Title: In My Arms Again
Author: Anaielle
Disclaimer: Anaielle-hime does not own Naruto. It is the rightful property of Masashi Kishimoto-sensei.
Summary: Sasuke broke up with Sakura so he could be with a girl he found perfect for him. Sakura left for another school but it wasn't long since Sasuke entered that same school and he then found her simply irresistible. He is getting her back whatever it takes.
Info bits: All the major characters in this fic are 16 year old in age, unless stated otherwise.
Warning: AU, Slight OOCness. Mild to moderate Karin bashing-I think.

Shout-outs: Thank you for all those who reviewed this fic. I really appreciate it. Sorry if hadn't got the chance to reply to each of your review but I'm definitely trying. Hope you'll continue reading and reviewing In My Arms Again. You guys r0ck!

Chapter 3: A Little Interaction

"Hinata, Tenten, Karin!" Ino was hyperventilating. "Guys! This is awesome!"

"What's the fuss about?"


Tenten hadn't fully grasped the weight of what Ino had said so she said, "So what?"

Jaw drop.

"What?" Hinata smiled and patted Tenten on her shoulders. She slowly digested what Ino said. Breath in. Breath out. "THEY GOT A MALL IN HERE?"

"Hai Hai. You can now check those weapons you adore so much." Tenten smiled. "While Ino-chan and Karin-chan can shop all the clothes they want."

"What are waiting for? Let's visit the mall now."

"Wait Ino, shouldn't we bring the boys along?" suggested Karin.

The four girls grinned.


"This is absolutely marvelous! This mall has all the shops I go to," commented Ino.

"And they got some new stores that sell fabulous clothes."

"I'm glad that you were able to buy the things that you want but can't you just be a little faster?"

"I think Neji-nii-san is right. Why don't we eat first?"

The guys were delighted and immediately took hold of the shopping bags the girls had.

"But where do we eat?" asked Shikamaru. "Troublesome."

"How about ramen? I saw a branch of Ichiraku here," suggested Naruto eagerly. "Yay! Ramen! Ramen!"

All of them cringed as Naruto began yapping about his beloved ramen again. Sasuke took the responsibility on preventing Naruto from making them go into another ramen spree. "Dobe! We are not eating ramen. We are going to eat at that diner beside Ichiraku."

"No! Except for you, we want to eat at Ichiraku. Right?"

"Naruto, I'm sorry but we like to eat something aside from ramen," said Ino.

Hinata feeling sorry for her beloved boyfriend immediately consoled him. "Naruto-kun. Don't be sad."

"But I don't get to eat ramen."

"How about if you join us in eating in that diner then I'll cook your special ramen later?"

"Really? You're going to cook that special ramen of yours? For Naruto only?"

"Hai Naruto-kun!"

"Yay! My lovely Hinata is going to cook for me." Sasuke tugged Naruto by the collar of his uniform. "Teme! What are you doing?"

"Shut up. I'm hungry!"

The group entered a fine diner named Quixotic Dreams. The ambiance was quite romantic and the tables were arranged in such a way there could be privacy for costumers.

"How about that seat in the corner?"


A waitress approached them but they can't see her face because her head hung low. She wore a cute uniform more fit to be worn in a fashion show rather than in work. "May I take your order please?"

"I think I heard Sakura-chan's voice," pointed out Naruto.

"Eh? It's me guys."

"SAKURA-CHAN! What are you doing here?" asked Naruto while Sasuke stared at her as if this would be the last time he is going to see her.

"I work here." Sakura smiled sweetly. "So what do you want?"

'Oh My God! I can't believe I betrayed my best friend for Karin. And after all the bad things that we have done to her she's still nice to us,' thought Ino.

"You're working here? Short on money? I can't imagine how you were able to enroll in this exclusive school," insulted Karin. "Oh well, maybe that big brain of yours actually managed to help you."

Tenten and Neji were thinking the same thing. 'Didn't Karin know that Sakura is richer than her? She's the sole heiress of the Haruno Group of Companies. I want to ask myself again, how was I able to get along with this bitch of a woman? '

Sakura just smiled again and ignored her. "So what are you going to order?"

"Spaghetti," answered Sasuke. "And water."

"I'll have steak and mango juice, Sakura-chan."

"Sure thing Ino-chan," said Sakura

"I thought you're watching your weight Ino? Troublesome," commented Shikamaru. "I'll have an order of steak too."

"Neji-kun, Hina-chan and I would want to have fettuccine."

"I'll have steak too Sakura-chan," said Naruto.

""I'll have something the same as my Sasuke-kun!"

"Ok! Is that all?"

The group nodded in agreement. As Sakura was heading to the counter a little girl tripped and the glass that the little girl hold shattered into pieces. One big shard accidentally struck Sakura's feet. "Itai!"

Sasuke got ready to stand up and help Sakura but Karin noticed this and held her boyfriend's hand tightly. The youngest Uchiha sighed in resignation. As for the injured Sakura, she didn't mind her wounded feet but managed to at least walk in front of the now terrified little girl.

"Ne, Little girl, are you okay?"

"Hai. Gomen nii-chan!" The girl was near into crying.

"It's okay. Don't worry. Just be careful next time." Sakura patted the girl's head. "Take care!"

"Arigato nii-chan!"

'Che. She's the same after all. She's still the little girl I met back at the park.'


12 years ago

"Tohru-nii-chan, can I play here?"

"Hai. Just don't go too far, ok?"


Little Sakura-chan ran around the park, occasionally twirling her cute red dress. Like a child who ate a lot of sugar, Sakura was hyper. She climbed up a tree and prop herself comfortably at the lowest branch she reached. After a few minutes, a little robin rested atop farthest end of the branch that Sakura was sitting. And basically a child doesn't know the effects of too much curiosity enthusiastically tried to reach for the bird. Unfortunately, the branch wasn't strong to enough to support even little Sakura-chan's weight so gradually it began to break.

"Onegai! Somebody help me please!" shouted Sakura frantically. "Tohru-nii-chan!"

But her sitter was nowhere to be found because Sakura ran far from her. In a good twist of fate a gallant young man-ehem- a child came to poor Sakura-chan's rescue.

"Don't woyi hime I'm going to save you!"

Then the branch snapped with Sakura falling down. Down. Down to the little arms of the gallant little boy but then again he was too small to support Sakura. So both of them collapsed into the ground.

"Gomen. Gomen!"

"It's alwight. You should see if you are okay first bepor thingking abowt other's."

Sakura smiled sheepishly. "Awigato gozaimasu for saving me. I am Hawuno Sakuwa."

"Uchiwa Sasuke."

End of flashback

Sasuke was completely lost in his train of memories with Sakura until he heard a somewhat already familiar voice.

"Sakura-chan! Sakura-chan! Are you okay?"

"Hai. Don't worry about me Kentaro-kun."

"Geez. You're too stubborn Sakura-chan." Kentaro gently encircled his hands on Sakura's waist to support her in standing up but a certain someone didn't thought of this action as helping but rather "taking advantage" of the situation. "I told you to stop working here already."

"Demo… There are still a lot of orders." Sakura pouted. "Please let me work here."

"I'm giving you an off this day. That is an order. Go back to your room and I'll have someone see your wound."

Sakura half-heartedly answered, "Hai."

"Chotto matte! Are you firing Sakura-chan from her work?" asked Naruto.

"Huh? I can't possibly fire her here. She's one of the owners of this store," stated Kentaro proudly. "As her friend and classmate I'm self-appoint myself to be responsible of her welfare. She's a stubborn as a bull. If I let her work more she'll just strain her injury more."

"Oh!" Naruto grinned and muttered, "Yes I believe Sakura-chan is short on money."

Karin blushed in embarrassment as she remembered the insult she hurled a while ago.

"Ne! You're Sakura-chan's friends right? Can you escort her to her room? I have to do Sakura-chan's work so I can't escort her back to her room"

"Kentaro-kun! I'm fine. I can go back all by myself," contradicted Sakura.

"It's fine. We are going to escort her to her room," stated Sasuke while Ino nudged and eyed Tenten.

"Matte Sasuke, how about if you escort Sakura to her room while we wait for the food we ordered then we can eat the food at Sakura's place," suggested Tenten as he signaled Neji to back her up. "Right?"

"I agree with my girlfriend Uchiha. You could just leave Karin's shopping bags to Shikamaru."

"Huh? Wh-" Ino pinched Shikamaru's hand. "Oh yeah! That's right! Sheesh troublesome."

"Sasuke-kun I'll come with you," said Karin.

"But Karin-chan we have to buy a dress for tonight's party," stopped Hinata. "Sakura invited us to a party later."

"Eh? But…"

"Come on Karin! We know how you're good your fashion skills are," flattered Ino as she winked at Naruto.

"And don't you want to pick a clothe for teme?"

"Uh… Demo…"

"Onegai Karin!" pleaded Ino, Tenten and Naruto.


"But you don't have to do this," interjected Sakura. "I can go back there alone."

"Now now Sakura-chan don't be hardheaded. Your friends here offered to help," said Kentaro. "Such nice friends you have. Call me Kentaro by the way. Thank you for helping Sakura-chan."


"Arigato gozaimasu everyone," thanked Sakura. "As what Hinata-chan please come to our party later."

Sasuke and Sakura left the mall leaving Ino, Tenten and Naruto grinning, Hinata and Shikamaru smiling, Neji smirking and Karin sulking.

"Gomen Sasuke on imposing to you," apologized Sakura. "I can really go back alone to my room."

Sasuke flicked his finger softly on Sakura's forehead. "You're still the same Sakura."


"Come on, I'll carry you back to your room."

"No need Sasuke. I might make Karin jealous."

"You're annoying as ever. Aren't we best of friends Sakura?"

'That was before' Sakura didn't know what to do or say so she just scratched her head in frustration. "Ano…"

"Come on or do I need to scoop you up?"

"Iie. I'll let you carry me already," said Sakura. "Only in piggyback style."


What do you think?
In Chapter 2, I honestly had Orochimaru as my first choice for the dorm manager but he may not suit the role.
Please review.