Title: Dare to Sleep
By: Firegirl
Chapter 3
Rated: PG-13

Thank you for the reviews! I have some great reviewers for this
story. I appreciate you telling me what you think! I would also
like to mention, since I don't always have time to review
stories anymore because of school (grr...), that there are some
excellent stories out there.
Hidden Rivals for Sailor Moon's Heart
Usagi, a Saiyan Child Tempest Ador
Too many Identities The Last Odango
Silver Rose To the Aid of a Friend
School and Detention Son Usagi
When Sunlight Meets Moonlight
That's just to name a few....What can I say? I like to read. I
have around ten pages filled with titles of stories that I am
reading that haven't been completed. ^^; I'm waiting for the
rest of the story! Some of these are from other web sites and
as you may have guessed, DBZ. More than likely, if you have
posted a story under Sailor moon, I have read one of yours!
(Even though I don't always remember the title...) Now on with
the story!

~@ ~@ ~@ ~@ ~@ ~@

Mamoru groaned and looked up at Motoki. He was still leaning
against the wall, but now a grin graced his face.
'I can't believe I just told Motoki who I am. Was I out of
my mind?! This wouldn't have happened if Sailor Moon wasn't here
earlier. He probably would have bugged me until he found out how I
knew her anyway.' Mamoru sat on the edge of his bed and ran his
hands through his silky black hair.
"Sailor Moon just practically jumped me, and *you* want me to
sign a game at the arcade?"
"Hey, why not? If you sign it I'll get more business. All
those fans of yours will want to see it."
"Okay genius, then when would I sign it? I can't just waltz
in and sign it for no reason, and I can't do it at night because
I'm in the habit of sleeping whenever I don't have to go out and
save Sailor Moon."
"But putting your autograph on it will only take a minute."
"If I think about it, will you leave me alone?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll go wait in the living room for you."
Motoki left the room and Mamoru sighed in relief. He reluctantly
got off of his bed and went over to his drawers to pick out
something to wear. He pulled on a pair of khakis and black
muscle shirt since his turtleneck was in the wash. He sat back
down on the edge of his bed to put on a pair of socks a shortly
there after ended up staring at the plush carpeting.
He contemplated the possible reasons why Sailor Moon could
have been in his apartment. He was drawing up a blank. Then
again, it is possible, very unlikely, but possible, that she
found out who he was. Sailor Moon *was* gaga over him after all.
The thing was, what would make her react on an impulse like
that, or was it even an impulse? Could she possible just know
his civilian form and that she liked him too? But then that
would mean he knew her and.. Mamoru groaned as he felt a
headache come on. It was too early in the morning to even
approach this subject
Realizing he was still in his bedroom and Motoki was
waiting for him, he exited his room. He found Motoki right
where he said he'd be, in the living room. He was sprawled
out on Mamoru's couch looking at the ceiling.
"So are we going or are we staying? I would like to go
down to the arcade to get my cup of coffee." Mamoru walked
over to his small coffee table and picked up his wallet and
keys as Motoki got back onto his feet.
"Yeah, but who usually gets you that coffee?"
"Point taken, so are we leaving?"

~@ ~@ ~@ ~@ ~@ ~@

Usagi sat at the counter awaiting her approaching doom. She
was twirling her shake's straw and trying to fight off her
nervous feelings. Neither Motoki nor Mamoru had shown up yet,
and Motoki's sister was becoming agitated. She said that she
had taken over temporarily for her brother and that he was
supposed to be back soon.
The arcade bell rung and Usagi turned her head. Motoki and
Mamoru had walked in. If she hadn't composed herself she would
have fallen off of her stool in laughter. Mamoru looked really
confused and Motoki was grinning like an idiot. She couldn't hold
it any longer, she burst out laughing.
"What's so funny, Odango?"
"You are! You look so confused! The Great Chiba Mamoru is
confused! And Motoki, he is grinning like an idiot, no offense
"That's all right Usagi. No offense taken." Motoki went
around the counter and took over, while Mamoru slide onto a
stool next to Usagi.
"So baka, what has you so confused?"
"None of your business." Motoki set a mug of coffee in
front of him and leaned forward.
"Don't forget, you promised."
"I didn't promise anything."
"What did you promise? Mamoru-baka?"
"You either promise or I will tell everyone in the arcade-"
"FINE! I promise. That'll teach me to tell you things. You
can be really sly when you want to be."
'So Motoki did see, but why doesn't Mamoru want everyone
to know? Most guys would probably brag about it.'
"Tell what?"
"That Mamoru here-"
"I said I promised!"
"Fine, but I don't see how it could hurt to tell Usagi here.
If anything, she'd probably go nuts." Motoki winked and Mamoru
groaned in frustration at how thick headed his friend was being."
"No one should know, not even you."
'What are they talking about? Now I'm lost. Why shouldn't
anyone know what happened? Well at least this works in my
advantage. The girls won't find out about what happened and
baka won't know it was me.' "It's fun to see him squirm a little.'
"To see who squirm a little?"
"Why, you of course. I'd break into your house and jump
you to see you squirm this much." Usagi turned bright red and
Mamoru paled noticeably.
"Mamoru, it was just a coincidence." Usagi looked at the
two and whispered a reply that was only heard by Mamoru.
"Was it?" Mamoru swung his head towards Usagi as she
mentally slapped herself.
'Why did I open my big mouth. I should just leave before
I do any more damage.' She leaped up from her stool to run out
of the arcade, but was stopped when a hand grabbed her wrist.
She tried to tug it free, but it was no use. Mamoru probably
had heard what she said and wanted an explanation. What would
she tell him? She could always say he was hearing things. The
grasp on her wrist became tighter and she was being reeled in
like a fish on a line.
She was face to face with a pair of hauntingly
gorgeous blue eyes that she couldn't help but lose herself in.
Mamoru was still sitting, so he was a little shorter than her,
but that didn't mean he still didn't intimidate her with his
size. She couldn't help but remember that she had woken up in
his warm strong arms. She had woken up this morning with a
sense of being whole, but she hadn't igknowledged (?) what she was
feeling until now. She was in love with Mamoru. SHE was in
love with HIM. She didn't know when the change had accured
and didn't know how react to her new found information, so
just stood there on the verge of tears.
Mamoru saw this and decided that he had to do
something. He couldn't bear to see her cry. He quickly
stood up and dragged a shocked Usagi towards him. Without
giving her time to think, he settled his hands on a waist
that seemed so familiar and leaned in. He swallowed her gasp
with his lips and gently brushed his tongue against the tip
of her tongue, since her gasp had allowed him access into her
All cares had tumbled away from Usagi's mind as her
senses were over loaded with ecstasy. She raised her arms and
settled them around his neck to help support her since her
legs felt like they were going to give out on her. She
absently shifted her fingers through the hairs at the base
of his neck as she daringly opened her mouth wider to
allow Mamoru better access into the recesses of her mouth.
Mamoru took the opportunity without hesitation. He
explored her mouth as sparks of heat coursed though his
blood and settled in one area. Tingles raced down his neck
as he felt her small fingers on his neck and in his hair.
Her length was plastered against him and he could feel her
every curve.
Usagi suddenly broke away, and Mamoru, still in a
daze didn't make a move to stop her as she ran out of the
arcade. Mamoru took note of the stares of just about everyone
in the arcade and yelled at them.
"Okay, show's over! Mind your own business!" Mamoru
turned back to Motoki and sat down on his cushioned stool. The
two began to talk in low voices so that no one could over hear.
"What was that all about?"
"I just found out who Sailor Moon is."
"Nani? Who?"
"I don't know how I could have missed the connection before.
They're both whinny, thy both have klutz attacks, they both have
the same unique hair style and they both have the biggest hearts."

~@ ~@ ~@ ~@ ~@ ~@

So, what do you think will happen? I'm not even too sure what will
happen. This is one of those stories that I am making up as I go
along. I don't have this one planned out. *smiles sheepishly* GO
HUSKIES! UH..School spirit?
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