Perfume Agnostic

Disclaimer: I do not own FF7: AC, nor do I own Hello Kitty products or any other company name brand that I mention.
Warnings: Yaoi, heavy language, sexual conduct/humor.

When I wake up my ass hurts like hell. I can hear my client snoring away next to me. As I get up my back cracks and I groan from the horrible aches as I pick up the guy's wallet. Whatever., I think as I snatch at least seven hundred bucks out of the leather case. At least the money is worth all this shit.

The pain still wasn't ceasing as I was on the subway. I kept on shifting around in my seat and these little brunette girls kept on staring at me. Was it because I was still in my make-up? Fuck.When I give them a little smile they huddle against each other and turn their heads. It's like their ashamed that they looked at my mascara smudged face. Ha!

Once I'm home my asshole is still burning like the devil. I sigh and walk into my mess of a home that is filled with Chinese take-out cartridges and empty boxes of cigarettes. There's an occasional bottle of vodka or beer lying around someplace. While I'm in my room undressing I notice there's a note taped to my mirror. It's from Kadaj. Went to Seph's. Be back sometime, later. I roll my eyes. He could've at least told me when he left. What a slag.

After I'm done unmasking my face I make my way into the living room. Collapsing on the couch I take out a cigarette and light it. Kadaj won't be home for another five hours, so what do I have left to do in this crap hole? I could go visit the prison and have a very enlightening conversation with Loz but my bones were too tired to move.

Sometimes I wish Kadaj wouldn't go off and visit Seph so much. It's a bit boring around the apartment without him being around to piss me off so much.

Seph (real name: Sephiroth) is our cousin and also a very successful drug dealer. It's no wonder that he would be related to me, a whore, Loz, a criminal, and Kadaj, our own little jackass of society. But I have to admit, being in a dysfunctional family pays off sometimes. First off, I get free drugs (sometimes). Second, I don't have to worry about being beat up since my dear brother Loz has a reputation for smashing out people's teeth. Kadaj doesn't really give me real benefits except for being a reckless son of a bitch. I still gotta love the kid though. He's got guts and one hell of a nice ass. What? So I think my little brother has a nice ass. Who said my family can't get any more messed up?

When Kadaj gets home he has a black eye and multiple scrapes on his arms. I do what every other older brother/mother/fatherly figure of the household would do. I freak the fuck out.

"What the fuck happened?!", I almost scream as Kadaj is washing his face in the bathroom. "You look like anorexic roadkill! By the way, when's the last time you ate?!" I continue my rants and irrelevant shrieking while Kadaj is pouring alcohol over his wounds and sloppily covering them with my Hello Kitty band-aids. I get a little (Okay, maybe not a little) upset about that too.

"Good Jesus, Yazoo, calm the hell down. And shut up too while your at it.", he says to me in that sly voice of his. It drives me insane sometimes but yet again it's so incredibly sexy. "I just pissed a few kids off, you know how it is.", he continues, now brushing his teeth.

I lean against the bathroom doorway and roll my eyes. "I don't work so hard every night just so I can come home and see that you got yourself beat up. Again. For fuck's sake Kadaj, you need to learn when to back off sometimes." He spits into the sink in reply.

"God, your such a cocksucker.", I say looking him over.

He turns to me and grins. "Look who's talking."

I sneer and give out a sarcastic, "Ha-ha." before walking to my room. Damn, I'm need some sleep. I decided to take tonight off since Kadaj came home bruised and injured. Well, not completely injured...but still, I gotta watch over the little dickweed.

As I was lying in bed it was starting to rain. Water was streaming down the windows and the city lights were making shadows across my face. It was really relaxing. Just as I was about to drift to sleep, the door opened and Kadaj walked in. I sat up a bit, almost half asleep. "What is it Kadaj?" I could tell he was uneasy by the way his lips were pressed together so tightly.

"The rain. It's freaking me out.", he whispered in a soft almost embarrassed tone.

At first I didn't know whether to laugh or just tell him to get out of my room, pronto. Instead, I just motioned my hand towards my bed and said in an exhausted voice, "Hop in cowboy." Kadaj got into my bed faster than any virgin I've ever seen in my life. I smile to myself. He see's me smiling and frowns. "Just what're you all fucking cheery about? I'm not scared I'm just-"

"Hmh, whatever. Get to sleep."

The just like that, he's curled up next to me like a cat, breathing quietly and floating into dreams. I wrap the covers around us both and put my arms around him. Warmth and comfort surround my skin. I could feel the trance of sleep slowly take me over. Kadaj is a jackass beyond all belief, that's for damn sure. But he's still my little brother. I can never deny that no matter how hard I try.

drop dead whitney says...
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