrote this and i hope you like it.

"Normal chat"


"Demons chat to Jinchuuriki in head."


Sakuragakura, The village hidden in the cherry blossoms. They say it is a village for only those who have been thrust aside. A village for villains, missing ninja, and those called Jinchuuriki.

Is it actually there? Who knows, but one thing is for curtain. It sounds like hell on Earth.


Three boys sat together and watched the other academy students play. The first had long, dark, straight hair that he had tied almost at the tips. His eyes were like a void of a misty blue and on his head a headband to hide the caged bird mark upon his forehead. He wore his usual tan short-sleeved jacket and dark shorts. He wore black shinobi shoes.

The boy to his right had spiky brown hair hidden under a fur-lined hood. On his cheeks two red triangles that pointed down. His eyes were almost unnoticeable but if one looked close enough you could see they were dark slits. His jacket was also a tan color and he wore dark pants that stopped at his mid-shin. His shinobi shoes, blue. On his lap sat a little white dog.

The third boy had blond hair that seemed to fly in all directions. His eyes were a dark intense blue that shone of mischief. He wore a black turtleneck that was sleeveless. Over it a silver vest that seemed to have metal plates in it for protection. He wore black long pants and black shinobi shoes.

They all looked about eight or so and watched he other students with a look of interest. The boy with long hair spoke first,

"They pretend to be bored in class, but when we get outside nothing escapes their attention." He said with a small smirk.

"Heh. Of course, Neji. No one wants to listen to a boring lecture, right Akamaru?" the boy with spiky brown hair said to the first boy before petting the puppy in his lap.

"Arf!" the dog said.

"How do you honestly know what he's saying, Kiba?" the blond asked resting his head on his right hand.

"You know the answer to that already, baka!" Kiba said mildly irked.

"I know." The blond said with a smirk, "I just enjoy annoying you."

Kiba's eyes flashed dangerously before Neji cut in, "knock it off Naruto. You too Kiba."

"But were just playing." Naruto said playfully hitting Neji on the shoulder. Both boys saw Neji wince and both boys' eyes clouded in anger.

"Neji, did he hurt you again?" Kiba asked venom in his voice.

"No." Neji said as the pain in his shoulder lessened, "not Hiashi-sama."

"Then who?" Naruto demanded his eyes shifting from blue to blue violet.

"It's fine." Neji said when they all heard the instructor say end of resting time. The three boys frowned but headed indoors to be glared at and listen to another boring lecture.

Naruto glared daggers into the back of the heads of he people in front of him that he knew were glaring at Kiba. If only. He thought somewhat sad. If only there was a way out.

"Like what kit?" The familiar presence that Naruto knew was Kyuubi asked.

I don't know. Like a place away from here. One where we wont feels so….

"Feel like monster?" Kyuubi asked to finish Naruto's question.

Go away! Naruto said to the demon suddenly angry. His anger must have shone because the teacher slammed a ruler down that almost hit Naruto's hand.

"Gah!" Naruto said as he barley managed to pull his hand away in time.

"Pay attention!" the teacher scowled. Naruto's other classmates giggled, well except for Kiba. Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Hai." He said forcedly. I hate this place! He thought.

"Then run away." Kyuubi suggested bored before going back to sleep in his cage. Naruto sat there and considered what Kyuubi had suggested.

Kyuubi. He thought catching the demons attention. That's probably the smartest thing you've ever said to me.

For the remainder of the day Naruto worked out the details so he could present the idea to Kiba and Neji.

When the bell to go home rang Naruto grabbed Kiba by the jacket and ran out the door.

"Hoi! Naruto wait. What's the hurry?" Kiba asked practically being dragged away.

"I'll explain later. First we got to find Neji." Naruto said without even looking back.

Neji stepped out of his class, ignoring the whispers around him. It was the same thing as always. He girls whispered of their crush on him while the guys whispered how they were going to run him out of town.

"Neji!" he heard a familiar voice call. Neji turned to see Naruto drag Kiba towards him.

"Naruto let go of Kiba before you kill him." he said monotonously. Naruto obeyed but looked at Neji with a look he had not seen Naruto wear in a long time.

"Come with me. I have the greatest idea." Naruto said excited. Kiba and Neji looked at Naruto like he was crazy but followed the blond to one of Kohona's training fields.

"Alright Naruto. What scheme have you come up with now?" Kiba asked. Naruto had his back to them and looked over the field training ground they had chosen to talk.

"Just how sick of this place are you guys?" Naruto asked keeping his back to them. Neji and Kiba were shocked Naruto had asked such a question. But when they thought about it, they hated the leaf with a passion.

"I despise this place." Neji said looking towards the Hyuuga apartments. Memories of year being beaten flooded him making his blood boil more.

Kiba nodded his head and Akamaru let out a small growl, "If I could, I'd go and live in hell. At least there I might have some respect." He said venom in his voice.

"Then why are we still here?" Naruto asked, his own painful memories flooding him. The other two could not answer. They just stood there and listened to the wind pass.

"So." Naruto said facing them grinning evilly, "why don't we just leave?"

The other two Jinchuuriki looked at Naruto and smiled.

"Why not." They said.

A boy with fire red hair and green eyes that had dark outlining looked over the village of the sand. He wore a black t-shirt and a fish net under it that stopped a little further down his arm then the t-shirt. He also wore dark pants and a gorge on his back that was held in place by a strap that went across his chest. Over the strap coming down his chest the opposite direction, was a white sash. He also wore black shinobi shoes. He looked to be about nine.

He looked down on the village of the sand with pure hate evident in his eyes. He lifted his hand and sand began to rise around the village, ready to crush it.

"Gaara!" a female voice called. Gaara cursed and looked back at the person he knew was coming. She wore black Anbu pants and a red short-sleeved shirt. She had on black shinobi shoes and she had her long red hair that went to her mid-back was in a low ponytail. She also looked Gaara's age.

"What are you doing here Saria?" Gaara asked monotonously.

"Keeping you from being a wanted ninja." She said angrily.

"You can't stop me Saria. I'm leaving this place no matter what." Gaara said.

"Fine! But at least don't destroy the village." She said sighing.

"Why not?"

"Because you baka! You destroy the village and everyone will be after you! And I don't know about you but I much rather have just the sand looking for us, not all the villages." She said before whispering, "jeez. What would you do without me?"

Gaara turned to face her, "what do you mean we?" he asked.

Saria smiled evilly, "oh please Gaara. Ever since I first met you, I've been saving your butt. How much of that do you think is going to change when you leave? If anything it'll get worst."

Gaara stared at her almost saying go back, but she glared back and he knew she had made up her mind.

"Fine." He said beginning to walk, "Lets go then."

Saria nodded and both Jinchuuriki left the leaf, forever. Hopefully.

A girl walked threw the mist village with a bored expression on her face. Why do I even hang around this place? She wondered as she watched all the residents run in their houses. She smirked evilly.

She had mid-back length pure white hair that she braided back and blood red eyes. Under her clothing were white fish scales that formed into short pants and a short shirt covering her body. She also had very pale skin and wore white Anbu pants and a red sleeveless shirt over the fish scale that just naturally covered her body. And unlike most shinobi she wore red shinobi shoes. She was about seven.

Man this place is so pathetic. She thought. They're just a bunch of idiots.

"I bet they couldn't even go a year without you or Kisame." Sanbi said in her head.

Of course. I'd love to see them try though. She thought conversing with the demon within her.

"Well, then. Why don't you just leave and watch how they fair? It sounds like fun. Eh, Kaira?" the demon suggested. The girl put her finger to her chin thinking it over.

Naw. I think I will leave to go see the rest of the world though. She thought before running to her apartment to gather the things she would need.

A group of three sat around enjoying the cool night air. The first had long blond hair that fell to her mid-back. Over her right eye her bangs fell and just under that a mechanical device. Her left eye has aquamarine. He skin was tan and she lifted her hands to reveal them to have mouths in the palm. She wore black Anbu pants and a short sleeved yellow shirt that had a fish net arm warmer down her left arm but not the right. She looked to be around ten.

The other female had blood red hair that went down to her hips. Her eyes were gold that had cheetah markings under them. She wore blood red baggy pants a blood red belly-shirt with a golden design on it. Over that she had blood red leather trench coat that reaches her ankles and blood red shinobi shoes. And her side was a small cheetah. She looked to also be about ten.

The last person was male and looked to be ten as well. He had short dark orange hair and black eyes. He had dark orange pants that stopped at his mid-shin and a black t-shirt the showed tiger stripes over his arms. He had black shinobi shoes and had a slight tan. At his side a small tiger cub.

"So." A girl said petting the cheetah at her side, "were really going?"

"Or course. Don't back down now Hikari." The blond girl said.

"I'm not. Its just feels a bit odd." Hikari said.

"It does feel different." The male said.

"See I'm not the only one. Yami feels the same." Hikari said pointing to the boy who just crossed his arms and looked at the village they would never see again. Suddenly alarms went off, startling the three Jinchuuriki.

"Shit. They must have realized were gone." Hikari said, "what now Dana?" she asked turning to the blond.

"We leave. Yami your with me for now. Hikari we'll switch carrying him until we're far enough away then we walk." Dana said. They all nodded and Yami put his pet tiger in his arms and went over to Dana. Dana pulled clay out of her pack and made some hand seals. Soon she had clay wings and was taking off into the night ski with Yami.

Hikari picked up her pet cheetah and began to run and an amazingly fast speed. About five minutes after they had left rock Anbu arrived at that very spot and after that they had lost the trail of the three Jinchuuriki.

The five kages sat in a dark room around a round table that had a map of the great nations on it. The Kazekage slammed his fist down.

"Damn it!" he said, " why did this happen? How did this happen?"

"Calm down." The Hokage said irritated.

"Shut up Sarutobi!" the Kaazekage shouted, "you swore to us that you could control those pests!"

"if I remember correctly. You also swore to keep Ichibi and Nibi in your control and now they are also gone." The Tsuchikage said annoyed.

"and you swore to keep the Yonbi, Rokubi, and Hachibi!" the Mizukage said.

"while you swore to keep sanbi!" Sarutobi said.

"Enough!!!!" the Raikage shouted. In an instant the other kages were silenced, "it is all your faults! You all swore to watch over the Jinchuuriki, and have failed to do so. And whats worst is they all disapeared in the same week and we have no clue where any of hem are." He paused so the other kages could understand the seriousness of the situation, "this must remain classified. If anyone finds out about this, it could be the end of all the great nations. Especially if they manage to fall into the wrong hands."

The other kages nodded and the meeting ended, "pray they do not fall into HIS hands." The Raikage said before they all left. god help us if they do. They thought knowing exactly who the Raikage meant.

So hope you liked it please review.