Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach though I wish I did. To dye my hair orange like Ichigo's!

"I wonder how Rukia is doing?" Ichigo wondered out loud. He was lying on his bed in his bedroom. It had been 3 months since she had left the world of the living. Too long for Ichigo's comfort.

"Who is this Rukia you're talking about?" asked Isshin suddenly appearing out of nowhere, "Is she your girlfriend?"

Ichigo picked up a pillow and lazily smashed it into his father's face, sending him crashing down the stairs. Sighing, he lay back down. "I wish there was a way to get to the Soul Society… oh yeah! Mr. Hat-n-Clogs gate."

He ran all the way to Urahara's shop, eager to see Rukia again. "Hey Mr. Hat-n-clogs! I need to use your gate!" Ichigo yelled at the shopkeeper before climbing down swiftly down the ladder.

"So your telling me that you want to stop the fighting?!" Toshiro Hitsugaya asked Menos Grande in disbelief, "Yeah right!"

The giant hollow swayed back and forth before answering, "Yes, you heard me right you arrogant fool! Let us join forces against the Arrancar!"

Hitsugaya looked back at the captains of the Death God's. They all were shaking their heads or making violent slashing gestures across their necks. He turned back and said "No."

The hollow swayed and smiled a very evil smile. Then it spoke again, "Then let that be your undoing and die!" The hollow spit out streams of poison and those caught off-guard fell to their knees, choking and coughing violently.

"Hey!" Hitsugaya shouted at a messenger, "Go get squad four!" He knew they would have a cure for this poisoning.

"Too late!" the hollow bellowed, shaking the ground, "I have already decimated that whole squad before I got here!" Hitsugaya's eyes widened but then he grabbed his Zanpaktou.


The battle was short and brutal. All of the captains were lying on the ground. Even the mighty Byakuya had fallen. All but one, Soi Fong lay slumped against the wall, she had stabbed herself with Sparrow Hornet to draw out the poison. She watched in horror, only half conscious, as the other captains fell and fainted.

Menos Grande smiled wickedly and began to call all of the hollows to him. They melted into him and he began to grow larger and larger. "Now you fools, be banished to the hollow world!" Saying this he let out a bright light.

Soi Fong brought Sparrow Hornet up and reflected the light off.

Ichigo raced through the tunnel and into the Soul Society. He stumbled over a form hunched against the wall.

"Oh sorry about that" he apologized, bending down to check if the person was ok. The raven-haired girl didn't move. He thought she was sleeping so he walked away. Funny, he thought, it seems too silent here. Where is everyone?

"No I'm not ok you fool."

Ichigo turned back to see the person stand up, using the wall for support. Her messy black hair hid her face. She stumbled and Ichigo caught her as she fell, nearly impaling himself on a gold spike on her wrist that resembled a hornet's stinger.

She looked up at him. There were tears running down her face and her shoulders were heaving uncontrollably. Then a slight tinge of red crossed over her face and she looked down quickly.

"Who are you? What happened to you?" Ichigo demanded softly. He realized that his arms were still wrapped around her so he quickly drew them back.

The Death God drew up slightly and choked out, "S-Soi Fong. I'm the 2nd division captain," She looked up again and added in a strangled voice, "or, I used to be."

"Why? What happened?" Ichigo asked, more curious now. She told him everything. She had dried her tears and now was standing straighter.

When she finished, Ichigo had a very troubled expression on his face. He was worrying about where Rukia was and if she was ok.

"So, what do we do?" he asked.

She looked at him like he was crazy and then said, "We go find them of course!" The defiance in her voice startled Ichigo.

"Right. Of course." He said finally, getting to his feet, "But, where to start? I mean..Oh."

"What do you mean "oh"?"

Ichigo turned to her and said, "Please don't freak out when I do this." He passed his hand over his face and the hollow mask appeared. Soi Fong just stared. "Hey!" Ichigo said suddenly, "Where is the hollow world?"

The mask seemed to shift and then said in a high screechy voice, "Dammit King you just interrupted my nap!" It paused, and then said," Aw come on King, you know where it is, just search my memory!"

The mask disappeared and revealed a sweat drenched Ichigo. "Uh oh."

"What is it now?" asked Soi Fong, beginning to get annoyed with this orange haired teen.

Ichigo scratched the back of his head and said, "I don't know how to search his memory."

Zangetsu suddenly flared and he was back in the realm where he first met Zangetsu.

The man stood at the same pole on the same building. He watched Ichigo as he stood up. Beside him stood the all white hollow Ichigo.

Ichigo looked up at them. They glared back. Ichigo stumbled backwards in surprise at their sudden anger.

"Uh guys? What's wrong?" he asked nervously.

The hollow Ichigo pointed to the side. Ichigo looked over too. And there, perched on another building stood a creature. It resembled a sparrow but much larger.

It was hunched down but it looked up. It got up and spread it's wings but didn't take off.

It's blood red eyes bore into Ichigo and he stepped back nervously. But, he couldn't help but noticed that it had a stinger instead of a tail.

A hornet's stinger.

I hope you liked it so far! Reviews please!