Summary:Hinamori loves Kira and Hitsugaya. They are the only company she ever wants. Both of them fight but she would never take sides. She is madly in love with Hitsugaya, his beautiful eyes and frowns. When Kira finds out about Hinamori's love for Hitsugaya he gets jealous and tries to win Hinamori's love. Will he succeed?
Authors note: This story has nothing to do with soul society or any of that shinigami stuff. It's more of a high school teen life kind of story.
Hinamori Momo was hanging out with her two friends Hitsugaya and Kira. Although sometimes Hitsugaya and Kira couldn't stand each other.
"So, what do you guys wanna do today?" Hinamori asked.
"Not much," Hitsugaya said. "Maybe just carry on lying on this field and wait for the sun to set."
"Okay, yeah. It would be a beautiful sight." Hinamori said and placed herself next to Hitsugaya.
Kira noticed this but did not thought too much of it. Although he would have liked it better if Hinamori was beside him. He has liked her for quite some time now. Ever since Hinamori had bloomed a little and looked more like a woman than a kid.
Hitsugaya looked at Hinamori beside him and put his arms around her. Hinamori noticed this and blushed but did not move away. Instead she snuggled closer to him. Kira witnessed the whole thing.
"What do you think you are doing Toushiro," Kira asked. "Are you going out with Hinamori or something?"
"Well, no," Hitsugaya said. "Momo just looked a little cold that's all." And he winked at her. Hinamori looked at Hitsugaya and just laughed a little but took his arm away just not to irritate Kira anymore than he already is but wished that Kira had not made a fuss over such a little thing. Kira was satisfied when he saw Hinamori remove Hitsugaya's arm from herself and proceeded to lie next to Hitsugaya no matter how his pissed at him right now.
Suddenly they saw the sun set and loved how the sun made everything around them look orange and the sky having so much colors blended together. All in all it was just a magnificent sight.
"Wow," Hinamori said. "I can never get sick at looking at the sunset, its just so beautiful." and she sat up.
"Yes, I agree" Kira said.
"Well, I think we should start walking back to our houses before the sun sets completely." Hitsugaya said.
They all started walking but soon had to part ways. Hinamori hugged both guys but hugged Hitsugaya a second longer and walked off.
When Hinamori reached home she just couldn't stop thinking about what Hitsugaya had done. Putting his arms around her and winking at her.It's got to mean somethingthought Hinamori. She decided to have a bath to think things through.
Back in Hitsugaya's home he too was thinking about Hinamori. God, she's so beautiful, damn that Kira for ruining things for me. Seriously, I don't even know why Momo is friends with him Hitsugaya thought.
In school the next day, Kira sees that Hinamori is talking to Rangiku Matsumoto. He decides to sneak up on her but stops when he hears what they're talking about.
"Oh, Rangiku," Hinamori said. "You should have been there! Hitsugaya was doing the sweetest things, putting his arms around me and everything. I just love him so much!"
"Now now, calm down" Rangiku said. "Don't go confessing your love until you know everything about Hitsugaya."
Kira walked away. He just couldn't listen to their conversation anymore. He was a little heartbroken after hearing his beloved Hinamori confessing her love for someone else, especially to bastard like that Hitsugaya. He was also really angry at Hitsugaya for stealing away Hinamori from him. Just what am I gonna do though? Kira thought.
When Hitsugaya couldn't find either Hinamori or Kira he decided to just go to class and wait for them. Just where could they be? Hitsugaya thought.
After talking to Rangiku about Hitsugaya, Hinamori felt much better. She has been dying to tell someone about what Hitsugaya had done. When she was at her class she saw Hitsugaya. Ahh, he looks especially hot today, Hinamori thought. But I got to calm down!
"Um, Momo…" Hitsugaya said.
"Yes, Hitsugaya?" Hinamori said.
"You look a little red, are you feeling okay?" Hitsugaya asked.
"Oh, am I? Well I'm fine, nothing to worry about!" Hinamori said, a little too cheerfully. Hinamori than turned around and saw Kira just walking in.
"Hi, Kira!" Hinamori said.
Kira looked up than mumbled a hi. Hitsugaya nodded an acknowledgement but Kira just ignored him. Wonder what's wrong with him today Hitsugaya thought. Than the teacher walked in and all the kids sat down.
After two hours of boring lessons it was finally break time.
"Woo, finally we can go outside and have some fun!" Hitsugaya shouted.
"Shut up Toushiro! We're not deaf, you don't have to shout!" Kira said grumpily, still upset over that Hinamori thing.
"Ok ok" Hitsugaya said, puzzled why Kira was still acting so weird.
"Are you okay Kira? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" Hinamori joked.
"I'm fine" Kira said looking away.
"Well, do you guys want to go play some basketball?" Hitsugaya asked. "We could go play with Renji and stuff."
"I'll pass" Kira said and started walking away.
"Oh, okay…" Hitsugaya said.
God, I hat that Toushiro, always so carefree Kira thought. I really need to win over Hinamori but what can I do?
Swish!Went the ball through the hoop.
"Ahh, Renji must you be so good at basketball? That is the fifth time you have scored" Hitsugaya said frustrated.
"Why don't you try growing taller Toushiro?" Renji said and everyone cracked up laughing. Hitsugaya went red.
"Shut up Renji, I'm tall enough. At least taller than all the girls." Hitsugaya said.
"Yeah yeah" Renji said. Than they all started sitting together and eat.
"Brring" went the bell and everyone walked back to class.
After three hours the bell went again and everyone started walking home. Hinamori, Hitsugaya and Kira walked back home together than started walking separately.
"Bye!" Hinamori said and she started walking away.
Authors note: Well. Hope you guys liked my story. If you don't mind, please review. Tell me whether you like the story or not. If you don't tell me how i could improve.